Monday, September 18th
10:51 PM Officers were out with a vehicle at an area business on S. Superior Street. Officers initially observed the car and then turned around. When they reached the vehicle, all the subjects were gone. It was believed that the subjects were engaging in some sort of drug related incident. Officers cited one male subject for obstructing as he lied that another male subject was driving when he really wasn’t. It was also believed that another male subject (listed as a runaway) took off prior to the officers getting to the vehicle.
11:30 PM Officers were out at a residence on S. Hudson Street. A male subject was arrested for possession of meth paraphernalia, possession of marijuana, possession of a controlled substance and an illegally obtained prescription. A second male subject was arrested for possession with intent to deliver marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, two Langlade County Sheriff’s Office warrants and an Elkhart County, Indiana warrant. Also, a missing male juvenile from Forest County was turned back over to the Forest County Sheriff’s office.
Tuesday, September 19th
8:08 AM Officers received a call from a female with Antigo Housing Authority reporting that their building on Dorr Street was spray painted and they wanted to press charges for the damage. The caller told officers that they had served an eviction notice to a male tenant due to his behavior and actions. He also had a female subject and her two children move in with him, which was a violation of his lease. Now the female subject and the kids had been bullying all of the other tenants of the apartment building. The caller said that one of the kids spray painted the building using the same paint that they had used to paint their bikes and the male tenant’s truck. Officers were investigating.
12:46 PM Officers cited a male student at Antigo Middle School for disorderly conduct for hitting another student while on the bus. The male student had already received several warnings regarding his behavior this year.
1:57 PM Officers cited a male student at Antigo High School for possession of tobacco.
6:50 PM Officers responded to a call from Langlade Hospital requesting an officer or two to help them with an unruly patient in the walk-in/emergency room area. The male subject was warned about his behavior. He calmed down.
Wednesday, September 20th
12:09 PM A female subject came to the Safety Building to report that she had allowed a company to log into her computer and clean it up. She then paid them $1,400. for their computer warranty. Then, the company went back into her computer and somehow got into a bank account and tried to take out another $1,400. The female told officers that she would take her computer to a local computer company and would also talk to her bank about the situation.
1:27 PM Officers responded to a report from an area business on Neva Road reporting that they had received more counterfeit bills. Officers were investigating.
3:22 PM Officers cited a male student at Antigo Middle school for disorderly conduct for instigating a fight with another male student.
Thursday, September 21st
10:54 AM Officers responded to a call from an area business on Progress Boulevard reporting that a female subject drove her vehicle over the sidewalk at their business and struck the building. The driver was fine, but they needed a police report.
4:51 PM Officers arrested a female subject at a residence on 6th Avenue on a Department of Corrections probation warrant. She was transported to Corrections.
Friday, September 22nd
3:34 PM Officers responded to a report from teachers at Antigo High School that a 15 year old male student had been walking into class rooms, taking staple guns and putting staples into his arms. He had also been walking around in the hall on another day with his pants around his ankles. Officers talked with the male subject. He said that he was putting staples in his arms because other people had told him to and the pants “thing” was to see if anyone would notice. Officers were going to check in on the subject over the next couple of weeks.
5:53 PM Officers responded to a call from a male subject reporting that he was rear-ended in the parking lot on the south side of an area establishment on Clermont Street about 15 minutes earlier. Officers were checking the security video of the establishment.
9:23 PM Officers stopped a vehicle at 7th Avenue and Elm Street. The male driver was arrested for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. He was also cited for a restricted controlled substance and no headlights.
Saturday, September 23rd
1:51 PM Officers responded to a call from a male subject reporting that he backed into another vehicle in the parking lot of an area business on Hwy. 64. A non-reportable accident report was completed.
8:48 PM Officers responded to a call from a male reporting that a vehicle was in the eastbound lane, facing west on Hwy. 64 by N. Hogan Street. A male subject was by the vehicle with no shirt on. Officers arrested the male driver on a probation hold and he was cited for operating after suspension.
9:48 PM Officers stopped a vehicle at Edison Street and 3rd Avenue. The male driver was given a warning for an obstructed driver’s view. A female passenger was arrested for misdemeanor and felony bail jumping.
Sunday, September 24th
3:09 PM Officers responded to a report of a two vehicle accident at 5th Avenue and Deleglise Street. Property damage only. One male driver from Shawano was cited for operating while suspended. A state report was completed.
4:07 PM Officers responded to a call from a female subject reporting that she was involved in a two car accident in front of an area business on Neva Road. A state crash report was completed.
8:46 PM Officers responded to a report that a 17 year old female subject was found by an area business on Superior Street unresponsive. Her friends picked her up and took her to Langlade hospital. The female’s parents were contacted. Officers found out that the female subject had been drinking earlier in the day.
10:04 PM Officers responded to a call from an area business on Edison Street requesting officers to remove a male subject that wouldn’t leave and was starting fights with other patrons. The male subject was arrested for theft, disorderly conduct and obstructing.
Monday, September 25th
2:05 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at 5th Avenue and Lincoln Street. The male driver was arrested on a Marathon County Sheriff’s Office warrant. He was also cited for operating without a license and failure to stop at a stop sign. He was also given written warnings for display of false registration and an improper right turn.
Wednesday, September 20th
7:59 AM Officers received a call from a female subject in Deerbrook reporting that someone had used her Social Security number to charge items to a Lowes credit card in North Carolina and it had also been used to open a J.C. Penney credit card account in New York in her name. She told officers that she needed this information on file so that her credit agency could monitor her history.
