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Community Calendar for 11/28/16 to 12/5/16


*Community Events*

Antigo Area Community Food Pantry November 30th 11am-1pm (Wednesdays) & December 2nd 1pm-3pm (Fridays), 2120 Progress Blvd., Antigo (715) 623-1103.

Elcho Area Community Food Pantry November 28th & December 5th 11am-1pm (Mon.), November 30th 4-6pm (Wed.) & December 1st 11am-1pm (Thur.), 11224 Antigo St., Elcho. Call (715) 610-5886 for more information.

Winter Wonderland Thru January 1st 5-11pm Holtwood Campground, 400 Holtwood Way, Oconto. It's time to take in all things twinkly!  Each year the Oconto Holtwood Campground gets turned into a Winter Wonderland with over 150 trees decorated and sponsored by area businesses and organizations. The park is lite nightly from 5-11pm. This event is free to the public. Cars are permitted and walk-thrus are encouraged. Admission is free. For more information, please call Samantha Boucher at 920-604-0074.

Be A Red Cross Volunteer Sign-Up November 28th 10am-1pm Antigo Public Library, 617 Clermont Street, Antigo. The Red Cross is looking for disaster responders, preparedness volunteers, etc.

Coffee Klatch for Seniors November 29th & December 1st (Every Tues. & Thur.) 9-11am Langlade County Senior Center, 1225 Langlade Rd.,  Antigo. Come and enjoy some coffee and conversation with others. For more information, please call Doug Curler at 715-623-2253.

Wine Women and Winter November 29th 5-8pm JJ's Acres, Hwy J, Minocqua. Women will find the greenhouse at J.J.'s Acres transformed into a winter wonderland. Lavishly decorated tables filled with hors d'oeuvres, red wines, white wines and desserts will be backlit by holiday lights, and juxtaposed against displays of themed raffle baskets donated by area businesses. Benefiting Lakeland Pantry. For tickets go to JJ's Acres or the Minocqua Chamber of Commerce.

Boys & Girls Club Teen Night November 29th & December 1st (Tues. & Thurs.) 5:30-8pm Boys & Girls Club of Langlade Co., 411 Superior St., Antigo. For grades 6-12. Video games, pool, bumper pool, blackjack, double shot, air hockey, carpetball, foosball, music, dodgeball league, volleyball league & more. For more information, please call 715-627-1800 or go to

Holiday Shopping Linen Sale November 30th 8am-5pm Aspirus Langlade Hospital, large conference room, 112 E. 5th Ave., Antigo. There will be blankets, sheets, pillows, quilt sets and sports blankets for sale. Sponsored by the Aspirus Langlade Hospital Auxiliary.

Nativity Walk November 30th-December 4th First Presbyterian Church, 100 Presbyterian St., Shawano. 200 nativities from around the world, music, cookies & artwork. A quiet place to enjoy the beauty of Christmas. For more information, please call 715-526-3329.

Play & Learn December 1st 9:30-11am N4013 Hwy. 45, Antigo. Play & Learn is a weekly play group program for parents, caregivers and children from birth to age 5. Staff will provide a parent lesson, an activity for parents and children to do together.  The activity will build skills for school readiness and milestone achievement. Quarterly Ages and Stages questionnaires are made available to parents and caregivers to assist families in helping their children to reach age based development milestones. Join the conversation on Facebook - Northwoods Family Resource Centers For more information, please call 715-627-1414.

Card Playing Program December 1st (Every Thurs.) 1-4pm Langlade County Senior Center, 1225 Langlade Rd., Antigo. Have you been looking for someone to play cards with?  Here is your chance to meet others and share your love for cards. The games being played are canasta, sheepshead & pinochle. For more information, please call Doug Curler at 715-623-2253.

Tigerton Main Street presents Annual Festival of Trees December 2nd-31st 1905 Village Hall, Tigerton. Vote for your favorite decorated tree. Festival of Trees is open until December 31, 2016. For more information, please call 715-535-2110.

Santa’s Workshop December 2nd 8-11:30am Tigerton Elementary School gym, 500 Elm St., Tigerton.

Holiday Open House December 2nd-3rd Fri. 10am-6pm & Sat. 10am-4pm, 637 Deresch St., Antigo. Featuring Ginger Crème Hollow Crafts by Becky Schenk & Rabbit Reflections Recycled Art by Jess Schenk. Items include – barn board primitives, handmade crafts, refrigerator magnets, incense, holiday décor, ornaments & more.

Christmas Craft Sale December 2nd & 3rd 12/2 from 3-8pm & 12/3 9am-3pm WOWSPACE, 114 Vinal St. (downtown), Wittenberg. Complete your Christmas shopping here. Gifts for family & friends, tasty baked goods & a wreath to complete your purchases!

Community Christmas Tree Lighting December 2th 2:30-5pm in the Art Park adjacent to the WOWSPACE, 114 Vinal Street, Wittenberg. Bring with you any kind of ornament you would like to donate to hang on outside tree. After the tree lighting and placing of the ornaments there will be cider and cookies to enjoy.

