Monday, April 11th
7:35 AM Officers responded to a call from a citizen reporting finding syringes by a building on Superior Street and 8th Avenue. Officers picked up two syringes and disposed of them.
10:37 AM Officers received a call from an area business on Superior Street reporting a gas drive-off. $31.72 of gas was taken. The vehicle was a white colored SUV. It left heading north on Hwy. 45.
3:34 PM Officers stopped a vehicle on 10th Avenue and Superior Street. The driver was issued a citation for speed.
4:09 PM Officers responded to a report of syringes on Springbrook Bridge on 8th Avenue. Officers disposed of the syringes.
10:15 PM Officers responded to call about an older black lab wearing a black collar near a business on S. Superior Street. Officers took the dog to the Humane Society.
Tuesday, April 12th
12:52 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at Langlade Road and Elmo Street. The driver was issued a written warning for failure to stop at a stop sign.
1:52 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at Superior Street and 1st Avenue. The driver was issued a citation for operating while suspended.
2:06 AM Officers responded to a 911 call stating that there was a male subject pounding on a female’s window and doors. Officers talked to the male subject who said that he was having vehicle issues and stopped by for assistance. He was asked who lived there, and he said my friend. Officers were able to get his vehicle running and the male subject was sent on his way. He was apologetic for frightening the resident.
2:39 AM Officers discovered an open front door at an area business on 5th Avenue. Officers contacted the key holder, the building was cleared and secured.
4:54 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at North Avenue and Charlotte Street. The driver was cited for speed.
6:33 AM Officers stopped a vehicle on 5th Avenue. The driver was issued a citation for failure to stop at a stop sign.
8:14 AM Officers received a call from the manager of an area business on North Avenue reporting the theft of a 13’ tall razor flag, yellow and white with red letters that says “now leasing.”
9:34 AM Officers received a report of two syringes found in the rear driveway of an area business on Superior Street.
9:38 AM Officers received a report of a needle lying on the side of the street on the northeast side of Mendlik Street and Deleglise Street. Officers were advised.
12:32 PM Officers received a report of a syringe lying on the ground on the corner of Edison Street and Mendlik Street.
8:44 PM Officers stopped a vehicle on Kaplanek Avenue. The driver was issued a citation for operating after suspension.
10:31 PM Officers stopped a vehicle at Neva Road and Center Street. The driver was issued a written warning for failure to display a license plate.
Wednesday, April 13th
1:05 AM Officers discovered an open door at an area business on Edison Street. Everything was all clear. Door was secured.
2:14 AM Officers discovered an open door at an area business on 5th Avenue. Everything was all clear. Door was secured.
12:05 PM Officers responded to a call the owner of a building on 4th Avenue. He had received a call from a tenant reporting loud music and yelling from an apartment. When officers arrived things calmed down and the tenants promised to keep the music down.
8:19 PM Officers stopped a vehicle at 5th Avenue and Aurora Street. The driver was issued a citation for failure to fasten their seatbelt.
Thursday, April 14th
12:00 PM Officers responded to a report of a hypodermic needle on Natasket Street and Smith Avenue. Officers picked up the needle and disposed of it.
1:01 PM Officers were given a needle found near Western Road and 1st Avenue.
4:25 PM Officers responded to a report of a vehicle up on a rock on Charlotte Court. A voluntary accident report was filed.
8:47 PM Officers responded to a call reporting that there were two male subjects on Clermont Street, drinking out of a large bottle. The caller said that the subjects were slurring their words. Officers brought the two male subjects to the Safety building for possession of drug paraphernalia.
Friday, April 15th
1:20 PM Officers responded to a call from an agency on Steinfest Road reporting that a business on Hwy. 64 was parking vehicles on both side of the street, up to the intersection of Charlotte Street and Steinfest Road, making it difficult to see and creating only one lane of traffic. Trucks would not be able to get out in the event of a fire. The vehicles were removed.
5:16 PM Officers responded to a call reporting seeing a needle on the corner of Clermont Street and North Avenue. Officers picked up the needle.
7:16 PM Officers stopped a vehicle on 2nd Avenue and Fulton Street. The driver was cited for operating while suspended.
10:19 PM Officers stopped a vehicle on Neva Road and Ackley Street. The drive was cited for non-registration.
