Our Langlade County Senior Citizen’s Group Met in April
Our meeting was opened by Rosemary Sarkauskas, president, with 15 people present. We are still convening at the Quest Center at the Antigo Community Church school building. It is located at 723 Deleglise Street. We will meet there again on May 14th and June 11th, until the library repairs are completed. We meet at 1:30pm.
Kathy Schultz from our Aging and Disability Resource Center talked on hospice care. She also reminded us to come to the ADRC, at 1225 Langlade Road, to get our farmer’s market vouchers. They are to be distributed on June 17th on a first-come, first-serve basis from 1-2:30pm. The vouchers are $25.
We are considering a pot-luck in June, but will decide at the May 14th meeting.
See you soon.