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Antigo Police and Langlade County Sheriff Reports for 5/16/16



Monday, May 2nd

7:14 AM Officers received a call from an area business on Milton Street reporting damage to their business again. Windows were broken on their building over the weekend.

2:07 PM Officers were notified that a large bag of syringes was located on Graham Avenue.

3:58 PM Officers responded to a report that a female driver struck an electrical box on Langlade Road. A tree was damaged and a broadband company box was dislodged from its post. The driver’s vehicle had a cracked windshield and three flat tires. The female driver was arrested for operating while intoxicated and drug charges.

4:04 PM Officer received a call from an area business on 5th Avenue reporting that a syringe was found on the edge of their property.

4:37 PM Officers received a report of a needle at an area park on Field Street.

Tuesday, May 3rd

9:34 PM Officers responded to a call from a female subject reporting that behind her house on Weed Street in the parking lot of an area business, there had been a car parked for about an hour with its lights shining into her house. Officers were unable to locate the vehicle.

Wednesday, May 4th

6:10 PM Officers stopped a vehicle in the parking lot of an area business on Neva Road. The driver was issued a citation for speed.

Thursday, May 5th

6:29 AM Two highway department workers came to the Safety Building with a license plate that they found at Saratoga Street and Mendlick Street. A vehicle hit the stop sign at some point the night before and lost their plate.

9:38 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at 5th Avenue and Clermont Street. The driver was issued a citation for an expired registration.

11:52 AM A male subject came to the Safety Building and dropped off a little dog that he found on 5th Avenue near Elm Street. The dog is similar to a small yorkie. It is a female, grayish/brownish in color. The dog was taken to the Humane Society.

2:12 PM Officers responded to a report that a highway worker found a syringe in front of an area business on Superior Street. He put a yellow safety cone over it. Officers retrieved the item and disposed of it.

3:49 PM Officers responded to call from an area business on Superior Street reporting that a driver hit the front of their building. A state report was made. The vehicle was towed.

4:14 PM Officers responded to a call from an establishment on Clermont Street reporting that four students were in the breezeway of their building and appeared to be getting ready to fight. Two other students were on the side of the building loitering. Officers issued citations.

9:13 PM Officers responded to a two car accident at an area business on Neva Road. Property damage only. A state report was filed.

Friday, May 6th

2:07 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at S. Clermont Street and 10th Avenue. The driver was arrested for operating while intoxicated, 1st offense.

2:13 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at S. Clermont Street and Birch Street. The driver was arrested for operating while intoxicated, 2nd offense.

9:11 AM Officers responded to a call from an area business on 5th Avenue reporting that while replacing a toilet at the business, the male caller found syringes. Officers retrieved three needles and disposed of them.

10:41 AM Officers responded to a report of a syringe found on the road on Graham Avenue. Officers located the item and put it in a sharps container.

4:46 PM Officers received a call from a male subject reporting that he had a gentleman call him stating that he was from Wisconsin Public Service and they needed him to pay his bill, but would not accept a check. The caller gave the male subject a phone number that he needed to call to make the payment. The male subject knew that it was a scam because is bill is paid. He wanted officers to have the information on file.

9:27 PM Officers responded to a call from an area business on Century Avenue reporting that two subjects were walking behind a building on Progress Boulevard. Officers were unable to locate subjects.

Saturday, May 7th

10:38 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at Century Avenue and Clermont Street. The female driver was issued a citation for speed.

4:31 PM Officers responded to a call from an area business on Hwy. 64 reporting that they were holding two female shoplifters. Approximately $500 worth of items was taken. 5:35 PM Officers reported that the two females that were apprehended also had additional items taken from another area business on Hwy. 64. Approximately $60 worth of items was taken.

8:18 PM A male subject came to the Safety Building to report his truck was damaged while it was parked at an area business on Hwy. 64 about ½ hour to 1 hour earlier. The male did not know who the other driver was, but the other vehicle, which was a 2000’s dark red/maroon Saturn, had quite a bit of damage to the passenger side. The other driver did not seem worried about the damage. A voluntary report was made. Officers advised the subject to call in any future accidents.

