*Community Events*
Antigo Area Community Food Pantry February 9th 11am-2pm (Wed.) & February 11th 1pm-3pm (Fri.), 2120 Progress Blvd., Antigo (715) 623-1103. We ask that all individuals wishing to use the Food Pantry wait in cars, or outside and a volunteer will provide direction as to service. Our monthly donation focus for February will be laundry soap, dish soap, Kleenex, paper towels. For more information, go to: https://www.loc8nearme.com/wisconsin/antigo/antigo-area-community-food-pantry/2694960/
Elcho Area Community Food Pantry February 7th & February 14th 2:30-4:30pm (Mon.), February 9th 4-6pm (Wed.), 11224 Antigo St., Elcho. Individuals will receive a checklist of food items and can indicate their selections then submit the list. Food will be distributed based on availability and # of family members. Note that the pantry is not open on holidays, or on days when the schools are closed because of snow. (715) 275-5010.
Coffee and Conversation at the Senior Center of Langlade County February 7th – February 11th (Mon.-Fri.) 9-11am Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo.
Sheepshead at the Langlade County Senior Center February 7th & February 14th 10am Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo.
Mah Jong at the Langlade County Senior Center February 7th & February 14th 1-4pm Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo.
Cribbage at the Langlade County Senior Center February 8th 1pm Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo.
Bean Bag Tournament at Langlade County Senior Center February 8th 3pm Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo. We are organizing a Bean Bag Tournament (also known as corn hole) beginning Tuesday, February 8th. It will be the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, 3–5pm. Fee for the tournament is $3 per person payable when you register at the Center by Friday, February 4th. Cash prizes will be paid out the same day for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. The tournament is limited to 24 members and you need to pay when you pre-register at the Center. Teams will be formed by a random draw. If you haven’t played this game before and would like to practice, come in to the Center any Monday afternoon from now until February 8th and practice. This is a fun winter activity. The duration of the tournament will be determined by the interest of the participants.
Knitting & Crocheting at the Langlade County Senior Center February 9th 10-11:30am Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo.
Bingo at the Langlade County Senior Center February 9th 1-2:30pm Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo.
Games at the Langlade County Senior Center February 10th 10am Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo.
Langlade Co Senior Center Bowling February 11th 11am North Star Lanes, 400 Prosser Place, Antigo. Shoe rental is $1 and each game is $1. Lunch will be available on your own. Sign up at the Center by Thursday, February 10th. If you’re not interested in bowling, come join us for lunch.
Dualing Pianos February 11th 7:30pm WOWSPACE, 114 W. Vinal St., Wittenberg. From Billy Joel to Bon Jovi to Britney Spears to Bruno Mars – Our 2 Piano Guys are the perfect combination of concert, comedy & creativity. There will be a cash bar (beer, wine & soda). Tickets are $25 in advance or $35 at the door. Tickets are available online at Ticketbud.com or at Tavern Front in Wittenberg. Reserve a table in advance with a purchase of 8 tickets for more. For more information, go to www.wallsofwittenberg.com.
Stone Soup Band at the Senior Center February 11th 2-4pm Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo.
Pickerel Rescue Squad Annual Pancake Breakfast February 12th 8-11am Rescue Squad Building, Hwy. 55 (between Pickerel & Cty. Rd. A), Pickerel.
59th Annual Trump Lake Fish-O-Ree February 12th 9am-5pm Trump Lake Pavilion, Wabeno. Bring the whole family for this fun filled day! Food and drinks located in the Trump Lake Pavilion. Raffles and prizes for the biggest fish. Visit trumplake.org for more information.
Doty Dog Days of Winter Festival February 12th-13th 9am-5pm Doty Community Center, 14899 County Road T, Mountain. A 2 day mushing event. There will also be snowshoe hikes, sled dog rides, door prizes & a photo contest! Bring your snowshoes! A limited amount of 'free to use' snowshoes will be available. Food & beverages are available. Donations are welcome & will go toward next years’ festival events. The snowshoe hike goes through a cedar swamp with a campfire & hot chocolate along the way. A great family adventure!
