A reminder about letters to the editor and upcoming political advertisments
By Craig Marx, Editor
For letters and submissions concerning persons running for an elected office, as a means to influence voter decisions or describe one’s platform without an interview process, these are considered advertisements and not personal letters to the editor. We will gladly create these paid political ads for candidates and we encourage those who are running to either call the Antigo Times office (715-623-5081) or stop in (616 Fifth Ave, Antigo) to discuss the ad’s size and content.
For issues concerning local government, policies, actions, or both recent and historic events, we are still accepting and encouraging the community to submit appropriate letters to the editor, of which are published for free provided they do not fall into the political advertisement realm.
With that, there are a few guidelines for submissions. Letters should be approximately 500 words or less and written in a manner that is not libelous or vulgar in any way. Submissions should convey a coherent opinion on matters concerning the readership area – letters from outside that area will not be accepted.
Letters will be printed in a timely manner. The Antigo Times’ deadline for the next issue’s print (delivered that coming Monday) is Thursday at noon, however letters must be submitted by no later than Wednesday at 12 p.m. for the upcoming edition. All accepted and approved letters will also be posted digitally on our website – antigotimes.com – in a timely fashion as well.
Letters must also be signed by the original author. The writer’s name, address, and phone number must also be provided even though the address and phone number will not be printed.
The Antigo Times has the right to shorten, edit, or refuse any submission to the editor for any reason. We hope to hear from you soon and we appreciate both your readership and concern for our community. Please submit letters either to [email protected] or mailed c/o EDITOR, Antigo Times, 616 Fifth Avenue, Antigo, WI, 54409.