Play Ball – The Return of Baseball and Softball Seasons: A Letter from the Editor
By Craig Marx, Editor Hopefully it isn’t the kiss of death but spring is deservedly around the corner after this past week’s brutal windstorms and dustings ... -
Letter to the Editor: A Look at the School District Administrator Position and its Upcoming Vacancy by Clark Palmer
By Clark Palmer The tragic loss of the Antigo School District’s Administrator to another school district is a setback for all our public school students. Mr. ... -
Letter to the Editor: Some Alternative Ideas for the School District by Terry Brand
By Terry Brand I recently attended three of the four listening sessions offered to the community on the plan that the School Board has worked on ... -
The Magic of Mardi Gras: A Letter from the Editor
By Craig Marx, Editor There have been a lot of polarizing discussions in the Antigo area as of late when it comes to matters such as ... -
Letter to the Editor: Accountability and Poverty Statistic Ranks Concerning Antigo School District by Terry Fondow
By Terry Fondow The claims by [people that have recently submitted letters to the Antigo Times and provided responses], stating that Antigo is a low-performing district, ... -
A reminder about letters to the editor and upcoming political advertisments
By Craig Marx, Editor For letters and submissions concerning persons running for an elected office, as a means to influence voter decisions or describe one’s platform ... -
Letter to the Editor: A Look at the Recent School Consolidation Proposal, Part II by Roy Dieck
By Roy Dieck I have been asked “What did we lose when we brought the upper grades from the rural schools to the city?” Some would ... -
Letter to the Editor: A Look at the Recent School Consolidation Proposal by Roy Dieck
By Roy Dieck To the Editor, Justification for consolidation is based on only a few factors, even though many different arguments surface, many are not relevant ... -
Education and Alternative Facts: A Letter from the Editor
By Craig Marx, Editor One of the biggest concerns going into this week was the appointment of the Secretary of Education of our country. Education is ... -
Journalistic Ethics and Alternative Facts: A Letter from the Editor
By Craig Marx, Editor From time to time, it is necessary as editors to divulge to their readers the nature of the journalistic world and the ...