*Community Events*
Antigo Area Community Food Pantry March 15th 11am-1pm (Wednesdays) & March 17th 1pm-3pm (Fridays), 2120 Progress Blvd., Antigo (715) 623-1103.
Elcho Area Community Food Pantry March 13th & March 20th 11am-1pm (Mon.), March 15th 4-6pm (Wed.) & Starting March 18th 10am-Noon (3rd Sat.), 11224 Antigo St., Elcho. Call (715) 610-5886 for more information.
Zurko Indoor Winter Flea Market Thru April 1st (Saturdays) 9am-3pm Historic Shawano Community Hall, 115 E. Division St., Shawano. Free admission. For more information, please call 715-526-9769 or go to www.zurkopromotions.com.
Auditions for Nicolet Players’ Arsenic & Old Lace March 13th & 14th 7pm Nicolet College Theatre, 5364 College Dr., Rhinelander. The community theatre troupe will be holding auditions for the roles of Abby & Martha and about a dozen other characters. Those who are interested do not need any acting experience & do not need to be Nicolet students. Cast members will rehearse most weeknights from mid-March through early May. More details about the play, including portions of the script, are available at nicoletlive.com.
Augsburg College Band Tour March 14th 9:40am Volm Theater, Antigo High School, 1900 10th Ave., Antigo. The public is invited to come and enjoy the Augsburg jazz band and the Augsburg concert band. For more information, please call 715-623-7611.
Coffee Klatch for Seniors March 14th & March 16th (Every Tues. & Thur.) 9-11am Langlade County Senior Center, 1225 Langlade Rd., Antigo. Come and enjoy some coffee and conversation with others. For more information, please call 715-627-6632.
Blood Pressure Clinic March 15th 9am-Noon Antigo Fire Department, 700 Edison St., Antigo. For more information, please call Lisa Vollmar at 715-350-7315.
2017 Shawano Job Center Annual Job Fair March 15th 9am-2pm The Gathering, 2600 E. Richmond St., Shawano. Connect with employers ready to hire and find answers to higher education. Call 715-524-2511 for more information.
Peace Lutheran Church-Tilleda Lenten Soup Suppers & Worship March 15th 5:30-8pm Peace Lutheran Church, N6145 County Road D, Tilleda. Wednesdays from March 1st - April 5th. Serving dinner 5:30-6:30pm. Worship at 7pm. Free will offering. Please call 715-787-4261 for more information.
A Band Called Honalee-Timeless Music of the 60's March 15th 6:30-7:30pm Lakeland Union High School, 9573 Hwy. 70, Minocqua. The Lakeland Performing Arts Association is bringing three talented young artists to take you for a stroll down memory lane at the Lakeland High School theatre. A modern-day folk trio inspired by the music and legacy of Peter, Paul and Mary. Musically accomplished, interactive and energetic, their shows allow audiences to experience this timeless music live onstage once again.
Play & Learn March 16th 9:30-11am N4013 Hwy. 45, Antigo. Play & Learn is a weekly play group program for parents, caregivers and children from birth to age 5. Staff will provide a parent lesson, an activity for parents and children to do together. The activity will build skills for school readiness and milestone achievement. Quarterly Ages and Stages questionnaires are made available to parents and caregivers to assist families in helping their children to reach age based development milestones. Join the conversation on Facebook - Northwoods Family Resource Centers http://www.facebook.com/NorthwoodsFRCN. For more information, please call 715-627-1414.
Card Playing Program March 16th (Every Thurs.) 1-4pm Langlade County Senior Center, 1225 Langlade Rd., Antigo. Have you been looking for someone to play cards with? Here is your chance to meet others and share your love for cards. The games being played are canasta, sheepshead & pinochle. For more information, please call 715-627-6632.
Boys & Girls Club Teen Night March 16th (Every Thur.) 5:30-8pm Boys & Girls Club of Langlade Co., 411 Superior St., Antigo. For grades 6-12. Video games, pool, bumper pool, blackjack, double shot, air hockey, carpetball, foosball, music, dodgeball league, volleyball league & more. For more information, please call 715-627-1800 or go to www.bgclang.org.
