Rebstock, Fischer and Feller Gottard officially sworn in as alderspersons
By Craig Marx, Editor
New alderpersons were officially sworn in at Tuesday evening’s Common Council Meeting. Barbara Rebstock (Ward 1), Sandra Fischer (Ward 2) and Carol Feller Gottard (Ward 5) took their oaths and seats on the city council board after winning their respective wards this spring election.
The council operated with seven persons present and also elected its Council President, Tom Bauknecht, along with its elected alderperson to serve on the City Plan Commission in Reinhardt Balcerzak.
The proposed council rules, contingent with the 2017-2018 term, were unanimously passed along with every item on the agenda and list of resolutions. The council convened to closed session to discuss a property sale to 1200 South LLC.
Resolutions included several items concerning the block grant applications used for the proposed Field Street and Gowan Road projects, including an increased line of credit to $700,000 and a guarantee of matching funds for the community development portion that the block grants entail.
All business licenses passed overwhelming, including: a secondhand jewelry dealer license for Bart R. Bullion and Coin (7-0); a Class B liquor license for Twisted Ice Cream (6-1, Balcerzak nay); and a change of agent request for Insight FS, switching to Brian Koenig (7-0).
Tuesday’s meeting had been rescheduled from Wednesday, April 12. The city council is scheduled to meet again at its normal time next month on May 10, beginning at 6 PM from Antigo City Hall.