Langlade Co. Senior Center Sleigh Ride February 12th 11am Brandt’s, N4643 Cty. Rd. S, Bryant. Dress warm and bring a blanket. We will have lunch around the campfire, provided by the Center. This activity is limited to 18 members and the registration deadline is Tuesday, February 8th. There is a non-refundable fee of $15.
Tombstone Pickerel Snowmobile Club Chili Ride In February 12th 3-6pm TPSC Tractor Barn, located on Hwy. DD, Pickerel. Food, fun & raffles. Come by sled, car or truck. Come out & support your club!
Moonlight Ski and Snowshoe at Gartzke Flowage February 12th 7-9pm Gartzke Flowage Hiking, Cross-Country Ski & Snowshoe Trails, W6379 5th Avenue Rd., Antigo. The Antigo Bike & Ski Club will host a Moonlight Ski and Snowshoe at Gartzke Flowage Trails at 7pm. Meet in the parking lot. Everyone is welcome. Bring your own snacks and drinks. If you are not comfortable entering the shelter, please consider joining us for the outdoor portion. Temperatures below 0 will cancel this event. For more information, call 715-627-5399.
FREE Valentine Dance February 13th 2-4:30pm United Methodist Church, 2034 W. 5th Avenue, Antigo. Amanda Herdt will emcee a variety of dances for your enjoyment. Sponsored by Antigo Gateway Squares.
Free Open Skate February 14th 11:30am-1pm Langlade County Hockey Arena, 1633 Neva Road, Antigo. The Open Skates are FREE with the donation of a canned good. There is a limited supply of skates available for use (these are free, but must be returned at the end of the skate).There is no skate sharpening at the rink during open skate times. Registration is not required to attend open skates. Please call 715-623-3633 with any questions.
Public Works Committee Special Meeting February 9th 5:30pm City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo.
Common Council Meeting February 9th 6pm City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo.
Parks, Cemetery & Recreation Commission Meeting February 14th 5:30pm City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo.
AA Support Group (Open) February 9th, February 13th (Weds. & Suns.) 7:00pm 1005 Fifth Avenue, Antigo.
Narcotics Anonymous February 7th, February 8th, February 11th & February 12th (Mon., Tues., Fris., Sats.) 7:00pm 1005 Fifth Avenue, Antigo.
Overeaters Anonymous February 7th & February 14th (Mondays) 7-8pm SS. Mary & Hyacinth Parish Center, Room #4, 819 Third Avenue, Antigo. Contact: Rose Marie, 715-623-2128.
Healthy Respect Support Group February 8th 10:30am-Noon AVAIL Shelter, Antigo. Please call or email if interested. Contact: Roberta Darling at 715-623-5177 or email: rbigger040759@msn.com.
Avail Outreach House February 9th 11am-2pm Avail Outreach House, 814 6th Ave., Antigo. Avail Outreach House is now open to the public every Wednesday from 11am-2pm. We have men's, women's, and kid’s clothing. We also have household items, bakery, and more. For more information, please call Jillian at 715-623-5177.
Kids Clubs at Antigo Community Church February 9th 6:30-7:30pm Antigo Community Church, 723 Deleglise St., Antigo. One Way is for students in grades K-2 and CrossTrainers is for grades 3-6! All are welcome to join in the fun games, songs, Bible stories, and small group time. We can't wait to learn more about Jesus with everyone this year each Wednesday in the Quest Center! For more information, call 715-627-2805 or go to https://www.loc8nearme.com/wisconsin/antigo/antigo-community-church/6508687/.
REALIFE Student Ministry February 9th 7:30-8:30pm Antigo Community Church, 723 Deleglise St., Antigo. REALIFE is designed to be a safe place where Junior & Senior High students (grades 7-12) can invite friends to come and be a part of a night filled with encouragement, fun, and fellowship. At REALIFE we will introduce students to the gospel and teach life application. We will play games, do ice-breakers, worship, teach, and interact in small group conversation. For more information, call 715-627-2805 or go to or go to https://www.loc8nearme.com/wisconsin/antigo/antigo-community-church/6508687/.
If you have an upcoming event or ongoing group activity that you would like to include, please email the information to antigotimes@mmclocal.com.
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