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Antigo Police & Langlade County Sheriff Reports for 12/25/17



Monday, December 11th

2:07 AM Officers investigated reports of criminal damage at several locations in Antigo. Some windows were broken at a building on 5th Avenue. There was damage reported at an address on Edison Street. An electrical junction box was damaged on the corner of 10th Avenue and Superior Street and damage was reported at two other businesses on Superior Street. Officers referred two male subjects for criminal damage. One of the male subjects told officers that he did it because he was having a “bad day.”

12:28 PM A female came to the Safety Building to report that some medication was stolen from a safe inside a camper that was parked in her driveway on Virginia Street. The lockbox and the medication were both taken.

3:28 PM Officers responded to a call from a female at an area establishment on Superior Street reporting damage to their fence. She told officers that they had video showing that at 1:40 AM three male subjects grabbed a bicycle and threw it through their fence and gate, bending them. This event was related to similar incidents in the area early that morning.

4:51 PM Officers responded to a call from a male on 5th Avenue reporting damage to the windshield of his truck. A rock had been thrown through the windshield. This event was related to similar incidents in the area early that morning.

6:12 PM Officers responded to an anonymous call from a person that was very upset that there were people “whipping around” in the parking lot of an area business on 5th Avenue doing donuts and driving recklessly. Officers cited the male driver for reckless driving and an expired registration.

11:45 PM Officers stopped a vehicle at Cherry Street and Superior Street. The female driver was arrested for operating while intoxicated.

Tuesday, December 12th

3:21 PM Officers responded to a call from a female reporting that a vehicle had been fish tailing down Freiburger Avenue, east of Superior Street and hit a fire hydrant. Water was now gushing out of the hydrant. The Street Department was notified. The juvenile male driver was cited for failure to maintain control. A state report was completed.

3:59 PM Officers responded to a call from a female reporting criminal damage at an address on Clermont Street. She told officers that she had video footage of a possible suspect. A statement of non-consent was taken. Evidence was collected.

7:03 PM Officers referred three male subjects for theft and burglary at a residence on South Hudson Street.

9:04 PM Officers responded to a 911 call from a male on Deleglise Street reporting that he just woke up and could hear people in his house. While on the phone with officers, the caller walked through the house and saw that the back door was open, but no one was there. No one was located by officers, but there were tracks leading up to the house and out. There were what appeared to be somewhat fresh water spots in the kitchen. No one was located in the area. Officers advised the male caller to lock all the doors.

Wednesday, December 13th

12:09 PM Officers responded to a report of a two vehicle accident at Clermont Street and Amron Avenue. Vehicle 2 was northbound on Clermont Street by Amron Avenue. Vehicle 1 was stopped at the stop sign in a westbound direction. Vehicle 1 pulled out in front of Vehicle 2 and Vehicle 2 was struck in the passenger side causing damage. The driver of Vehicle 1 told officers that he did not see Vehicle 2. There were no injuries. A state report was filed.

4:49 PM Officers responded to a call from a female reporting that she was just involved in an accident at 5th Avenue and Superior Street. Property damage only.

4:50 PM Officers responded to a report of an accident at a residence on Watson Street. A car was backed into. Property damage only.

7:59 PM Officers stopped a vehicle at Superior Street and 6th Avenue. The female driver was arrested on two counts of felony bail jumping. She was also cited for operating without a license, and was given a written warning for failure to obey a traffic sign, driving with an obstructed view and having no insurance.

Thursday, December 14th

12:34 PM Officers responded to a call from the Langlade County Highway Department reporting a semi versus dump truck accident on Hwy. 64 at Hwy. 45. Vehicle 2 was stopped at a red light waiting to go straight, westbound on Hwy. 64. Vehicle 1 was behind Vehicle 2 with the same intent. When the light turned green, Vehicle 2 started forward, but then had to stop for another vehicle in front of them, Vehicle 1 did not see Vehicle 2 stop and they collided. Property damage only.

2:37 PM Officers responded to a call from an area business on Hwy. 64 reporting that they had apprehended a female shoplifter. The female subject was cited for retail theft.

5:21 PM A female subject came to the Safety Building to report a hit and run accident that occurred at an area business on Hwy. 64. The female told officers that she had been parked in the parking lot when she was struck in the rear passenger side by a female subject driving a maroon Chevy Venture. The female gave officers the license plate number of the vehicle. She then followed the female subject to a residence on Lincoln Street and confronted her about the accident. The female subject told the reporting female that she hadn’t stopped because her window didn’t work. The reporting female then asked to exchange insurance information to which the female subject said that she had “kids to feed.” The female subject was described as white, in her early 30’s, approximately 5’8”, heavy, with blonde frizzy hair. Officers were investigating.

8:48PM Officers arrested a male subject on Department of Corrections warrant at a residence on Irving Street.

Friday, December 15th

12:01 AM Officers arrested a male subject at a residence on Lincoln Street on a warrant out of Shawano County.

4:30 AM Officers responded to a call from male subject reporting that while plowing on 5th Avenue, he hit a stop sign, taking it down. The Department of Public Works was notified. There was no damage to the male subject’s truck and very minor damage to the plow.

10:47 AM Officers responded to a call from a female reporting that she was just struck by another vehicle at 10th Avenue and Dorr Street. The female driver of the other vehicle was cited for no insurance. Both vehicles were towed. A state report was completed.