Community Tree Lighting & Candy Cane Parade December 2nd 5-7pm Crandon Public Library, 110 W Polk St, Crandon. Forest County Ties that Bind Us has some fun things planned! It will start with story time at the Crandon Public Library with some of your favorite characters. Then the kiddos will head down to the courtyard with their flashlights to watch the Candy Cane Parade pass by. Following the parade there will be Christmas caroling with the Crandon Choir Students while enjoying hot chocolate, cookies and of course the tree lighting! New this year, a chili dump so come hungry!! Bring your camera so you can get your Selfie with an Elfie!

Live Nativity December 2nd-3rd 6-8pm Christ Lutheran Church, 121 N. 3rd St., Eagle River. Performances every 20 minutes with actors, music and live animals. Each presentation followed by refreshments indoors. For more information, please call Christ Lutheran Church at 715-479-8307.

22nd Annual Santa Parade December 2nd 6-9pm Downtown Shawano.  Visit Santa, free horse-drawn wagon rides, and in-store specials.  For more information, please call 715-853-3775.

5th Annual Christmas Craft Show December 3rd 9am Jack Lamar Pavilion, N11283 Dorr Street, Elcho. Christmas crafts with a raffle drawing, food & beverages all day. For more information, please call 715-216-1346.

Wabeno Winterfest Chili Cook Off Contest and Craft & Vendor Fair December 3rd 9am-3pm Wabeno High School, 4325 Branch St., Wabeno. Food & refreshments. Santa arrives at noon.

24th Annual Cookie Walk December 3rd 9-11am Peace United Church of Christ, 208 E. Maurer St., Shawano. Purchase your favorite cookies & candy. For more information, please call 715-526-2916.

Holiday Festival December 3rd 10am-1pm 4th Avenue & Clermont St., Antigo. Featuring homemade bread, cookies & candy. Also, a Christmas & Country Store – Second Chance. Come for a lunch of chicken soup, pork BBQ, pie & beverages. Sponsored by Faith United Church of Christ.

O'Tannenbaum Tour December 3rd & 4th Sat 10am-8pm, Sun 10am-3pm. St. Stephen's Church, 903 East Second St., Merrill. Enjoy a decorated Christmas tree tour with raffles, silent auction on trees & gift baskets. Drawings held at 3:15 on Sunday. Cost $3 adults & $1 for children 6-12. Money will be donated to 4-H projects. For more information, please call 715-536-3209.

Holiday Craft and Vendor Show December 3rd 11am-3pm Timber Haven Bar and Grill, W6962, Hwy. 64, Bryant. Join the event and find some creative gift ideas for the upcoming holidays! For more information, please call 715-623-7662.

McCaslin Lions Children's Christmas Party December 3rd 11am Townsend Town Hall, Hwy. 32, Townsend.

Wolf River Volunteer Fire Department Annual Open House December 3rd Noon-4pm Town of Wolf River Town Hall, N4393 Blue Goose Drive, White Lake. This is a family-friendly evening that features a firefighters' chili cook-off, homemade holiday treats, tours of the station, and fire safety information. We kindly ask for a donation of either canned goods or 9-volt smoke detector batteries for our local food pantry. For more information, please call Renae Worden at 715-610-4008.

Finnish Independence Day Celebration December 3rd 2pm dinner; 4pm program Community Center, N4888 Stadium Rd., Brantwood. Enjoy a celebration dinner including Mojakka (stew) that is cooked outdoors in an iron kettle over a wood fire, along with homemade multi-grain bread & creamy rice with fruit sauce that is served family style. The homemade bread & cardamom braid is also available for sale. Enjoy a program at 6:30pm which consists of a brief explanation of the importance of the event in Finnish history & the lighting of candles to commemorate Finland's independence from Russia in 1917, plus entertainment to follow. For more information, please call 715-564-2520 or 715-564-2525.

Christmas Parade & Tree Lighting December 3rd 4-7pm Downtown Rhinelander.

Riverview Annual Tree Lighting Celebration December 3rd 4-8pm Riverview Town Hall, 15471 Hwy. 32, Mountain. Special guests Santa and Frosty will be on hand to greet children in Santa's Village located in the Riverview Community Center. Ice skating will be dependent on the weather and ice skates are available for use. This fun Holiday kick-off is sponsored by the Riverview Volunteer Fire Department, Fire Department Auxiliary and the Town of Riverview. Contact Phone Number: 715-850-1473

Evening of Elegance December 3rd Flowers From the Heart, 117 North Lake Avenue, Crandon. Join us for an evening of good company, refreshments & light hors d’oeuvres.

26th Annual Lighted Christmas Parade December 3rd 5pm Downtown, Merrill. Christmas caroling, floats, Christmas lights and, of course, Santa in a spectacular evening parade. Enjoy the lights as we make our way down to the Courthouse, where Santa will light the Christmas Wreath to kick off the Christmas season.

