Publisher’s Letter
Resolutions for a Better World
Dear Reader,
With the advent of a new year, we might want to make a few resolutions if they apply to us (and those in our lives) given all the infirmities currently in the world.
We ought to:
~ behave better toward each other in public and in private;
~ show a regard for truth and a responsible disregard for lies;
~ stop pandering to anger and our primal urges; ~ uplift the common good and deny power to those who would not;
~ seek peace and abhor violence (Isaac Asimov – “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”); ~ cherish our country’s ideals of honor, integrity and compassion; and
~ look for solutions by listening and understanding differences and working out compromises. We need to unite hope with the belief that we can be better; that we can act better; that we can construct a better world for us and the generations to follow.
Patrick J. Wood
Author of “Dear Reader” and “Tapestry of Love and Loss”