11:11 AM Officers responded to a call from a female reporting a two vehicle accident on North Avenue. The female caller told officers that she had backed into the other vehicle while it was parked in the parking lot. Property damage only. Photos were taken of the damage.

1:17 PM Officers referred a student for disorderly conduct at Antigo High School.

1:19 PM Officers cited a male student for disorderly conduct at Antigo High School.

1:22 PM Officers cited a male student for truancy for missing all or part of 27 unexcused days since the beginning of the year.

1:24 PM Officers cited a male student for truancy for missing all or part of 27 unexcused days since the beginning of the year.

1:29 PM Officers cited a male student for truancy for missing all or part of 24 unexcused days since the beginning of the year.

1:35 PM Officers cited a female student for truancy for missing all or part of 21 unexcused days since the beginning of the year.

1:36 PM Officers cited a student for truancy for missing all or part of 27 unexcused days since the beginning of the year.

3:10 PM Officers cited a student for truancy for missing all or part of 38 unexcused days since the beginning of the year.

3:11 PM Officers cited a male student for truancy for missing all or part of 22 unexcused days since the beginning of the year.

3:17 PM Officers cited a male student for truancy for missing all or part of 23 unexcused days since the beginning of the year.

3:19 PM Officers cited a female student for truancy for missing all or part of 27 unexcused days since the beginning of the year.

3:21 PM Officers cited a male student for truancy for missing all or part of 24 unexcused days since the beginning of the year.

7:55 PM Officers responded to a report of a theft at Antigo High School. Someone broke into a soda machine. Officers were going to check the video camera footage.

Saturday, December 16th

10:15 AM Officers responded to a call from a female requesting that officers check on a female subject at a residence on 5th Avenue who had been drinking a lot. The female subject was very intoxicated. Officers advised the subjects to take the female to a detox facility.

6:29 PM Officers were out with a male subject on Weed Street. The male subject was arrested on a Department of Corrections warrant. The male subject had a 12 pack of beer in his hand at the time. He refused a preliminary breathalyzer test.

Sunday, December 17th

8:08 PM Officers arrested a female subject at a residence on North Avenue on two Langlade County Sheriff’s Office warrants and a felony probation warrant.


Thursday, December 14th

3:32 AM The County Highway Department reported an accident on Hwy. 47 by Cty. Rd. D. A vehicle ran into a county truck. The male driver of the vehicle was cited for failure to stop at a stop sign and driving too fast for conditions.

8:59 AM Officers responded to several reports of a semi versus garbage truck accident at Hwy. 45 and Cty. Rd. J. The vehicles were towed.

Friday, December 15th

6:46 AM Officers responded to a call from a male reporting a two vehicle crash at Polar Road and Hill Road. One male driver was southbound on Polar Road and the other male driver was northbound. When they met on the road, their mirrors clipped each other. Property damage only.

5:42 PM Officers responded to a call from a male subject reporting that he hit a tree on Schuett Lane. The Elcho EMS and Fire Department were paged. The vehicles airbags had deployed, but there was only very minor damage. A state crash report was completed.

8:40 PM Officers responded to an ADT report of a front door alarm going off at a cabin on Hickory Rod. Officers found fresh foot prints in the snow. A screen door was partially open and a fresh shoe mark was on the entry door where someone tried to kick it in. The building was still secure. Photos were taken. 12/16/17 7:30 AM Officers spoke with the male owner who said that he would come and secure the cabin and let them know if anything was missing.

Saturday, December 16th

10:29 AM Officers responded to a call from a female reporting that her cabin and garage on Cty. Rd. A had been broken into sometime the day before. Officers discovered three distinct set of shoe prints. It also appeared that they had been there on two occasions as some of the prints had a light dusting of snow on them. Several boxes of ammunition had been taken.

Sunday, December 17th

3:54 PM Officers responded to a call from a male reporting that a vehicle slid into the ditch on Hwy. 55, north of Lost Lake Road. The subjects locked their keys inside the car. The caller told officers that they believed that there was no damage to the car. The vehicle was towed. A state report was completed.

Monday, December 18th

11:54 AM Officers responded to a 911 call from a male on Cty. Rd. U reporting that his truck was on fire behind the barn. He told officers that the truck had a ½ of a tank of gas in it and there were two other older vehicles near the truck. The Elcho Fire Department was dispatched. The male called back to update officers that the gas tank had just gone up and to let them know that there were also shotgun shells in the truck. While fighting the fire, a second vehicle started on fire. The male told officers that he had hooked up a battery charger to the vehicle and went into the house for approximately five minutes. When he came back outside, he noticed smoke & flames coming from the truck.

Wednesday, December 20th

10:16 AM Officers responded to a call from a passerby reporting that a vehicle just went off the road at Cty. Rd. A and Cty. Rd. O. They told officers that they could see two subjects in the vehicle. When officers arrived, the Highway Department was on the scene. The vehicle was towed.

11:54 AM Officers received a call from a male on Monarch Road reporting that they had a package stolen from their porch. The package was delivered on 12/11/17, but they were not home on the 11th. When they returned on 12/12/17, there was no package there. The caller told officers that he remembered seeing tracks going from the road to the porch, but didn’t think anything of it at the time. The package was replaced by the company. The caller just wanted the information on file.


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