Monday, March 19th
10:11 AM Officers responded to a complaint at Antigo Middle School. Officers referred a male student for delivery of marijuana at Antigo Middle School.
3:58 PM Officers responded to a call from an area business on Hwy. 64 reporting that they had apprehended a male shoplifter. The male subject was cited for retail theft.
Tuesday, March 20th
1:04 PM Officers found out that a female subject on N. Deresch Street fell victim to the “grandparent scam.” She was now out $500 that she had sent to the scammers in gift cards.
3:06 PM Officers responded to a report that a female subject with an outstanding warrant had just left Langlade Hospital. Officers located the female subject in the parking lot. She was arrested on a Langlade County warrant for failure to appear for operating after revocation.
11:27 PM Officers were flagged down by a female who stated that she may have seen a body rolled up in some carpet by a bridge on Cty. Rd. Y. Officers found the object. The report was unfounded. It was only a piece of carpet padding, with no body inside.
Wednesday, March 21st
10:28 AM Officers cited a female student for disorderly conduct at Antigo Middle School for an incident that occurred on 3/14/18.
10:29 AM Officers cited a female student at Antigo High School for truancy for missing all or part of 39 unexcused days since the beginning of the 2nd semester.
10:31 AM Officers cited a male student at Antigo High School for truancy for missing all or part of 39 unexcused days since the beginning of the 2nd semester.
10:32 AM Officers cited a male student at Antigo High School for truancy for missing all or part of 39 unexcused days since the beginning of the 2nd semester.
10:33 AM Officers cited a male student at Antigo High School for truancy, 2nd offense, for missing all or part of 36 unexcused days since the beginning of the 2nd semester.
10:34 AM Officers cited a male student at Antigo High School for truancy, 2nd offense, for missing all or part of 36 unexcused days since the beginning of the 2nd semester.
10:41 AM Officers cited a male student at Antigo High School for truancy, 2nd offense, for missing all or part of 32 unexcused days since the beginning of the 2nd semester.
6:51 PM Officers responded to a call from a female reporting that she was walking past a business on 5th Avenue and noticed two black garbage bags that appeared to be leaking blood and had bones sticking out of them. Officers determined that a deer carcass was in the bags.
Thursday, March 22nd
7:50 AM Officers responded to a two vehicle accident on 9th Avenue. The male driver of one vehicle was cited for operating while suspended. His vehicle was towed. A state report was completed.
1:49 PM Officers responded to a call from an area business on 6th Avenue reporting that they had received a fraudulent $50 bill through the drive thru. Officers ran the note through the U.S. Secret Service dollar search. It appeared to be a known counterfeit bill. The bill was sent to the U.S. Secret Service.
3:07 PM Officers responded to a two vehicle accident at 5th Avenue and Deliglise Street. Property damage only.
3:49 PM Officers responded to a report of an assault at Antigo Middle School. Statements were taken from witnesses. Officers referred a female student for battery for an incident at Antigo Middle School on 3/21/18.
11:58 PM Officers stopped a vehicle at Langlade Road and E. 5th Avenue. The male driver was arrested for operating while intoxicated. He was also cited for failure to stop, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was also warned for open intoxicants. The male subject would not give officer’s permission to search the vehicle. The vehicle was towed.
Friday, March 23rd
1:24 PM Officers arrested a male subject at an apartment on S. Superior Street on two Langlade County Sheriff’s Office warrants for failure to appear – criminal damage to property and failure to appear – possession of drug paraphernalia. He was transported to Corrections.
3:21 PM Officers responded to a two vehicle accident on the 700 block of 6th Avenue. Property damage only. A report was completed.
6:57 PM Officers responded to a call from the owner of an area business on 5th Avenue reporting that his front door had been shattered. He told officers that he believed it had happened that day. It did not appear that entry had been gained. The damage appeared to have been done by a rock or some type of tool. The business owner would be getting video footage to officers.
7:31 PM Officers responded to a call from a female reporting a suspicious looking person near Peaceful Valley Park. The male subject was described as wearing a blue jacket and a dark hat. The caller also stated that it looked like the subject had a huge knife behind his back. Officers found the male subject. He had a large sword that he told officers he was carrying to show his sister. Officers advised him to keep it sheathed and get to his destination.
Saturday, March 24th
2:42 AM Officers responded to a call from an area business on Hwy. 64 reporting that a female subject passed out in front of the business in a black car. The female subject was dropped off at a residence on Hudson Street. Her vehicle was left at the business.
10:16 PM Officers responded to a call from a male stating that two male subjects were fighting at a location on Superior Street. One male subject was in a vehicle and the other male was wearing a black hoodie and running around. Officers arrested one female subject for theft, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. One male subject was also arrested for disorderly conduct.
Sunday, March 25th
2:39 PM Officers responded to a 911 call for a male subject who had just passed out from a drug overdose at a residence on Dorr Street. The male subject had stopped breathing. Chest compressions were started. A blood search warrant was executed. Officers referred the male subject for bail jumping.
Wednesday, March 21st
10:22 AM A male subject called reporting that his logging truck trailer had become unhitched and was in the ditch at Cty. Rd H and Cty. Rd. J. It had some damage and the caller told dispatch that he would be unloading logs until officers arrived.
Saturday, March 24th
10:27 AM Officers responded to a call from a female reporting that the night before at about 6:45 PM, there was a man with a vehicle in the ditch on N. Shore Road and the male subject appeared to be under the influence of something. That morning, the vehicle was still there, out of the ditch, and parked in the road on North Shore Road between Cty. Rd. B and Golf Road. The caller gave officers the license plate number of the vehicle. Officers stopped at a residence on N. Shore Road and talked to a female who said that she would get a hold of the male owner of the vehicle and have him move it.
10:29 AM Officers received a call from a female reporting that a blue Mazda four door vehicle was traveling southbound on Hwy. 45 near Forest Road and it was crossing the centerline and varying speeds. The vehicle then turned on Forest Road. Officers were advised.
Monday, March 26th
11:54 AM Officers received a call from a female reporting that she had received a call from someone claiming to be her daughter-in-law who needed $5,000. The female told officers that she also talked to a male subject on the phone who told her to mail the money to an address in Miami Beach, Florida. The caller would not give the reporting female a name to send the money to. The female gave officers the phone number of the person who called her.
Tuesday, March 27th
10:11 AM A probation and parole employee requested officers for a male subject at a residence on River Acres Lane who they believed was intoxicated, after stopping there for a home visit. The male subject refused a preliminary breath test. The male subject was arrested and transported to Corrections.
Wednesday, March 28th
12:12 AM Officers responded to a 911 call for a possible pulseless non-breathing subject at an area business on Hwy. 45. The caller then stated that the male subject regained consciousness. Officers found out that the male subject had a pulse the whole time, but was in and out of consciousness. The male subject denied medical treatment. Another male gave the male subject a ride to a residence on Deliglise Street and he told officers that he was going to keep an eye on the subject.
7:48 AM Officers responded to a call from a female reporting that she was just in an accident at Hwy. 64 and Cty. Rd. P. Property damage only.
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