Volunteer fire department shows thanks to community
For the Antigo Times
The Wolf River Volunteer Fire Department will host its annual community open house on Saturday, December 2 from 12 PM to 4 PM. Volunteer firefighters will conduct tours of the station and snap pictures of “Junior Firefighters” in fire trucks. The department will also help shovel sand for spreading on icy steps for those who bring their own buckets to the open house.
The holiday event also features the Firefighters’ Chili Cook-off and tempting home-baked holiday treats. The open house gives the department an opportunity to thank members of the community for their support throughout the year.
The open house is held at the fire station and town hall in Langlade, just south of the intersection of Highways 64 and 55. The event is free and open to the public. Donations of canned goods and 9-volt smoke alarm batteries collected at the event will go to the local food pantry.
For more information, visit facebook.com/wolfriverfiredepartment or phone Donna Kallner at (715) 882-2822.