City of Antigo Finance, Personnel & Legislative Committee Meeting Agenda for 9/16/20
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
6:00 PM
Call to Order
Discussion and Action May Occur on Any of the Following Agenda Items:
1. Approval of the Minutes from the August 19, 2020 Meeting
2. Approve Contract and Funding for 2021 Fireworks
3. Approval to Waive Bidding Requirements and Purchase Playground Equipment from Lee Recreation
4. Approval to Hire a Full-Time Fire Fighter to Maintain Staffing
5. Consideration for the Adoption of the Langlade County All Hazards Mitigation Plan as Compiled by North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
6. Approval to Pay Antigo Daily Journal Invoice When is is Received Instead of With Council Checks
7. Approve Anytime Fitness for Wellness Benefit for Employees Based on Current Criteria
8. Write Off Block Grant of $20,591.29 for 1216 Fifth Avenue as Langlade County has Taken Deed by Tax Reversion
9. Write Off Block Grant of $7,788.04 for 305 Hudson Street to Sell Home
10. Write Off Block Grant Mortgage of $21,480.00 for 830 First Avenue if Able to be Rehabilitated
11. Consideration of a 2% Cost of Living Wage Increase in 2021 for Exempt and Non-Represented Employees Including the City Attorney and Assistant City Attorney
12. Consideration for Revising the Existing Civil Technician/Assistant Building Inspector Non-Represented Job Description to that of an Assistant Building Inspector/Zoning Administrator Exempt Position Including a Recommended Starting Salary at Pay Grade 8/Step 1
Any Other Matters Authorized by Law to be Considered
The Public is Invited to Participate by Phone. Please Call 715-623-3633 ext 100 During Regular Business Hours for Dial In Instructions
Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate disabled individuals through appropriate aids and services. For additional information, contact Jaime Horswill, 700 Edison Street, Antigo, Wisconsin 54409. (715) 623-3633 extension 100. Members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies may be in attendance to gather information. Any governmental body other than that specifically referred to above will take no action.