Poetry Reading with Crandon High School Alumni Dometa Wiegand Brothers March 16th 7pm Crandon Public Library, 110 W Polk St., Crandon. She will be reading from her latest book of poetry, Cold Songs. She was a 1986 graduate of Crandon High School and holds a BA & MSTE from the University of Stevens Point. She also has a PhD from Washington State University.
Prairie River Middle School Blood Drive March 17th 11am-2pm, Prairie River Middle School, 106 Polk Street, Merrill. To schedule an appointment, please call Carrie Pierschalla at 715-536-9593 ext. 17109.
Elefson-Zueske Post 117 American Legion Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner March 17th 4:30-7:30pm American Legion Post 117, 850 S. Lincoln Street, Shawano. For more information, please call 715-526-2098.
Hotdog Improv March 17th 8:30-11pm Les & Jim's Lincoln Lanes, 1208 N Center Ave., Merrill. Need a good night of laughs? Come out to Les and Jim's Lincoln Lanes and enjoy the Hotdog Improv group. No scripted needed, no lines are practiced, just give them the idea and let them make it work. Admission is $10 in advance and $12 at the door.
Wearin’ of the Green Party with Stone Soup Band March 17th 2-4pm Langlade County Senior Center, 1225 Langlade Rd., Antigo. They will be playing Irish music for your enjoyment. Refreshments will be served. Please bring an item for the food pantry. For more information, please call 715-627-6632.
Hodag Home Show March 18th 9am-4pm Rhinelander High School, 665 Coolidge Ave., Rhinelander. All you'll need for a happy home--inside and out! Numerous home improvement, garden, health, and sport exhibits. Enjoy the food and entertainment while roaming the vendor booths and shopping the arts and crafts. There will also be children's activities. Admission is FREE! Door prizes will be drawn throughout the show, and all attendees are eligible to win. For more information, please call 715-365-7464.
Antigo Bow Club Hunting Seminar & Raffle March 18th Doors open at 11am, speaker at 1pm. Antigo Bow Club Indoor Range, Mendlik Ave., Antigo. Turn off Hwy. 45, west onto Mendlik Ave. Go 5 blocks and the range is on the north side. Featuring Art Helin, Hunting Success Throughout the Season. There will be door prizes, raffle prizes and a free lunch. Tickets are $5 in advance and $10 at the door. Tickets are available at Bow Hunters Unlimited, BP South, Wagner Shell, Pomp’s Tire or from any Antigo Bow Club member. For more information, please call Dan Houdek at 715-610-2422 or go to www.antigobowclub.com.
St. Patrick's Day Annual Mooseyard Parade March 18th 11am-12:30pm Mooseyard, North Side of Shawano Lake, Shawano. Parade starts at the Shawano Lake Golf Course, travels west on Lake Drive. Numerous events all day throughout the Mooseyard. Park & ride, food & drink specials. Lots of fun to be had by all.
Gerrits' Lakeview Chili Cook Off March 18th 1-4pm Gerrit's Lakeview Inn, 656 Co Hwy G, Pelican Lake. $5 entry fee. Come out and try some delicious chili. Entries are judged by popular vote. Prize money based on number of entries.
14th Annual Taste of Tomahawk March 18th 1-4:30pm Inshalla Country Club, N11060 Clear Lake Road, Tomahawk. A microbrew and wine tasting festival that includes cuisine from local restaurants, treats from our local cheese shop and much more. Sponsored by the Tomahawk Chamber of Commerce. For more information, please call 715-453-5334.
