Antigo 1st Inc. Annual Meeting January 28th
Hoffman House – Thursday, January 28th
5:30 Registration
- Light Dinner
- Beer, wine and soda
6:00pm Presentation
- 2015 in Review
- Treasurer report
- Message from City Administrator, Mark Desotell
Opportunities for our downtown - Angie Close, Langlade County EDC
Entrepreneur Grant, matching grant to help spur startup businesses to our downtown - Naletta Burr
WI Economic Development Corp.Downtown business recruitment
2016 Looking Forward
Building Inventory and Survey Events
5th Avenue Enhancements
Hanging Flower Baskets
7:00pm Open Discussion with Partners
- City of Antigo
- Antigo/Langlade Co. Chamber of Commerce
- Langlade Co. Economic Development Corp
- Wisconsin Economic Development Corp.
Door Prizes, 50/50 Raffle, Food & Friends