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Antigo Police Department & Langlade Co. Sheriff Department Reports for 5/23/16



Monday, May 9th

12:42 PM Officers responded to a call reporting a refrigerator on the sidewalk on Freiburger Avenue that didn’t have the door removed or secured open. Officers talked with the owner who stated that they would have it removed from the sidewalk and secure the door.

Tuesday, May 10th

4:07 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at 7th Avenue and Edison Street. The driver was issued a citation for failure to carry a license on their person and a ten day correction notice for an expired registration.

7:36 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at 5th Avenue and Sunset Drive. The driver was issued a citation for speed. A traffic education class was offered.

8:01 AM Officers stopped a vehicle and 5th Avenue and Sunset Drive. The driver was given a written warning for speed.

12:06 PM Officers responded to a report of a vehicle that has been parked in the city hall parking lot for a few days. Officers left a message with the owner to contact the department. City Hall wanted it moved as soon as possible or have it towed.

Wednesday, May 11th

12:27 AM Officers responded to a call from a subject on Elm Street reporting that the neighbor’s dog had been barking forever. The garage door was open, but no one seemed to want to let the dog in. Officers found no one at home. They left a card. Officers received a call from the dog’s owners. The wife let the dog out before leaving for work, but then the dog took off on her. The owner was warned and advised of the complaint. He told officers that it wouldn’t happen again.

7:29 AM Officers responded to a call from a male subject reporting that while walking he saw a green child’s bicycle behind an area business on 5th Avenue, by the dam, that had been there for three days. The bicycle was taken to the impound.

2:59 PM Officers responded to a call from a resident of a care facility on 1st Avenue stating that a male subject walked into the male resident’s room, sat down and won’t leave. Officers notified the care facility, they got the male subject out and locked the male resident’s door. Everything was ok.

6:30 PM Officers responded to an open line 911 call. Officers could hear people talking. Location showed as Edison Street. Upon call back, officers spoke with a male subject. He was given a stern warning about the number of 911 hang up calls. This was the sixth call since December 2015. The male subject was told that he may receive a citation for misuse of the 911 system. The subject then told the officer that he was just going to say that he was calling in a drunk driver. The officer then gave him a warning about calling in false information.

Thursday, May 12th

5:35 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at 5th Avenue and Superior Street. The driver was cited for speed and issued a 10 day correction notice for expired registration.

8:35 AM Officers responded to a call from an area business on Hwy. 64 reporting that some marijuana was found in some donated items that they received. It was found in a clear baggy in a piece of clothing. It was unknown where it came from, or when. The marijuana and baggy were weighed and put into evidence.

9:12 AM Officers responded to a call from a female subject reporting that she was followed and tailgated from her house all the way to work, then the male subject who followed her pulled up behind her and started screaming at her and said that he had her recorded. She described the male subject as an older man, with darker hair, a mustache and wearing a baseball cap. He was driving a black, sporty 2 door car with a spoiler on the back. The female caller had never seen him or the car before. Later in the afternoon the female subject came to the Safety Building and said that she had seen the car in question. She told officers where the vehicle was parked and gave them a partial license plate number. Officers made contact with the male subject. He told officers that he has watched people go through the stop sign near his residence all the time and the female subject was one of them. He videotaped it on his phone. The video did show that the female failed to stop at the stop sign. The male subject stated that he probably shouldn’t have followed her and confronted her. He told officers that he will call the next time that he has a traffic complaint.

6:30 PM Officers responded to a report of a syringe by the sidewalk on Superior Street. Officers picked it up.

8:41 PM Officers received a call from a female subject reporting an accident. The female caller’s neighbor heard a loud noise, ran to the road and noticed that the driver side mirror of the caller’s vehicle was missing. The striking vehicle did not stop. The striking vehicle may have been a maroon LaSabre or silver cross over type vehicle.

11:18 PM Officers received a call from a female subject reporting that a small bear was heading southeast near Cherry Street and S. Clermont Street.

11:23 PM Officers responded to a report of a stray dog in the 300 block of Dorr Street. It was a black & white border collie type dog. It was taken to the Humane Society.

Friday, May 13th

1:22 AM Officers responded to a call from an area business on Neva Road reporting a suspicious vehicle hauling a white boat that had been moving around their parking lot for the last three hours. At one point the subject was right behind the building. The caller believed that there was only one person in the vehicle. The driver was arrested on a warrant from Ashland County.

12:00 PM Officers responded to abatement complaint on 6th Avenue about an older Lincoln car with an expired registration. Officers spoke with the property owner who said that her grandson was supposed to be coming to get the vehicle sometime soon. Officers advised the owner, the sooner the better.

12:01 PM Officers responded to abatement complaint for a residence on Elm Street about garbage and a junked vehicle. Officers talked with the resident who was advised to clean up the mess and get rid of the vehicle. They were given seven days and an abatement letter was sent out.

