Monday, January 13, 2025

Community Calendar for 4/18/22 to 4/25/22


*Community Events*

Antigo Area Community Food Pantry April 20th 11am-2pm (Wed.) & April 22nd 1pm-3pm (Fri.), 2120 Progress Blvd., Antigo (715) 623-1103. We ask that all individuals wishing to use the Food Pantry wait in cars, or outside and a volunteer will provide direction as to service. Our monthly donation focus for April will be Baby needs and supplies. For more information, go to:

Elcho Area Community Food Pantry April 18th & April 25th 2:30-4:30pm (Mon.), April 20th 4-6pm (Wed.), 11224 Antigo St., Elcho. Individuals will receive a checklist of food items and can indicate their selections then submit the list. Food will be distributed based on availability and # of family members. Note that the pantry is not open on holidays, or on days when the schools are closed because of snow. (715) 275-5010.

Coffee and Conversation at the Senior Center of Langlade County April 18th – April 22nd (Mon.-Fri.) 9-11am Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo.

Sheepshead at the Langlade County Senior Center April 18th & April 25th 10am Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo.

Mah Jong at the Langlade County Senior Center April 18th & April 25th 1-4pm Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo.

Non-Denominational Bible Study at the Langlade County Senior Center April 19th 10am Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo.

Cribbage at the Langlade County Senior Center April 19th 1pm Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo.

Spring Planter Class April 19th 2-3pm Shops On Grand, 203 E. Grand Ave., Wittenberg. For more info, go to or call 715-870-5662.

Open Auditions for Wabeno Area Players April 19th & 20th 6pm Wabeno High School, Nancy Volk Auditorium, 4325 Branch St., Wabeno. We will be having open auditions for 3 upcoming shows. Auditions will consist of reading something for us, whether it is something you prepared, or we have given you. If you are interested in our musical, we will have you sing something. For more information, please call Mary at 715-927-7065.

Free COVID Testing April 20th 9am-noon Langlade County Health Services Gym, 1225 Langlade Rd., Antigo. FREE COVID testing is available every Wednesday in the Health Service Center gym. Please wear a mask. If you don't have one, we will have them available. For more information, please call Sheila at 715-627-6251.

Knitting & Crocheting at the Langlade County Senior Center April 20th 10-11:30am Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo.

Bingo at the Langlade County Senior Center April 20th 1-2:30pm Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo. The cost is $1 per card.

Car Seat Fitting Station April 20th 4-6pm City of Antigo Fire Department, 700 Edison St., Antigo. Free fitting station. Car seat technicians will be available to help you install your child's car seat. Car seats available at cost. For more information, call Sheila at 715-627-6251.

Pickleball at White Lake School April 20th 6-8pm White Lake School Recreation Center, 405 Bissel St., White Lake. During the school year White Lake School hosts Pickleball in their small gym every Wednesday. Use the side door off Center Street to enter. For more information, please contact Dave Krochalk at 715-254-1675.

Games at the Langlade County Senior Center April 21t 10am Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo.

Spring Planter Class April 21tst 6:15-7:15pm Shops On Grand, 203 E. Grand Ave., Wittenberg. For more info, go to or call 715-870-5662.

Memories Band at the Senior Center April 22nd 2-4pm Langlade County Senior Center, 904 5th Ave., Antigo.

Wine, Beer & Cheese Gala April 22nd 7-10pm WOWSPACE, 114 Vinal St., Wittenberg. Join us for fabulous food, winning wines & brewery fresh beers at this annual event. It is also the opening of the Spring Art Show. Tickets are $25 and available in advance by calling 715-253-3525.

Advanced Drawing Class April 23rd 9am-3pm Northcentral Technical College, 312 Forrest Ave., Antigo. This class will discuss color basics, color theory, rules of composition when to break the rules, color pencils, color pastels, paper for pastel and color pencil, additional tools, and methods. We will discuss motion, mood, story, style, gesture, and framing of your subject. Figure drawing with charcoal. The cost of the class is $65 which includes the supplies. For more information, please call 715-623-7601.

Spring Art Show- Artists Freeplay IX April 23rd-May 8th (Sat. & Sun.) 11am-3pm WOWSPACE, 114 Vinal St., Wittenberg. This show features a wide, elecic collection of artwork by a variety of area artist. It is open to the public on weekends through May 8th. For more information, go to

Benefit for Dennis Duchac April 23rd 4-9pm Swartzendruber’s Supper Club, 1315 Forrest Ave., Antigo. Dennis is currently undergoing radiation treatment for prostate cancer and will also begin treatment for his thyroid cancer. Ongoing appointments and follow-up will continue for the rest of his life. The benefit will include silent auctions, bucket raffle, 50/50 raffle, food and music by Jason McNabb. For more information, call Meghan at 715-219-9900.



Antigo Public Library Finance Committee Meeting April 18th 10am  Antigo Public Library, 617 Clermont St., Antigo.

Antigo Public Library Foundation Meeting April 19th 5:30pm Antigo Public Library, 617 Clermont St., Antigo.

City of Antigo Common Council Meeting April 19th 6pm City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo.

City of Antigo Finance, Personnel & Legislative Committee Meeting April 20th 6pm City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo.



AA Support Group (Open) April 20th, April 24th (Weds. & Suns.) 7:00pm 1005 Fifth Avenue, Antigo.

Narcotics Anonymous April 18th, April 19th, April 22nd & April 23rd (Mon., Tues., Fris., Sats.) 7:00pm 1005 Fifth Avenue, Antigo.

Overeaters Anonymous April 18th & April 25th (Mondays) 7-8pm SS. Mary & Hyacinth Parish Center, Room #4, 819 Third Avenue, Antigo. Contact: Rose Marie, 715-623-2128.

Healthy Respect Support Group April 19th 10:30am-Noon AVAIL Shelter, Antigo. Please call or email if interested. Contact: Roberta Darling at 715-623-5177 or email:

Avail Outreach House April 20th 11am-2pm Avail Outreach House, 814 6th Ave., Antigo. Avail Outreach House is now open to the public every Wednesday from 11am-2pm. We have men's, women's, and kid’s clothing. We also have household items, bakery, and more. For more information, please call Jillian at 715-623-5177.

Kids Clubs at Antigo Community Church April 20th 6:30-7:30pm Antigo Community Church, 723 Deleglise St., Antigo. One Way is for students in grades K-2 and CrossTrainers is for grades 3-6! All are welcome to join in the fun games, songs, Bible stories, and small group time. We can't wait to learn more about Jesus with everyone this year each Wednesday in the Quest Center! For more information, call 715-627-2805 or go to

REALIFE Student Ministry April 20th 7:30-8:30pm Antigo Community Church, 723 Deleglise St., Antigo. REALIFE is designed to be a safe place where Junior & Senior High students (grades 7-12) can invite friends to come and be a part of a night filled with encouragement, fun, and fellowship. At REALIFE we will introduce students to the gospel and teach life application. We will play games, do ice-breakers, worship, teach, and interact in small group conversation. For more information, call 715-627-2805 or go to or go to

Community Closet N9570 Hwy. B, Summit Lake (across from the Town Hall) Open Monday 10am-Noon, Wednesday 4-6pm & Saturday 9-10am. Free Clothing (all sizes), bedding, shoes, etc. Clothing donations are welcome. Everyone is welcome!

If you have an upcoming event or ongoing group activity that you would like to include, please email the information to


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