10:35 AM Officers responded to a call from a female subject, who was the trustee for a farm on Hwy. 55, reporting that sometime after 9/10/17, a trailer loaded with hay was stolen from the farm. The caller told officers that a neighbor told her that the trailer was there on 9/10/17. But, it was not there this past Sunday, 9/17/17 when the hay purchaser went back to the farm. She asked officers to meet her at the farm later that afternoon. Officers later met with the female subject. She told them that several other items were missing other than the double-wide snowmobile type trailer ($600) which had been loaded with hay. Also missing was a hydraulic post hole digger attachment ($1,000), as well as a metal drag for the gravel driveway. While officers were there, the female also noticed that a child’s motorized three-wheeler was missing. She gave officers the name of a possible male suspect. Officers were investigating.
12:29 PM Officers responded to a call from an area business on Hwy. 45 in Elcho reporting a gas drive off that occurred the night before at 8:05 PM. The caller told officers that it was a red Mazda pickup with several window decals in the rear window. They gave officers the license plate number. Officers were told that two male subjects were pumping gas and then drove off without paying $36.75. Officers called the registered owner and left a message for him to go back and pay for the fuel. 9/21/17 The business called officers and said that the male subject came back and paid for the gas.
5:31 PM Officers responded to a call from a female that was screaming and yelling. Officers lost contact with the caller. They attempted to call her back, but received no answer. Officers went to a residence on Old 26 Road. A male subject fled when officers arrived. A taser was deployed and the male subject was subdued. The male subject’s dog began biting him while officers were taking him into custody. He was arrested for disorderly conduct, obstructing and bail jumping. The female subject was arrested for disorderly conduct and possession of meth paraphernalia.
Thursday, September 21st
8:09 AM Officers stopped a vehicle at an area business on Hwy. 45. The driver was arrested on a Shawano County Sheriff’s Office warrant, felony bail jumping/hit & run. They were transported to Corrections.
Friday, September 22nd
1:47 PM Officers received a call from the superintendent of the Elcho School District requesting an officers presence at the school theater on Monday, September 25th at 5:30 PM. At that time, the public would be commenting on the Confederate flag issue that been going on at the school.
2:04 PM Officers responded to a call from a female. checking on her parent’s home on Red River Lane, reporting that when she went to check on the house, she found that the entry door had been pried open and the patio door was wide open. The female told officers that she had last been at the home on Wednesday 10/20/17 at around 3pm. The items that were missing included: 3 televisions, a jewelry box containing miscellaneous jewelry, a computer printer, tools, a computer with surveillance camera hardware & software and a set of golf clubs. Officers talked with a few neighbors, but no one saw anything.
2:31 PM Officers responded to a call from a passerby reporting a one vehicle accident about two miles north of the Hwy. 64 & 55 intersection. Both subjects were out of the vehicle but they were requesting an ambulance. The subjects were transported. An accident report was completed.
3:51 PM Officers responded to a report of a motorcycle crash on Hwy. 47, just east of Cty. Rd. S. An ambulance was needed for the male driver’s shoulder pain. The male subject from Mattoon told officers that he was westbound on Hwy. 47 and he lost control when the back end of the cycle started to wobble out on him, causing him to hit the gravel and lose control. He and a witness estimated his speed at approximately 60 MPH. The male subject was cited for no motorcycle endorsement. The motorcycle was towed.
Saturday, September 23rd
6:51 PM Officers received a call from a female reporting that she sent money via Western Union to someone that she thought was a family member in Florida. She told officers that she got a message on Facebook messenger saying it was her cousin. They told her that her Grandpa, who died 10 years ago, left her $150,000. In order for her to get the money, she needed to wire $1,000 down to him to release it. She wired the money. She was then told, because of the IRS, that she needed to wire more money. She then sent $1,500. The caller gave officers the name and phone number where the money was wired to. The female told officers that Western Union had a case number and would be reimbursing her if she got a police case number to them.
7:12 PM Officers responded to a call from a female reporting that she hit a bear on Hwy. 64, west of Polar-Evergreen Road. She told officers that the bear was in the roadway. The bear was dispatched.
Sunday, September 24th
3:10 AM Officers were out with a female subject on Hwy. 55 by Sawyer Lake Road. She had a skinned up knee and she had no idea how she had gotten there. Officers noted the odor of intoxicants on her breath and she told them that she had been at a bar in Keshena. She stated that she had been the parking lot at approximately 11:30 PM “smoking something.” That was all that she remembered. Officers traveled north to Hwy. 52 to try and locate a vehicle in the ditch. The female subject told officers that she was not in an accident. She then agreed to go to the hospital. Officers noticed that she was becoming less responsive, so they contacted the Antigo Fire Department and met them at Cty. Rd. S and Hwy.64 to transport the female subject to the hospital.
4:10 AM Officers responded to a call from a male reporting a vehicle in the ditch on Hwy. 47 by Maple Grove Road. The caller told officers that the vehicle had a smashed windshield and might have rolled over. No one was around the vehicle. Officers found out that the vehicle was registered to a male subject from Birnamwood. The vehicle was towed and held. Officers were investigating.
Monday, September 25th
2:31 PM Officers stopped a vehicle in the parking lot of an area business on S. Superior Street. The male driver was arrested on a hold per probation and parole and drug related charges.
Wednesday, September 27th
9:28 AM Officers received a call from a male with St. Wencel’s Church in Deerbrook reporting the theft of two pallets of hardwood firewood from in front of the church last Sunday, during their Fall Festival. Each pallet was valued at $65. The male called officers back later reporting that another male subject witnessed 3 male subjects with a red 2013-14 Chevy extended cab in that area. Officers were investigating.
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