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Community Calendar for 4-17-2023


*Community Events*

Antigo Area Community Food Pantry Wednesdays 11am-1pm & Fridays 1-3pm. 2120 Progress Blvd., Antigo. We ask that all individuals wishing to use the Food Pantry wait in cars, or outside and a volunteer will provide direction as to service. Our monthly donation focus for April is baby needs & supplies. For more information, go to or call (715) 623-1103. For emergency food assistance needs after hours call (715) 627-1818.

Elcho Area Community Food Pantry Mondays 2:30-4:30pm. Wednesdays 4-6pm, 11224 Antigo St., Elcho. Food will be distributed based on availability and # of family members. Note that the pantry is not open on holidays, or on days when the schools are closed because of snow. (715) 275-5010. In accordance with federal civil rights laws and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), religious creed, disability, age, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.

Community Closet Open Mondays 10am-Noon, Wednesdays 4-6pm & Saturdays 9-10am, N9570 Hwy. B, Summit Lake (across from the Summit Lake Post Office) Free Clothing and Jackets (Baby to XXL). Clothing donations are welcome. Everyone is welcome!

Gymnastics  April 17th & 24th (every Monday) 5:30-6:30pm. Potawatomi Community Center 5471 The Place Where Everyone Comes to Play Rd., Crandon. All Ages Welcome. Call the Rec. Center to Register 715-478-6443

Coffee and Conversation at the Senior Center of Langlade County April 17th-21st 9-11am. Langlade County Senior Center, 623 Edison St., Antigo. NEW LOCATION

Verified Water Lab – Bacteria/Nitrate Testing April 17th-19th  8:30am-3pm. Langlade Co. Health Dept. 1125 Langlade Rd., Antigo. The Langlade County Health Department will be doing certified water lab testing for bacteria and nitrate in private wells. You can pick up kits at the Health Services Center building & drop them off within 24 hours of sampling from 8:30am-3pm. Kits cost $20 each.

Learning, Coping & Surviving as an Alzheimer’s Caregiver April 17th 5-6:30pm. Langlade Co. Senior Center, 623 Edison St., Antigo. Wisconsin Governor Marty Schreiber will share lessons from his journey as a caregiver for his late wife, Elaine, who lived with Alzheimer's disease. He will candidly describe his challenges and missteps and highlight how compassion and humor provide comfort to both caregivers and the person with dementia. 608.609.1342

Bingo April 18th & 25th (every Tuesday) 5:30pm. Potawatomi Community Center 5471 The Place Where Everyone Comes to Play Rd., Crandon. 715-478-6443

Lunch Brunch April 18th 11:30am. Melody Mill N11921 Hwy. 45, Aniwa. Meet some new friends, enjoy good food and conversation.

Game Night Out April 18th (every Tuesday thru April 25th) 6-8:30pm. Northstar Lanes 400 Prosser Pl., Antigo. Like Board Games? Here is your chance to have an Adult Game Night Out! Northstar Lanes will have an area for people to stop by and play board games or bring your own! No charge to stop out and play.

Knitting & Crocheting at the Langlade County Senior Center April 19th 10am-11:30am. Langlade County Senior Center, 623 Edison St., Antigo. NEW LOCATION

AVAIL Outreach House April 19th 10am-12pm. AVAIL Outreach House 814 6th Ave., Antigo.

Car Seat Fitting Station April 19th 4-6pm. Antigo Fire Dept. 700 Edison St., Antigo.

Forever Simon & Garfunkel April 19th 7-11pm. Volm Theater 1900 Tenth Ave., Antigo. FOREVER SIMON & GARFUNKEL celebrates the best selling duo in rock’n’roll history. With humor, soaring energy, charm, and laser precise harmony, Sean Altman & Jack Skuller lead the audience on a journey through Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel’s teenage roots, their early success as a groovy folk act, their global dominance as hit-makers, and the best of Paul Simon’s solo career. Follow event on for ticket sale info.

White Lake Fitness & Fun April 20th 9-10am. White Lake Community Center 615 School St., White Lake. A facilitator will pick a fitness program accommodating varies levels of ability. No cost to attend.