6:57 PM Officers responded to a call from a male subject reporting that while he was out for a walk, he noticed a door kicked in at an area business on Edison Street. Officers did not think that anything appeared to be missing.

10:11 PM Officers responded to a call from Langlade hospital reporting that a female subject was in the emergency room and was upset because they won’t give her narcotics. She was throwing things in the room. Everything was fine upon the officers’ arrival. The female subject was discharged from the emergency room.

Saturday, May 14th

12:00 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at Fulton Street and 3rd Avenue. The driver was cited for operating while suspended and suspended registration.

1:23 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at Clermont Street and 10th Avenue. The driver was issued a citation for operating while suspended.

6:50 AM Officers responded to a call from a female subject reporting that while on a walk on Sunset Drive, she saw a male subject with dark hair, wearing a black hoodie going through the garbage in the back yard of a residence on Sunset Drive. The female stated that the male subject didn’t look like someone that would live in that area. Officers checked the area. They were unable to locate the male subject. Officers talked with the homeowner. They were in the kitchen, looking into the back yard and did not see anyone. Officers saw several people out for a morning walk, no one matched the male subject’s description.

12:51 PM Officers responded to call from an employee of an area business on Neva Road reporting that a vehicle struck their building. The vehicle was unoccupied. A voluntary report was made.

5:21 PM Officers received a 911 call from a male subject on Edison Street. He told officers that he was taking a nap and must have accidentally dialed 911. Officers had just given the male subject a stern warning about accidental 911 calls on 5/11/16. This was the 7th 911 call since December 2015. He told officers to just give him a ticket. Within 12 minutes of this conversation, the male subject’s number called 911 again and was a hang up.

7:05 PM Officers responded to a call reporting that a brown colored vehicle was traveling at a high rate of speed by Dorr Street and 4th Avenue. The vehicle then pulled into an area business on 5th Avenue. The caller also stated that several younger male subjects were in the vehicle. Officers were unable to locate the vehicle.

11:57 PM Officers stopped a vehicle at Hickory Street and S. Dorr Street. The driver was issued a citation for operating while suspended and was given a warning for speed.

Monday, May 16th

1:46 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at 5th Avenue and Virginia Street. The driver was arrested for operating while intoxicated, 1st offense.

1:17 PM Officers responded to a call from a female on Weix Street reporting that her home was broken into either early this morning or while she was napping. She was now missing a lock box with medications. The caller’s boyfriend said that it looked like someone carded the back door. The caller  thought that she may know who did it. Officers went to question the suspects. They go no answer.


Thursday, May 12th

7:31 AM Officers received a call from a female employee of an area business on St. Rd. 55 reporting a gas drive-off. The vehicle was a small red car with black tinted windows. They did not pay for $31.60 in fuel. The car left going southbound on Hwy. 55. Officers were out of position.

Friday, May 13th

6:47 AM Officers responded to a call from an employee of a company working on Sunnyside Road reporting that their tool trailer had been broken in to and all of the tools stolen. A list of the stolen items was given to officers. Most of the tools were marked with the company name or other markings. Officers collected a few items and took fingerprints. The officers stopped at a nearby residence. No one was home. They left a message for the residents. Officers spoke with the female resident on 5/14. She stated that they were out walking on Thursday night between 6:30-8:00 PM and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. She stated that they would keep their eyes open for anything suspicious.

10:05 AM Officers responded to a two car accident at St. Rd. 45 and Mapleview Road. Both vehicles were northbound on Hwy. 45. The male driver of one vehicle was in the outside lane, signaled and merged into the inside lane striking the other vehicle. There was minor damage to both vehicles. State report was filed.

4:08 PM Officers received a call from a male subject on Cty. Rd. H reporting that within the last few days, he discovered that he was missing from his property some scrap metal and a portable 10 horse, fire type, older model pump with a value of $100. The male subject found a cigarette lighter on the ground and told officers that some other items had been moved, probably set aside to return and take them. The male subject would like an extra patrol. The information was passed on to night shift dispatch for a patrol.

7:16 PM Officers responded to a call from a male subject on Cty. Rd. X reporting that a vehicle hit the culvert by his house and two young males were trying to get the vehicle out of the ditch. The male driver was arrested for operating while intoxicated, 1st offense and also cited for operating a vehicle with a prohibited alcohol content, 1st offense. The property owner had damage to his driveway and culvert. A state report was filed.

Wednesday, May 16th

7:14 PM A female subject came to the Safety Building to report attempted fraud through Facebook. It started through one female’s facebook account and then went to another female’s facebook account. The female subject was being told that she won some money, but she needed to send $350.00 to be able to collect it. The female knew that it was a fraud. She wanted to report it.


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