*Community Events*
Antigo Area Community Food Pantry April 26th 11am-1pm (Wednesdays) & April 28th 1pm-3pm (Fridays), 2120 Progress Blvd., Antigo (715) 623-1103.
Elcho Area Community Food Pantry April 24th & May 1st 11am-1pm (Mon.), April 26th 4-6pm (Wed.) & Every 3rd Sat. 10am-Noon, 11224 Antigo St., Elcho. Call (715) 610-5886 for more information.
"Artists' Free Play V" April 22nd thru May 14th. Saturdays & Sundays only, 11am-3pm. WOWSPACE, 114 Vinal Street, Downtown Wittenberg. This is a free art show. A welcome to art of every kind by any artist! This show features a wide, eclectic collection of artwork by a variety of area artists. Go to www.wallsofwittenberg.com for more information.
Amish Country & Barn Quilt Coach Bus Tour April 25th-26th 9am-4pm Boarders Inn & Suites, 7393 River Bend Rd, Shawano. Activities on day one include: an Amish home meal, Amish farms, one room school tour, Amish manufacturing, shopping, narrated by local guide. Overnight lodging will be at Boarders Inn & Suites. Activities on day two include: viewing 70+ barn quilts on historic barns, includes book with 305 photos, Sundrop Museum Tour & Tasting, lunch & snacks. The cost is $159 + tax per person based on double occupancy. For more information, please call 715-524-2139.
2017 Live Love Louder Banquet April 25th 5:15pm Peace Lutheran Church & School, 300 Lincoln Street, Antigo. The doors open at 5:15pm and the dinner starts at 6pm. Our speaker presentation will be given by an amazing group called Axis. For more information, please call 715-470-1003.
Coffee Klatch for Seniors April 25th & April 27th (Every Tues. & Thur.) 9-11am Langlade County Senior Center, 1225 Langlade Rd., Antigo. Come and enjoy some coffee and conversation with others. For more information, please call 715-627-6632.
Boys & Girls Club Teen Night April 25th & 27th (Every Tues. & Thur.) 5:30-8pm Boys & Girls Club of Langlade Co., 411 Superior St., Antigo. For grades 6-12. Video games, pool, bumper pool, blackjack, double shot, air hockey, carpetball, foosball, music, dodgeball league, volleyball league & more. For more information, please call 715-627-1800 or go to www.bgclang.org.
Tae Kwan Do-Traditional Chung Hon Martial Arts April 25th & April 27th 6:30-8pm Elks Lodge, 622 Clermont St., Antigo. Held on the third floor of the Elk's Lodge. Open to Anyone 7 years old and up. For more information, please call 715-623-4429.
Blood Pressure Clinic April 26th 9am-Noon Antigo Fire Department, 700 Edison St., Antigo. For more information, please call Lisa Vollmar at 715-350-7315.
Immunization Clinic April 26th 9am-4pm Langlade County Health Department, 1225 Langlade Road, Antigo. The immunization clinic is available to provide childhood immunizations & adult vaccinations. The vaccinations are FREE to children 2 months - 18 years of age if you have Medical Assistance or no insurance. Adult vaccinations are available some with a minimal fee or FREE if you have MC or MA. Contact the Health Department at 715-627-6250 for more information or to see if you are in need of any vaccinations.
Shawano Downtown Ladies Day April 26th 12pm – 7pm Downtown Shawano. Shop Downtown businesses, register for gift baskets and BID District Dollars. Got to www.shawanodowntown.com or call 715-853-3775 for more information.
Elcho UCC Men's Club Dinner April 26th 4-7pm Jack Lamar Pavilion, N11283 Dorr Street, Elcho. "German Night", Pork roast and kraut, sauerbraten and red cabbage, potato, salad bar, dessert, and coffee! Bar open at 4 pm, serving food at 5! Cost $12.00. For more information, please call Warren Wagner at 715-275-3134.
Severe Weather Spotter Training April 26th 6:30pm – 8:30pm NTC-Wittenberg, 402 N. Genesee St. #3, Wittenberg. Free Training hosted by Shawano County Emergency Management. For more information, please call 715-526-6774.
Play & Learn April 27th 9:30-11am N4013 Hwy. 45, Antigo. Play & Learn is a weekly play group program for parents, caregivers and children from birth to age 5. Staff will provide a parent lesson, an activity for parents and children to do together. The activity will build skills for school readiness and milestone achievement. Quarterly Ages and Stages questionnaires are made available to parents and caregivers to assist families in helping their children to reach age based development milestones. Join the conversation on Facebook - Northwoods Family Resource Centers http://www.facebook.com/NorthwoodsFRCN. For more information, please call 715-627-1414.
Card Playing Program April 27th (Every Thurs.) 1-4pm Langlade County Senior Center, 1225 Langlade Rd., Antigo. Have you been looking for someone to play cards with? Here is your chance to meet others and share your love for cards. The games being played are canasta, sheepshead & pinochle. For more information, please call 715-627-6632.
Neil Simon’s “London Suite” April 27th-30th 7-9pm Mielke Arts Center, N5649 N Airport Rd., Shawano. Tickets are $12 for adult and youth $7. Presented by the Box in the Woods Theatre Guild. For more information, please call 715-526-2525 or go to www.shawanoarts.com.
Merrill Police Department Blood Drive April 28th 9am-3pm City Hall, 1004 E. 1st Street, Merrill. To schedule your life-saving appointment, please contact Officer Dane Mathwich at 715-536-8311 or Dane.Mathwich@ci.merrill.wi.us.
