Jackie Lescher wins Antigo Visual Arts 2017 Best of Show
For the Antigo Times
Artist Jackie Lescher took Best of Show honors in the Antigo Visual Arts’ (AVA) “Starved for Spring” show with her watercolor painting titled “Grandma’s Table.” The painting features a bowl of fruit setting on a lace tablecloth.
“Crocheted lace,” Lescher mused. “A fast-fading art put on display when company comes to call.”
Ms. Lescher, who grew up Jackie Bohlman in Antigo, now lives in Ringle. She was the featured artist for AVA’s 2016 Summer-Fall show.
“Wonderful technique, rich use of values and washes complimented by intricate lace work,” Judge Cindy Martin commented. “Contrast of light against dark, round against flat and smooth against texture draws the viewer into the painting.”
Other artists receiving recognition from Ms. Martin included Antigo’s Andy Kazukewicz who took home a first place award for his free form pottery. Wausau artist Patrick Plunkett, won second place honors for “The World Stops for No One,” a fabricated metal sculpture, and Antigo photographer Craig Pilecky finished in third place with “Nexus,” A close-up of the exterior of the Perlan Observatory in Reykjavik Iceland. Joanne March, Chris Robinson, Karen Aulik-Now, and Jim Martinsen received honorable mentions.
The show will hang in the AVA Gallery at the Langlade County Historical Museum, 404 Superior St., Antigo until June 22. On Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 14, the AVA Artist Guild will host a Mothers Day wine and cheese reception from 1 – 4 pm at the Gallery. The public is invited. The wine is courtesy of BB Jacks, while the cheese has been donated by Satori. Bring mom to the Gallery following Mother’s Day brunch. There is no charge for the event.