Letter to the Editor – “The World’s #1 All Time Best Seller” Part II by James Schulz
By James Schulz
The World’s #1 All Time Best Seller has been translated into more languages than any other book in history. It has more ancient copies of its text than any other ancient manuscript. It is the only book in the world that has people working day and night, many in danger of their lives, to translate the entire text into every known language of every people group in the world.
The World’s #1 All Time Best Seller gives the most revealing an absolute accurate condition of the state of man, the true history past and has given thousands of predictions hundreds, even thousands of years before they came to pass exactly as they were previously written.
Most importantly, The World’s #1 All Time Best Seller accurately describes the “other dimension.” What is part of and what exists in the “other dimension?” Specifically, what can you expect after death separates you from this physical, speed of light limited realm, and you enter the realm of eternity.
If you don’t know the actual name or author of The World’s #1 All Time Best Seller, you are very likely lost and in desperate need of its wisdom, instruction, warnings and direction.
What many consider The World’s #2 All Time Best Seller is an allegory written about The World’s #1 All Time Best Seller. This novel describes what people would expect to experience if they were to follow The Message of The World’s #1 All Time Best Seller. The World’s #2 All Time Best Seller, written in the 17th Century by a man named Bunyan, is one of the greatest literary works of all time. It is also disdained, ignored and reviled by those who ban The World’s #1 All Time Best Seller. I’ve never seen either book in any literature or English class in any public school.
Are you a graduate of a public high school? Are you really prepared for the world ahead of you? If you haven’t read The World’s #1 All Time Best Seller, you are likely not prepared.
As we have once again celebrated our nation’s independence, can we long stay free as a nation? If we continue to banish the one book that was the foundation of our governing principles?
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