Crime Stoppers Tip of the Week: Motion sensor lights will help deter some criminals, use them when possible.
Monday, December 19th
A resident came into the safety building reporting his vehicle had been stolen.
Officers received report of a hit and run near Neva Rd.
Officers responded to an open call coming from near 6th Ave. with a caller reportedly yelling and swearing a lot. Two hours later officers received another call stating the same subject was still being belligerent and screaming loudly, disrupting the building. Officers contacted the subject directly via phone and advised him to keep it down, again.
Wednesday, December 21st
Officers took a subject into custody for assault and battery near Charlotte Ct after a caller reported being attacked. EMS was originally contacted but later told to disregard.
Officers advised a caller making report of fraud/theft near Arctic St. after called reported being out over $11,000 between 2 ACH from savings and 1 from checking. In addition there was an attempt to cash a $45,000 check.
Thursday, December 22nd
Officers took report for a burglary when caller stated that someone had broke into the Langlade Co MP Bldg and tried to get things out of the safe.
Officers continued to mediate a situation near 7th Ave. regarding residents placing their snowpile on someone else’s property.
Friday, December 23rd
Officers joined forces with the street dept, reporting that all city units were out near 10th Ave. & Western Ave. as multiple vehicles were in the ditch. Officers blocked the roadway until DPW arrived to put up barricades.
Officers arrived to investigate a noise complaint after a caller stated there was very loud Christmas music playing near 5th Ave., stating it was very disturbing. When officers arrived, they were unable to hear any Christmas music.
Saturday, December 24th
Officers located a package in the middle of the road near Graham Ave. and personally delivered it.
Officers took an intoxicated driver into custody near Forrest Rd. after a caller reported the vehicle was in the roadway, running with the hazards on and driver was not responding.
Officers advised a caller for a harassment complaint after they stated they were getting harassing texts from an unknown number. Officers attempted to make contact with the number only to find out it is from a texting app. Officers advised complainant to keep screenshots of the texts.
Friday, December 23rd
Officers took an animal complaint call, caller stated there was a dog chained outside near Western Ave. and they don’t believe the dog is allowed inside and requested a welfare check on the dog. When officers followed up, they were unable to locate any dogs chained outside in the area.
Officers responded to a call about a vehicle in the ditch near Cty Rd AA & 10th Ave Rd., after driver called and stated the road conditions were too dangerous to attempt to retrieve the vehicle and instead had her in-laws pick her up. About an hr later officers advised vehicle owner that it must be removed ASAP due to the location.
Saturday, December 24th
Officers took a call regarding a vehicle in the ditch near Polar Rd. & Groth Rd. Caller stated the driver was breathing but not responding. After arriving on scene, subject was taken to ALH for sobriety tests, which lead to the driver being taken into custody.
Officers shut down the road near State Rd. 64 & State Rd. 55 for a brief period of time due to a large snow drift in the road that had multiple vehicles get stuck due to the Hwy trucks not being out yet. It was reported 5 hrs earlier that the drift in some spots was up to a foot high, yet the Hwy trucks were not coming yet.
Officers responded to an unoccupied vehicle in the ditch near St Rd. 64 & Gruenberg Rd. After tow arrived to pull vehicle out, officers picked up the owner so they could drive the vehicle back home.
Officers responded to a vehicle completely in the ditch near Clover Rd. & State Rd. 52. Was advised the vehicle would not be able to be removed yet that night.
Officers responded to an unoccupied vehicle in the ditch near Mapleview Rd. & Pit Rd. Vehicle was fine to sit over night.
Officers responded to 3 vehicles in the ditch near Cty Rd. V & Star-Neva Rd. All 3 vehicles were in the lane of travel and would have interfered with plow activity, all vehicles were towed.
Officers responded to an unoccupied vehicle near Clover Rd. & State Rd 52, vehicle was towed.
Sunday, December 25th
Officers responded to a vehicle in the ditch near State Rd. 64 & Buettner Rd. Truck was winched out and removed from the scene.
Monday, December 26th
Officers handled a situation near Kelly St., involving a male subject with access to multiple weapons. Officers brought the bearcat and made several PA announcements while also attempting to contact the subject via phone with no luck.
Officers responded to a fire call near 2nd Ave., after caller reported smoke coming from the vents.WPS, water plant & City gas were notified.
Tuesday, December 27th
Officers responded to a vehicle in the ditch near Cty Rd. O & Spring Brook Rd. It appeared to be a rollover accident but the drives stated it just slid into the ditch at that angle. Occupants denied EMS & the vehicle was towed.
Officers received an automated crash detection notification from an iPhone 14. Officers made contact with subject to find out that he was snowmobiling and it must have set it off & there was no accident.
Officers in an umarked squad car reported a truck near Neva Rd. & Mendlik Ave. that reportedly accelerated over 40mph in a 25mph zone. After reviewing the record of driver/vehicle owner, officers decided to mail citations for operating while suspended, unnecessary acceleration and speeding.
Wednesday, December 28th
Officers advised a subject on snowmobile near Antigo St. & Owano St. that the trails are not opened yet and that when they do, subject would need a trail pass. Subject stated they were going to just take it home for now.
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