Sunday, May 8th

1:19 AM Officers came up a male subject at 5th Avenue and Edison Street. He was cited for urinating in public.

6:26 AM Officers responded to call from a female subject reporting that an electrical box was knocked off and wires were exposed on S. Dorr Street by Langlade Street. Tire tracks showed that the box was backed into by the storage units. No visible damage. The box cover was replaced.

Monday, May 9th

2:58AM Officers stopped a vehicle at Pit Road. The male driver was cited for operating while suspended.

4:35 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at Neva Road and Kelly Street. The male driver was cited for speed.

7:57 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at 10th Avenue and Mayfair Street. The male driver was cited for not wearing a seatbelt.


Friday, May 6th

12:10 PM Officers received a report that a tree fell onto a power line, the line then fell onto a truck and started the truck on fire on S. Shore Street. Two men were cutting trees on one of the male subject’s land for a garage. The other male subject cut the tree and it fell towards the power line. The line then hit the first male’s truck with an attached trailer. The truck’s tires then started on fire. There were a few gas cans, chainsaw and a 35 gallon drum of diesel fuel on the truck as well as the fuel inside the truck. The gooseneck on the trailer was ruined by the heat of the fire.

5:42 PM A male subject living on St. Rd. 64 came to the Safety Building to file a complaint about Craigslist fraud. The subject was selling his car for $2,800 on Craigslist. Someone alleging to be “Joe Freeman” from Illinois asked for information about, and then “purchased” the car using a JP Morgan cashier’s check for $4,100. The male subject was to contact “Joe” when the check cleared his bank. The male subject was to use the funds for the purchase of the car and about $1275 of the money to pay a shipping company to ship the car to “Joe.” The male subject was told to send the shipping money via MoneyGram to “Ashley Rosario” in Florida. The subject believed that this was the shipping company so he obliged. Now his banking institution has withdrawn the original check amount from the male subject’s account and he is out $4,100, but he still has the car. On 5/7/16 The subject came to the Safety Building to report that the person that he has been texting, was now saying that he needs more money for his sick kid. Officers advised the male subject to screenshot & email all his conversations with this person to the officer.

Saturday, May 7th

6:56 PM Officers responded to call from a female on Antigo Street in Elcho reporting that a female subject tried to carry her two year old child away. Her two and four year old children were playing outside in their fenced yard, when the four year old child came in. The female then saw a woman in her early 50’s, 5 feet 6 inches tall, with shoulder length, wavy brown hair, wearing a blue shirt and pants, trying to carry her two year old away. The mother called out to the female subject. The subject told the mother that the child was cold and crying so she was taking her. The female subject was last seen heading north on Hwy. 45. The mother told officers that the house windows were open and no one heard any crying. Officers did not think that the two year old would have been open the gate, thus the subject opened the gate to pick up the two year old. The parents did not recognize the subject from town. Officers advised the parents to call immediately if they saw the subject again but were warned against confronting her.

Sunday, May 8th

12:13 PM Officers responded to a call from a male subject reporting that someone shot two bullet holes in the house he owns on Jones Road. Officers determined that they were definitely bullet holes. They appeared fresh. There were five in total. They appeared to be a small caliber like a 22. Officers could not find any slugs. The owner said that he would call officers if he found any bullets.

Monday, May 9th

2:58 PM Officers stopped a vehicle at St. Road 64 and Pioneer Road. The male driver was taken into custody and taken to Langlade Hospital. He was arrested for operating with a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Tuesday, May 10th

11:25 AM Officers received a call from a male subject from Menominee Falls reporting that he has been receiving calls from someone with a foreign accent claiming that he won the Publisher’s Clearing House sweepstakes. The caller wanted the male subject to mail a check for $1,200 to an address on St. Road 64 in Bryant. The caller also gave the male subject a name to send it to. Officers talked to the gentleman named. He said that he has been getting scammed for months. He has paid out and lost thousands to these people. Officers have told this gentleman numerous times before that this was a scam. Officers felt that the suspects, who are out of the country, may be using this gentleman as a middle man now.


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