City of Antigo and Langlade Co. Police Reports
Crime Stoppers Tip of the Week: Always leave space between your car and the one in front of you when stopping at a light or stop sign.
Monday, January 30th
Officers received an animal complaint about a dog outside with no food or water near 2nd Ave. Officers went to the site and attempted to make contact without luck. Officers did report the dog did not seem in any kind of distress.
Tuesday, January 31st
Officers responded to an accident near State Rd. 64 after a caller stated they could see tail lights buried in the ditch. After canceling EMS officers determined the driver was intoxicated and the subject was taken into custody with several charges pending.
Officers took a subject into custody following a foot pursuit near 5th Ave. & Hudson St. Subject was drinking and out walking when officers attempted to make contact the subject fled.
Sunday, February 5th
Officers ran a license plate on a vehicle at a nearby park and determined the owner was a registered sex offender and is not allowed to be at parks. Officers located the subject and advised for them to be on their way and to also report this incident to the subject’s agent.
Officers responded to an animal complaint near 2nd Ave. regarding a dog outside with no shelter and no food or water. When officers arrived they reported the dog is a big hairy mountain dog and did not appear to be uncomfortable or malnourished at all.
Monday, February 6th
Officers took 2 subjects into custody after a suspicious vehicle call from a local business near S. Superior St. Caller reported the vehicle had been parked there for some time. Officers arrived and searched the vehicle and took both parties into custody.
Tuesday, January 31st
Officers responded to an accident with injuries near Cty Rd. A & Cty Rd. V after one vehicle went in the ditch. Driver reportedly spilled coffee, swerved over the centerline & then over corrected to avoid collision.
Officers responded to an single vehicle accident near State Hwy 55 & State Hwy K after a caller reported a vehicle went through the stop sign and was now stuck in the trees. When officers arrived they conducted a field sobriety test and determined the driver was intoxicated and subsequently took the subject into custody.
Friday, February 3rd
Officers responded to a suspicious vehicle near State Rd. 45. The vehicle reportedly moved from the restaurant parking lot, across the street to the gas station parking lot. A consent search was denied.
Saturday, February 4th
A caller reported that they lost a snowmobile ramp somewhere on State Road 52. Officers were unable to locate.
Sunday, February 5th
Officers observed a vehicle parked on the side of the road near Cty Rd. AA & Cozy Ln. with an open gun case and open binocular case but unoccupied. Reports state that a gunshot was heard shortly after. Incident was reported to the warden.
Tuesday, February 7th
Officers responded to an accident near Old 26 & State Rd. 45 after a caller reported there was a car flipped and in the ditch.