Friends of Moose Lake holding fall meeting
For the Antigo Times
The Friends of Moose Lake Association is hosting their Fall Meeting Saturday, September 16th at 11:00 AM. The meeting will be held at St Joseph’s Parish Center in Phlox. Agenda items include updates on the Clean Boats/Clean Waters Grant and the Lake Management Plan Grant that the FOML received from the Wisconsin DNR. Throughout the summer Moose Lake enthusiasts met CBCW inspectors as part of the grant program. Currently Moose Lake shows no signs of Eurasian Watermilfoil, one of the most well-known invasive species, devastating to native ecosystems.
The UW-Extension Lakes College of Natural Resources, UW- Stevens Point states, “The Clean Boats, Clean Waters watercraft inspection program is an opportunity to take a front line defense against the spread of aquatic invasive species.”
“Through the Clean Boats, Clean Waters program, inspectors are trained to organize and conduct a boater education program in their community. Adults and youth teams educate boaters on how and where invasive species are most likely to hitch a ride into water bodies. Inspectors perform boat and trailer checks for invasive species, distribute informational brochures and collect and report any new water body infestations.”
In addition, another FOML project is hiking path maintenance on the paths located at the Moose Lake County Wayside. The trails are used for hiking and snow shoeing. Volunteers should meet at the wayside entrance at 9:00, prior to the meeting on September 16. Bring your tools and enthusiasm for the great outdoors. Membership is not required.
For more information, contact Larry Schaumberg, FOML president at 920-960-3087.