City of Antigo Brewer Trip April 28th 2:15pm Leaving from the City Hall back parking lot - off of Dorr Street. See the Brewers vs the Braves. Travel to Miller Park on an air-conditioned coach bus. New this year... we will enjoy the game in the Dew Deck, which has a climbing wall and includes food and drinks. The cost will be $59 which includes the bus, food, a climbing wall and a free long sleeve t-shirt to the first 20,000 fans. Game time is 7:10pm You must ride the bus both there and back. We will make a short stop on the way down (10-15 minutes) and drive through on the way back. Please plan accordingly for snacks on the way down and on the way back. No refunds. The estimated return time is approximately 1:30am (Please plan accordingly.) For more information, please call 715-623-3633.
Fun with Fermentation April 29th 9-10:30am Rhinelander High School, 665 Coolidge Ave, Rhinelander. Having digestive issues? Come learn how fermented foods can improve your gut health! We will be discussing the health benefits of fermented foods, the processes to go about fermenting, and troubleshooting tips! Topics include Kombucha, sourdough, and fermented veggies. Enjoy demos and some take-home goodies! For grade 9 – adult. $7 per person. The deadline for registration is April 26th.
Garden Fresh Salad Bowl Luncheon, Gardening Sale and Raffle April 29th 11am-1pm Holiday Acres Resort on Lake Thompson, 4060 S Shore Dr., Rhinelander. Enjoy a choice of salads donated by area restaurants, roll, beverage and dessert in an elegant setting. Bid on fine wooden bowls and other items donated by the Northwood Turners chapter of the AAW. Garden plants donated by area greenhouses. There will also be hand-made raffle items donated by local quilters, woodworkers and others.
4th Annual Oneida County Humane Society’s (OCHS) Furball April 29th 5-9pm Reiter Center, 1858 S. Michigan, Three Lakes. The fundraiser includes a family style dinner, entertainment, prizes and the opportunity to try for awesome raffles & auction items, craft beer & wines will be available. Tables of 6, 8, or 12 can be reserved, a great way for businesses & friends to show support & have fun too! All proceeds from this event go directly for the cost of caring for the hundreds of animals that pass through our doors each year. Individual ticket prices are $50 & are available now through the adoption center or from Furball committee members. Only 200 tickets will be sold. Please call 715-362-5992 for more information.
Fling into Spring Polka Dance & Fundraiser April 29th 6-10pm Armstrong Creek Community Center, Armstrong Creek. Come and enjoy family friendly entertainment at this community fundraiser. There will be live music by Cynor Brothers. Food and drinks will be available. The cost is $5 for adults, $3 for students, 12 & under are free. Presented by the Goodman Armstrong Creek Lions Club.
St. Jakobi Lutheran Church Spaghetti Dinner April 30th 11am-2pm St. Jakobi Lutheran Church, W8089 Co Rd A, Shawano. Come and enjoy spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, garlic bread, bars and beverage. For more information, please call 715-524-4347.
McCaslin Lioness Spring Fashion Show May 1st 5pm Waubee Lodge, 18398 Waubee Lake Dr., Lakewood. This is a fun evening that sells out quickly! Come and enjoy cocktails, dinner, door prizes, raffles and great fashions from local shops. For more information, please call Cyndi at 715-276-3476.
Antigo Optimist Club Meeting April 25th 12-1pm North Star Lanes, 400 Prosser Place, Antigo.
Antigo Kiwanis Club Meeting April 25th Noon The Refuge Restaurant, 410 Hwy. 64, Antigo. New members are welcome.
Hotel/Motel Commission Meeting April 26th 8:30am City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo.
Public Works Committee Meeting April 26th 6pm City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo.
Antigo Lions Club Meeting April 27th 7pm Swartzendruber’s Supper Club, 1315 Forrest Ave., Antigo.
Economic Development Committee Meeting May 1st 6pm City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo.
Baby & Me Group April 24th & May 1st 1:00pm-2:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Birthing Center, second floor of the hospital. Facilitator: RN/International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. For more information please call 715-623-9280. No fee.
AA Support Group (Open) April 27th & April 29th 7:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Hospital Conference Room 1022, adjacent to Chapel in the new hospital. Thursdays & Saturdays.
Narcotics Anonymous April 28th 7:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Hospital Conference Room 1022, adjacent to Chapel in the Langlade Hospital.
AL-ANON Meeting April 24th & May 1st 1:30pm. Antigo Community Church - Quest Center - Room 1, 723 Deleglise Street, Antigo. Mondays at 1:30pm
Overeaters Anonymous April 24th & May 1st 7:00pm. St. Mary & Hyacinth Parish Center, Room 4, 819 3rd Avenue, Antigo. Mondays at 7:00pm.
Weight Watchers Meetings April 25th 6:45am Langlade County Board Room, Safety Building 840 Clermont St., Antigo & 5:30pm United Methodist Church, 2034 5th Ave., Antigo.
T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Support Group Chapter #950 April 25th 4pm Antigo Community Church/School, 723 Deleglise St., Antigo.
T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Support Group April 27th 5pm Steffen Memorial Home, 503 5th Ave., Antigo.
Alzheimer’s Support Group April 27th 1:30-3pm Langlade County Senior Center, 1225 Langlade Rd., Antigo. This Alzheimer’s Association caregiver support group will meet the 4th Thursday of each month. Kathy Boksa is the group’s facilitator. The meeting is open to all area families & caregivers. There is no charge. For more information, please call Kathy at 715-350-4210.
HALOS-Helping Another grieve a Loved One's Suicide April 27th 6:30-9pm NTC Antigo Campus-Wood Technology Center, 312 Forrest Ave., Antigo. We are a new support group for anyone who has felt the devastating effects of a friend's or loved one's suicide. Meetings to be held the fourth Thursday each month in Room WT119 of the Wood Technology Center at NTC Antigo Campus. For more information, contact Tara at 715-219-5958.
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