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Community Calendar for 10/19/20 to 10/26/20


The Antigo Times/Shopper tries, the best we can, to give you up to date event information, but with the COVID-19 pandemic things change rapidly, so some of these events may have been rescheduled or cancelled. Please check with the event coordinators before planning to attend.


*Community Events*

Antigo Area Community Food Pantry October 21st 11am-1pm (Wed.) & October 23rd 1pm-3pm (Fri.), 2120 Progress Blvd., Antigo (715) 623-1103. We ask that all individuals wishing to use the Food Pantry wait in cars, or outside and a volunteer will provide direction as to service. Our monthly donation focus for October will be Holiday fixings:  cranberry sauce, gravy, boxed stuffing, pineapple (in juice) The following is a testimonial from an individual helped by the Antigo Community Food Pantry recently: “I just went out on my own after a bad relationship.  My daughter and I moved to town to get away and the food pantry is helping me make it through until I can find a job.”

Elcho Area Community Food Pantry October 19th & October 26th 2:30-4:30pm (Mon.), October 21st 4-6pm (Wed.), 11224 Antigo St., Elcho. You will receive prepacked bags of basic food items. Tell the volunteer how many in your family and if you have a specific need for something. Thank you for your cooperation. Note that the pantry is not open on holidays, or on days when the schools are closed because of snow. (715) 275-5010.

Haunted Sawmill - The Spirit of Halloween October 23rd & 24th 6-11pm The Haunted Sawmill, 700 Hendricks St., Merrill. We have done it again and woke Vincent Mudgett from his sleep. For the 10th Anniversary, we are going to celebrate with the Spirit of Halloween.  Let's go back to what Halloween was before Vincent got his hands on it. You do not want to miss out as Phaedra, Buzz Buzz and lil' Buzz try and keep Vincent under control..... Tickets go on sale at 6pm and sold up until 11pm. Fees/Admission: $15.

The 2020 Fun Games Show and the Jackpot Barrel’s and Poles October 24th 10am Langlade County Fairgrounds, 1633 Neva Road, Antigo. 445s Ranch Promotions LLC is proud to announce the first of many Jackpot Barrel Races & Fun Game Shows. Events are October 3rd, 17th and 24th. The Fun Game Shows starts at 10am with classes for all ages and the Jackpot Barrels and Poles starts at 2pm. 75% payback of entry fees. $10 spectator admission. Bring your own chairs. Practice social distancing when possible. Please bring a mask. For more information, please call Laura Sense at 715-350-8411 or email:

Perdition Pines Haunted Event October 24th 7pm-Midnight Perdition Pines Haunted Event, N1385 Cty. Rd. D, Antigo. Perdition Pines Haunted Event welcomes its guests to its third year of terror, screaming select Saturdays and Sundays this fall, featuring “Deadwood Grove (Cemetery)” and “Forest of Carnage!” Get your friends together and get scared! After a short walk through the woods to get to our attraction, check into our ticket booth to get your event wristband. Enjoy snacks and beverages around a warm fire from our ticket/concessions booth while waiting for group numbers to be called up to begin your haunted experience. COVID-19 UPDATE: Exposure to COVID-19 is an inherent risk in any public location where people are present; we cannot guarantee you will not be exposed during your visit. Perdition Pines Haunted Event has made the necessary changes to its attractions to help reduce the risk of exposure to Coronavirus. General admission is $10, VIP admission is $20. Tickets are cash only onsite or buy online at Free parking. Not handicapped accessible. No restrooms on site. For more information, go to



Antigo Public Library Personnel & Finance Committee Meeting October 19th 10am Antigo Public Library, 617 Clermont St., Antigo.

Antigo Optimist Club Meeting October 21st 12-1pm Game On, 623 Edison St., Antigo. Game On has implemented preventative measures for the safety of our members & community by promoting social distancing through table & chair arrangements & has implemented heightened building cleanliness. Virtual meetings will be done via webex meetings & you will be sent a link by email each Tuesday, prior to meeting.  If you are interested in becoming an Antigo Optimist Club member or participate in a virtual meeting please send message through Facebook messenger.

City of Antigo Finance, Personnel & Legislative Committee Meeting October 21st 6pm City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo.

Antigo Garden Club Meeting October 24th 5:45pm Langlade Co. Resource Center, 837 Clermont St., Antigo.



AA Support Group (Open) October 21st (Weds.) 7:00pm 727 Fifth Avenue, Antigo.

Narcotics Anonymous October 20th, October 23rd & October 24th (Tues., Fris., Sats.) 7:00pm 725 Fifth Avenue, Antigo.

Healthy Respect Support Group October 20th 10:30am-Noon AVAIL Shelter, Antigo. Please call or email if interested. Contact: Roberta Darling at 715-623-5177 or email:

Kids Clubs October 21st 6:30pm - 7:30pm Antigo Community Church, 723 Deleglise St., Antigo. One Way is for students in grades K-2 & CrossTrainers is for grades 3-6! All are welcome to join in the fun games, songs, Bible stories & small group time. We can't wait to learn more about Jesus with everyone this year each Wednesday from 6:30-7:30pm in the Quest Center! We will be doing our best to be cleaning surfaces before and after and keeping up with our Covid protocols! For more information, call Adriana at 715-627-2805.

REALIFE Student Ministry October 21st 7:30-8:30pm Antigo Community Church Quest Center, 723 Deleglise St., Antigo. REALIFE is designed to be a safe place where junior & senior High students (grades 7-12) can invite friends to come and be a part of a night filled with encouragement, fun, and fellowship. At REALIFE we will introduce students to the gospel and teach life application. We will play games, do ice-breakers, worship, teach, and interact in small group conversation. For more information, please call Adriana at 715-627-2805.

NEWCOMERS – Nicolet Welcome Service has a FREE WELCOME PACKET filled with gift certificates and brochures from Antigo/Langlade County businesses. For a warm friendly welcome, call Christine at 715-627-2881 or go to

The Hope Life Center Mobile Unit will be parked in the Antigo Country Store parking lot, 715 Superior St., Antigo every Monday from 10:00am until 4:00pm. All services are FREE & CONFIDENTIAL. We offer pregnancy testing, ultrasound and STD testing & treatment for women. Call or text 715-843-4673 for an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome.

GriefShare Summer Series Mondays thru November 23rd 5:30-7pm Peace Lutheran Church, Luther Conference Rm., 300 Lincoln St., Antigo. (with exception of meeting on Tuesday Sept 8th due to the Labor Day holiday) in the Fellowship Hall. Enter through the 8th Avenue Fellowship Hall doors. GriefShare​ group facilitators are Pastor Dan Kohn and Sarah Stoehr. This will be a hybrid group with either in person or Zoom participation. COVID-19 guidelines will be followed including: social distancing (except family members can sit together), disinfecting chairs/tables before & after our meetings, masking optional. GriefShare​ is a weekly video seminar featuring some of the nation’s foremost experts on grief recovery topics. Each seminar is combined with a small group discussion time to allow group participants to talk about the content of the seminar and about how they are dealing with the death of their loved one. Please call Peace Lutheran Ministries​ at ​715-623-2200​ for more information. This program is FREE and open to anyone from the Antigo area who is experiencing grief & loss.


If you have an upcoming event or ongoing group activity that you would like to include, please email the information to


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