8th Annual Crooked Lake/Mountain Lions Spaghetti Dinner March 18th 4-7pm Crooked Lake Community Center, Hwy. W, Crook Lake. Enjoy a meal of spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, bread sticks, coffee & dessert in an Italian atmosphere. Raffles & fun throughout the evening! Advance tickets are available for $8 at the following establishments; Mulligan's Sports Bar, Up North Realty, Crooked Lake Convenience Store, Pines Supper Club, Randall’s Resort and Shoreline Inn. Tickets will be $9 at the door for adults, $4 for children ages 5-12 and children 4 yrs. and under eat free. For more information, please call Cindy at 715-276-6528.
Red Arrow Snowmobile/ATV Club Dinner Play March 18th 4:30pm Waubee Lodge, 18398 Waubee Park Lane, Lakewood. 'The Age of Aviation', a dinner play hosted by the Red Arrow Snowmobile/ATV Club. Cash bar at 4:30pm, buffet style dinner at 6pm, play-following dinner. The dinner will include a plated garden salad, broasted chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, California blend vegetables, dinner rolls, dessert, coffee, water & milk. The ticket price is $45 per person. To order tickets, please call Sandy at 920-960-9794 (from 9am to 9pm only).
Father/Daughter Dance March 18th 6-8pm Tigerton Community Center, 221 Birch St., Tigerton. This dance is for all girls 16 years old and under with the accompaniment of their father, grandfather or other adult male family member. Music by Lori Stenson. Admission is $5 at the door. Photo booth will be available, $5 per photo.
A Tribute to Elvis & Patsy Cline March 18th 7-10pm North Star Lanes, 400 Prosser Place, Antigo. A tribute performance by Garry Wesley & Elaine Grant Wesley. Tickets $25 in advance, $30 at the door or bring a group of 8 and reserve a table for $200.
Trinity Lutheran Church of Merrill Blood Drive March 19th 9am-Noon Trinity Lutheran Church, 107 N. State St., Merrill. The blood drive will be held in the church basement. To schedule an appointment, please call Jean Ravn at 715-536-4715.
Pam Tillis Concert March 19th 4pm Wittenberg-Birnamwood High School Auditorium, 400 W. Grand Ave., Wittenberg. Doors open at 3pm, concert starts at 4pm. Tickets start at $37. They are available at Hanke’s Sentry Foods in Wittenberg and online at www.rubbersoulproductions.com
Park, Cemetery & Recreation Committee Meeting March 13th 5:30pm City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo.
Antigo Optimist Club Meeting March 14th 12-1pm North Star Lanes, 400 Prosser Place, Antigo.
Antigo Kiwanis Club Meeting March 14th Noon The Refuge Restaurant, 410 Hwy. 64, Antigo. New members are welcome.
Ready to Take Action Meeting March 14th 5:15pm CoVantage Credit Union, 723 6th Ave., Antigo. For more information, please contact Roseanne with Antigo 1st Inc. at 715-623-3634 or call John with CoVantage Credit Union at 715-627-4336.
Finance, Personnel & Legislative Committee Meeting March 15th 6pm City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo.
Baby & Me Group March 13th & March 20th 1:00pm-2:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Birthing Center, second floor of the hospital. Facilitator: RN/International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. For more information please call 715-623-9280. No fee.
AA Support Group (Open) March 16th & March 18th 7:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Hospital Conference Room 1022, adjacent to Chapel in the new hospital. Thursdays & Saturdays.
Narcotics Anonymous March 17th 7:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Hospital Conference Room 1022, adjacent to Chapel in the Langlade Hospital.
AL-ANON Meeting March 13th & March 20th 1:30pm. Antigo Community Church - Quest Center - Room 1, 723 Deleglise Street, Antigo. Mondays at 1:30pm
Overeaters Anonymous March 13th & March 20th 7:00pm. St. Mary & Hyacinth Parish Center, Room 4, 819 3rd Avenue, Antigo. Mondays at 7:00pm.
Weight Watchers Meetings March 14th 6:45am Langlade County Board Room, Safety Building 840 Clermont St., Antigo & 5:30pm United Methodist Church, 2034 5th Ave., Antigo.
T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Support Group March 16th 5pm Steffen Memorial Home, 503 5th Ave., Antigo.
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