Homecoming celebrations include fun time for past Robin players
For the Antigo Times
The Antigo Gridiron Club is hosting a social event after the Antigo High School homecoming football game on September 22, 2017 against Medford. The purpose of this event is to begin the revival of Antigo homecoming for years to come. Current Coach Tom Schofield has posted an event on the Antigo High School Football Facebook page. Please navigate to the page and share with others that you plan to attend by pressing the “Interested” or “Going” icon.
Prior to and during the game we hope to recognize “not by name” all those former players in attendance at the game. Please share this event as many former players/teammates as you can. The Gridiron Club will be attempting to raise a few dollars that evening with some raffle items and drawings.
A reception at North Star Lanes in Antigo will also be held following the game.
Most importantly, Coach Gordy Schofield and as many of his staff as we can contact will attend the social after the game, even if it is only for a short time. Please take this opportunity to seek them out, reflect, reminisce and perhaps share a few thoughts with them about what your playing days for Antigo football meant to you.
The event after the game is open to all Antigo football fans and former players as well.