Saturday, April 16th
1:24 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at Neva Road and Willard Avenue. The driver was arrested for operating after revocation due to operating while intoxicated, failure to install ignition interlock device and charged with felony bail jumping.
2:38 AM Officers responded to a report of a male subject lying in the middle of an alley way on Dorr Street. The male subject was transported to Langlade hospital by the Antigo Fire Department. He was extremely intoxicated and bleeding from the head due to his fall.
4:05 AM Officers responded to a call reporting a dog on 5th Avenue barking for half an hour. When officers arrived, no one would come to the door. A citation will be issued once officers find the dog’s owner.
4:57 PM Officers responded to a call from an area business on Hwy. 64 reporting that a male and female subject with children in silver minivan in the southwest corner of their parking lot were asking people for money. Officers found out that the subjects were from California. They were sent on their way.
5:31 PM Officers stopped a vehicle on Neva Road and North Avenue. The driver was referred for operating without a license, 2nd offense.
7:42 PM Officers stopped a vehicle on Superior Street and 9th Avenue. The driver was cited for failure to stop at a stop sign.
9:28 PM Officers responded to a report that a fence on the east side of the pool at City Park was on fire. The male caller thought that he heard kids talking and running east. Officers were unable to locate the kids. The fire was put out. There was damage to the bottom rail of the fence. It appeared that leaves had been started on fire.
10:06 PM Officers responded to an incident involving two trucks at an area business on Neva Road. One driver was cited for possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and operating while suspended. The other driver was cited for an improper right turn.
Sunday, April 17th
3:35 PM Officers responded to a 911 reporting a vehicle versus moped accident at 5th Avenue and Deleglise Street. There were no injuries. An accident report was made.
Monday, April 18th
12:54 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at 10th Avenue and Deleglise Street. The driver was arrested for operating while intoxicated, 1st offense.
Thursday, April 14th
2:30 PM Officers responded to a call from a female reporting that a female driver needed to get pulled over on Airport Road. The female caller was excited, talking fast and said that the female driver of the car in question just hit someone. While on the phone with the female caller, officers received a 911 call. This person was just struck from behind and this caller’s son had a bump on his head. While calling for an ambulance for the second caller, the first female caller hung up, before officers could get all of her information. There were a total of four wreckers sent to the scene. The female driver of the car was taken to Langlade hospital for a blood draw. She was then arrested for operating while intoxicated, 3rd offense, operating while intoxicating causing injury, reckless endangering safety. Officers located the original accident scene at Artic Avenue and 2nd Avenue. A pole was struck. WPS was notified.
Sunday, April 17th
4:12 PM Officers responded to a call reporting that a male subject was slumped over his steering wheel at the corner of County Road S and State Road 64. The vehicle was a Dodge Caravan. While on the phone with the caller, the male subject “woke up,” turned on his signal and turned on to Hwy. 64 towards Polar. Officers were unable to locate the vehicle.
4:56 PM Officers responded to a call from the manager of an area business on Bass Lake Road. The manager reported that the vending machine near the shop was broking into sometime during the night. The machine had just been turned on for the season, so the manager believed that the money loss was less than $50. Officers noted that the machine was forcibly entered by prying the bill loader open. The theft occurred between 11:00 PM on 4/16 and 6:00 AM on 4/17. The manager will be reviewing security camera footage.
Monday, April 18th
7:52 AM Officers responded to a call from a female on Elbow Road reporting that someone dumped an old toilet and some cushions in the creek across from her residence. Officers notified the town chairman. The chairman said that he would have the items removed. The chairman also told officers that they have found three dead calf carcasses by the river already this year. The officer told the chairman that he would notify the DNR and have them call the chairman.
2:15 PM Officers received a call from a couple on State Road 52 reporting that they have noticed about eight statements from credit card companies and utility companies missing from their mail. They have notified all the companies. Also, within the last week, they had seen two different vehicles that pulled into their driveway and sat there for a long time. When the husband went to see what the male subject wanted, he got back in the car and drove off. One vehicle was a white four door car, the other vehicle was a truck.
4:14 PM Officers received a call from female employee in the child support office reporting that she had received a scam phone call. It came up as a Langlade County number. A recording advised that home invasions are on the rise, and she had qualified for a free home sec
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