Park Manor Luminaria December 3rd 6-8pm Bell Tower Residence, O’Day St. area, Merrill. Right after the Christmas Parade, catch a ride on the wagon that goes through the neighborhood to view the colorful Christmas decorations, lights & music from 6 to 8pm. Stop in at Assisi Hall after the ride to warm up with hot chocolate, hot cider, popcorn & cookies. A free will donation is encouraged.

Pianist Steven C. December 3rd 7:30pm Nicolet College Rhinelander. Experience the holidays beyond the bustle and cheer with pianist Steven C.  The touchingly elegant solo piano will evoke the timeless magic that embraces the essence of winter and brings a feeling of reverence to the season.  With more than 2 million records sold, he is a multi-platinum composer performing with artists such as Mannheim Steamroller and the London Symphony Strings.  His beautiful melodies create an atmosphere of peace and well-being to carry through the season. Admission is $12. For more information, please call 715-365-4493.

Wreath Decorating Dec. 4th, Dec. 10th-11th 11am-3pm WOWSPACE, 114 Vinal Street, Wittenberg. Decorate your own wreath or purchase a wreath made by WOWSPACE volunteers.

An International Christmas Concert December 4th 4pm Volm Theatre, 1900 10th Ave., Antigo. There will be performances by OF Chorus and the Antigo Area Community Band with music from Italy, France, Spain, Russia, Africa, Canada and America.

Area Churches To Perform The Arrival December 4th 4-5pm Rhinelander High School, 665 Coolidge Ave, Rhinelander. Individuals from several Rhinelander area churches will combine to sing The Arrival.  Under the direction of Pat Doyle, this Christmas musical of praise will celebrate the joy of Jesus’ birth and will be accompanied by powerful video and narration that will fill listeners with hope, inspiration and the meaning of Christmas. The event is totally free as a gift of love to the community.  For more information, please call 715-362-4792.

Annual Christmas Tree Lighting & Centennial Christmas Singalong December 4th 5pm Depot Museum, 700 Lake St., White Lake. Centennial Christmas Singalong 5:30-7pm White Lake Community Center, 615 School St., White Lake. Music by Bob & Shelly Strong. Serving hot chili, cookies & bars, hot cider, cocoa & coffee. Accepting non-perishable food items for the food pantry.

Christmas Wreaths & Decorations Workshop December 5th 10am Majestic Farms Greenhouse & Landscaping, 6301 Townline Rd., Hatley. Choose from both local & specialty greens as well as natural & artificial accents. Learn how to hand tie wreaths, swags and garland. $35-$55. Workshop costs includes local greens to make a medium wreath.

Blood Drive December 5th 11:30am-5pm Langlade Hospital - Conference Rooms 1 & 2, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Hospital in conjunction with Blood Center of Northcentral Wisconsin holds a blood drive the first Monday of every month. No appointments required. For more information, please contact the Blood Center of Northcentral Wisconsin at 1-866-566-5900.

St. Agnes Catholic Church Annual Sweet Shoppe Sale December 10th Doors open at 10:30am, Sale begins at 11am. Abts Hall, 6101 Zinzer St., Weston. Fancy cookies & candy available by the pound. No early sales. Raffle & luncheon also.



Antigo Optimist Club Meeting November 29th 12-1pm North Star Lanes, 400 Prosser Place, Antigo.

Antigo Kiwanis Club Meeting November 29th Noon The Refuge Restaurant, 410 Hwy. 64, Antigo. New members are welcome.

Hotel/Motel Commission Meeting November 30th 8:30am City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo.

Economic Development Committee Meeting December 5th 6pm City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo.



Baby & Me Group November 28th & December 5th 1:00pm-2:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Birthing Center, second floor of the hospital. Facilitator: RN/International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. For more information please call 715-623-9280. No fee.

Eating Disorders Support Group November 30th 6:00pm-7:00pm. Meets at AVAIL Center in Antigo. Please call 715-623-5177 for more information.

AA Support Group (Open) December 1st & December 3rd 7:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Hospital Conference Room 1022, adjacent to Chapel in the new hospital. Thursdays & Saturdays.

Narcotics Anonymous December 2nd 7:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Hospital Conference Room 1022, adjacent to Chapel in the Langlade Hospital.

AL-ANON Meeting November 28th & December 5th 1:30pm. Antigo Community Church - Quest Center - Room 1, 723 Deleglise Street, Antigo. Mondays at 1:30pm

Overeaters Anonymous November 28th & December 5th 7:00pm. St. Mary & Hyacinth Parish Center, Room 4, 819 3rd Avenue, Antigo. Mondays at 7:00pm.

Weight Watchers Meetings November 29th 6:45am Langlade County Board Room, Safety Building 840 Clermont St., Antigo & 5:30pm United Methodist Church, 2034 5th Ave., Antigo.

T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Support Group December 1st 5pm Steffen Memorial Home, 503 5th Ave., Antigo.


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