The Unified School District of Antigo will host a World Café at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 15 in the middle school commons. We invite parents and other community members to join us for an opportunity to understand and engage in discussion around the various concepts the board is considering as it develops a facilities plan for the next ten years and beyond.
The World Café format has participants move from table-to-table to discuss the options presented at that table, each time with a different group. A note-taker at each table will provide a summary of each group’s discussion at the end of the evening, just prior to adjourning. The notes will be presented to the board members, who will be present, to help inform their deliberations as they seek to narrow the options and determine the one that, on balance, best serves student learning and taxpayer burden.
We encourage you to join this important discussion Tuesday evening and stay informed with respect to the future of our community’s schools. If you are unable to attend on the 15th, an open forum discussion will be held for the public on the evening of Sept. 24 in the Volm Theater (high school auditorium) starting at 7:00.