New county board resolution proposal will try to limit committee membership crossover
By Craig Marx, Editor
As the exposure of the stagnation and complacency of certain elements of the Langlade County Board of Supervisors continues in the wake of Sheriff Bill Greening’s resignation in late December of 2016 and the subsequent aftermath of his departure, including the investigation and eventual suicide of former county HR director Raymond Weitz, some board members are continuing their efforts to try and deter the seemingly lopsided distribution of power held at the sub-committee level.
Supervisor Angela Schreiber, representing District No. 8 (Eighth Ward, Antigo), has proposed a resolution that will limit the number of committees that supervisors may serve on while also serving on the Executive Committee. The hope is that a more equal distribution of power will help keep more members informed of the workings of the sub-committees themselves, in particular the Personnel, Finance, and Public Property Committees, without having the information and the authority to act upon such details be privy to only a select few.
The new resolution, numbered RS 9-2017, will be addressed at the county board’s monthly meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 17th. The official copy of the resolution is as follows:
Resolution 9-2017
Introduced By: County Board Supervisor Angela Schreiber
Intent: Create New County Board Rule Regarding Committee Membership
Whereas, Angela Schreiber introduces this resolution in her individual capacity as a member of the County Board; and
Whereas, Supervisor Schreiber recommends creating a new County Board Rule as follows:
Add to Rule 13.2: No more than one member of the Executive Committee can also serve on the following Committees: Personnel, Finance, and Public Property. Additionally, any member of the Executive Committee serving on these Committees cannot be the same person.
No member may serve as the Chairman of more than one standing Committee of the County Board, not to include the Chairman positions elected by the Board subject to State Statute or Board Rule (Chairman of Executive and Highway Committees).
Now Therefore, Be It Resolved, by a two-thirds (2/3rd) vote of the Langlade County Board of Supervisors to revise the Rules of the County Board (as contained herein) to create a new County Board Rule regarding Committee memberships.
Now Therefore, Be It Further Resolved, that this Rule will take effect upon adoption, with the understanding that Committee memberships that are in conflict with this Rule will need to be reorganized before their next scheduled meetings dates.
Respectfully Submitted,
Angela Schreiber
Schreiber brought her resolution proposal before the county’s Executive Committee this past week, where it was denied.
Despite the setback for her resolution before the Executive Committee, Schreiber is still bringing resolution forward before the entire board and encourages the public to attend Tuesday’s meeting.
“I encourage people to attend and find out what is going on,” Schreiber said. “I hope it also encourages people to get out and vote as well this next county board election.”
The county board meeting will be held at 9 AM at the Langlade County Safety Building in the County Board Room at 840 Clermont St, in the basement from the main entrance to the building.