Antigo Police Reports for 2/8/16
Monday, February 1st
6:24 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at 1st Avenue and Edison Street. Female driver was issued a citation for operating without a valid driver’s license.
Sunday, January 31st
8:44 PM Officers stopped a vehicle at Hwy. 45 and Cty. Rd. G. Male driver was issued a citation for operating after suspension. Officers stayed on the scene until another driver could get the vehicle.
10:29 AM Officers received a report from a female that her vehicle was egged sometime last night. There did not appear to be any damage. Eggs were on the front of the house also. It is unknown what time this occurred. There are no suspects.
2:38 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at Neva Road and North Street. Female driver was issued a 10 day written correction notice for an expired license.
Saturday, January 30th
3:46 PM Officers stopped a vehicle at Superior Street and Graham Avenue. Female driver was issued a citation for speed.
1:04 PM Officers stopped a vehicle at Watson Street and 5th Avenue. Male driver was issued a written warning for speed.
12:43 PM Officers stopped a vehicle at Watson Street and 5th Avenue. Male driver was issued a written warning for speed.
10:40 AM A male turned in a men’s wallet that he found in the parking lot of an area business on Neva Road. $28 cash, check card and identification were inside. Owner of wallet later stopped in inquiring if someone turned the wallet in. The wallet was returned to him.
3:48 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at 5th Avenue and Superior Street. Female driver was issued a citation for speed.
1:18 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at Superior Street and 2nd Avenue. Male driver was issued a written 10 day correction notice for registration.
12:51 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at Clermont Street and Graham Avenue. Male driver was issued a citation for imprudent speed.
Friday, January 29th
7:12 PM Officers responded to call from a female reporting that her daughter came home stating that there was a vehicle driving on the wrong side of the road and swerving. The vehicle was now parked at a residence on Dorr Street and 6th Avenue. Officers were unable to locate vehicle.
3:30 PM Officers responded to reports from neighbors of the property at 518 Dorr Street, the location of the house fire, that people are going into the house and taking things. Officers checked the residence several times. Neighbors were advised to call if they see anyone.
1:29 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at 1st Avenue and Lincoln Street. Female driver was issued a citation for non-registration and given a verbal warning for no insurance.
Thursday, January 28th
8:17 PM Officers responded to the report of a two car accident in the parking lot of an area business on S. Superior Street. There was minor property damage only. A voluntary accident report was filed.
7:50 PM Officers stopped a vehicle on Birch Street and S. Superior Street. Male driver was issued a citation for operating after revocation.
2:25 PM Officers responded to a call from the owner of an area business on Edison Street about an unruly male customer. The male was intoxicated and things were escalating. It was believed that he had no weapons. When officers arrived, an employee said that the male subject was being rude to others. Other people saw the male get into a car, as a passenger, and leave. Officers checked the area and did not locate anyone.
12:17 PM Officers responded to a report from a female on Badger Avenue that she sold her car to a female subject two or three years ago and the female subject still hasn’t switched the title over to her name. Officers talked to female subject and advised her to get the title switched as soon as possible.
9:43 AM Officers responded to a call from a male subject who witnessed a two pickup crash at 7th Avenue and Edison Street. He believed everyone was ok and one person was out of their vehicle. A subsequent 911 call came in from one of the drivers, who advised that no one was hurt. A pole at the northwest corner of 7th Avenue and Edison Street needs to be checked. It may have been struck. A report was made.
5:42 AM Officers arrested a female subject at Superior Street and 6th Avenue for operating after revocation, 1st offense and a Langlade County warrant for failure to pay fine for operating while suspended.
Wednesday, January 27th
9:03 PM Officers received a 911 call reporting a three car accident at Century Avenue and Clermont Street. No one witnessed the accident or had any information on injuries. A subject was arrested for operating while intoxicated, 1st offense.
3:28 PM Officers received a report of people on the property at 518 Dorr Street, the location of the house fire. No one is supposed to be on the property.
2:45 PM Female came to the Safety Building to report the loss of her wallet from her pocket. She gave officers a description of the wallet and its contents. The female believed that someone in a dark-colored truck that stopped near her vehicle, while it was parked at 1st Avenue and Edison Street, may have picked up the wallet from the roadway.
2:03 PM Female owner of a property came to the Safety Building requesting removal of male tenant from her home. While she was at the safety building, the tenant came into the building. Officers walked outside to speak with tenant. Tenant was arrested on Department of Corrections warrant and domestic disorderly conduct.
11:50 AM Male owner of a property on Clermont Street came to Safety Building to report damage by a tenant. Officers took photos and provided those to probation and parole as requested by the owner.
Tuesday, January 26th
8:13 PM Officers stopped a vehicle at Field Street and 7th Avenue. Male driver was issued a citation or failure to stop at a stop sign and a warning for expired registration.
5:25 PM Officers responded to call from an area business on Clermont Street reporting a female subject walking back and forth by the entrance, smelling of alcohol and drooling. Female subject appeared to be under the influence of narcotics. Officers requested an ambulance.
Monday, January 25th
9:42 PM Officers stopped a vehicle on Neva Road. Male driver was cited for no insurance.