Cards, Cribbage & Dominos April 20th 1pm. Langlade County Senior Center, 923 Edison St., Antigo. NEW LOCATION

Grilling 101 April 21st 6-8:30pm. NTC Antigo 312 Forrest Ave., Antigo. Cost $50 . Explore the world of grilling with Chef; participants will make marinades and sauces, grill vegetables, fruits, steak, chicken-on-the-bone and skewered shrimp. This is an introduction to grilling, doneness and flavor building on a gas grill with plenty to feast on at the end. 715-623-7601 ext. 0

Luke Spehar & Jacob Rudd (Live Music) April 21st 6pm. Northstar Lanes 400 Prosser Pl., Antigo. No cost but free will offering & cash bar.

Jigsaw Puzzle Club for Adults April 22nd 10:30am-1pm. Antigo Public Library 617 Clermont St., Antigo.

100 Yrs of Graduation Celebration May 27th 10:30am-9pm. White Lake HS 405 Bissell St., White Lake. They will have tours, concessions, displays, yearbooks, and will host a roundtable discussion for people to share their memories of the White Lake School District. There is so much history here and there will be something of interest to just about anyone. After there will be the ceremony for the graduating class of 2023. This event is open to anyone; it is not specific to graduates or even just former staff members.


Common Council- Organizational Meeting April 18th 6pm. City Hall 700 Edison St., Antigo.

Finance, Personnel & Legislative Committee- Regular Meeting April 19th 6pm. City Hall 700 Edison St., Antigo.

Public Works Committee – Regular Meeting April 26th 5:30pm. City Hall 700 Edison St., Antigo.


AA Support Group (Open) Wednesdays & Sundays 7pm. 1005 Fifth Avenue, Antigo.

AA Meetings Tuesdays at 7pm at the Elcho UCC church N11291 Dorr St, Elcho.

Alanon/Nornon Group Mondays 1:30pm. Antigo Community Church School, 723 Deleglise St., Antigo. For more information including other meeting times and locations call (866) 362-4427.

Narcotics Anonymous Tuesdays, Fridays & Saturdays 7pm. 1005 Fifth Ave., Antigo.

Life Recovery Group & Christian Recovery Meetings Wednesdays 8:30am. Church of the Nazarine 230 Elm St., Antigo. This group is for anyone struggling with addiction, anxiety, food, depression, relationships, etc. There will also be Christian Recovery meetings at the same place and time.

Broken Arrow Christian Recovery Meeting Thursdays 7pm. 1005 Fifth Avenue, Antigo.

Overeaters Anonymous Mondays 7-8pm. SS. Mary & Hyacinth Parish Center, Room #4, 819 Third Avenue, Antigo. Contact: Rose Marie, 715-623-2128.

Stroke Support May 12th  11am. (2nd Friday of the Month) Langlade Co. Senior Center 623 Edison St., Antigo.

Kids Clubs at Antigo Community Church Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm. Antigo Community Church, 723 Deleglise St., Antigo. One Way is for students in grades K-2 and CrossTrainers is for grades 3-6! All are welcome to join in the fun games, songs, Bible stories, and small group time. We can't wait to learn more about Jesus with everyone this year each Wednesday in the Quest Center! For more information, call 715-627-2805.

REALIFE Student Ministry Sundays 6:30-8pm. Antigo Community Church Quest Center, 723 Deleglise St., Antigo. Realife is our junior and senior high school student ministry. Our goal is to make youth nights a safe and fun environment where students are able to encounter a relationship with Christ as well as build relationships with adult leaders who have a passion to see students' lives changed by the Gospel! For more information, call 715-627-2805.

Alzheimer’s Association Virtual Support Groups Coffee for Family Caregivers, 2nd Monday of the month 5:30pm-6:30pm. For Persons Living with Mild Cognitive Impairment, 2nd Wednesday of the month 10-11:30am. Family Caregivers for a loved one with Frontotemploral Degeneration 3rd Wednesday of the month 6-7:30pm. Family Caregivers for a loved one with Dementia in the early stages 4th Tuesday of the month 10-11:30am. Family Caregivers for a loved one with dementia living at a facility Every other Friday 10-11:30am. Phone In Caregiver Support Group the last Tuesday of every month 10-11:30am. To register for any of the support groups contact the 24/7 helpline 800-272-3900.

If you have an upcoming event or ongoing group activity that you would like to include, please email the information to

community calendar


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