*Community Events*
Antigo Area Community Food Pantry June 12th11am-1pm (Wednesdays) & June 14th 1pm-3pm (Fridays), 2120 Progress Blvd., Antigo (715) 623-1103. Our monthly donation focus for the month of June is chicken, beef & vegetable broth (low or no salt).The following is a testimonial from an individual helped by the Antigo Community Food Pantry earlier this year: “Because of the government shutdown, food share was impacted and the delay in my food share put us at risk of not having enough food so we will be here just one time until our food share begins to straighten out.”
Elcho Area Community Food Pantry June 10th & June 17th 10:30am-12:30pm (Mon.), June 12th 4-6pm (Wed.), 11224 Antigo St., Elcho. Call (715) 610-5886 for more information.
Mahjong at the Langlade County Senior Center June 10th 1-3pm Langlade County Senior Center, 1225 Langlade Rd., Antigo. Come and learn how to play. For more information, please call 715-627-6632.
Langlade County Tavern League Golf Outing June 10th 1pm Riverview Golf Course, W11817 Highland Rd., Antigo. This is a 4 person best ball scramble. Sign up at 2 some or 4 some teams. Scores based off 2 golfers & 2 random golfers. It is $40 per person which includes golfing with a cart, dinner, prizes and fun. Dinner only is $10. For information call Riverview Country Club at 715-623-2663 or Boettcher's Bar at 715-623-4686.
Monday Night Women's Road Bike Ride June 10th 5:30pm Langlade Hospital, 112 E. 5th Ave., Antigo. The Women’s ride meets every Monday evening at 5:30pm at the Langlade Hospital parking lot off Hwy F. Everyone is welcome. Once a month they will meet somewhere different in the county. The alternative rides start at 5:45. Please email Mary Jo Filbrandt for directions and the routes for these alternative rides. There will be up to three groups with a 10-12 mile route and a 20-25 mile route. A bike helmet is required. For more information, please contact Mary Jo at mjfilbrandt@gmail.com.
Music in the Park – Northern Aires (Variety) June 10th Food & pies starting at 5:30pm; concerts start 6:30pm (6pm in Aug). City Park West, 700 block of Aurora St., Antigo. Bring your lawn chairs & listen to the Music in the Park! Concerts held every Monday & Thursday, June-August. In the event of severe weather, concerts are held at the Heinzen Pavilion in Peaceful Valley. Free admission. Food will be available.
Free Family Movie Night June 10th 5:30-7:30pm Antigo Public Library, 617 Clermont St., Antigo. The scheduled movie is Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse. For more information, please call Steph Cherrywell at 715-623-3724.
Coffee Klatch for Seniors June 11th & June 13th (Every Tues. & Thur.) 9-11am Langlade County Senior Center, 1225 Langlade Rd., Antigo. Come and enjoy some coffee and conversation with others. For more information, please call 715-627-6632.
Strong Bones with Kathy June 11th & June 13th (Every Tues. & Thur.) 9-10am Langlade County Senior Center, 1225 Langlade Rd., Antigo. Strong Bones is an ongoing strength training program designed to help adults become or stay fit, strong & healthy. Individuals will improve muscle strength, bone density, self-confidence, sleep and vitality. Also, participants have shown a decreased risk of diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, depression & obesity. Classes are offered for an hour, twice a week. Pre-register by calling the Aging and Disability Resource Center at 715-627-6232.
Tuesday Morning “Geezer” Bike Rides June 11th 10am-Noon Antigo Public Library, 617 Clermont St., Antigo. Tuesday Morning “Geezer” Bike Rides are every Tuesday morning. They meet at the parking lot behind the Antigo Public Library and Dixie Lunch at 10:00 am in the spring and 9:00 am in the summer. They divide into groups going distances of 10 to 25 miles. Rides will last 1-2 hours. Contact Nick Salm at njsalm1@gmail.com for more information or to be put on his email list.
Arbor Day Celebration June 11th 10-11:30am North Clermont Park, 725 Ackley St., Antigo. Wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty and help us plant trees in this popular community park.
Langlade County Senior Center Lunch Bunch June 11th 11:30am El Tequila, 712 Superior St., Antigo. Come join us for food and fun.
Second Tuesday Concert June 11th 6-8pm WOW Art Park, 114 Vinal St., Wittenberg. Join us for our first concert of the summer! Sloppy Joe will entertain us tonight. As always, the Concert is free to the public, sponsored by Crossroads Community Theatre and Walls of Wittenberg! Bring chairs, a picnic supper or snacks and beverages to enjoy. Support the WASP Swimmers, who will be providing food for purchase. FREE ICE CREAM! Donations are always welcome. In case of rain, concert will be held in the WOWSPACE.
Blood Pressure Clinic June 12th 9am-Noon Antigo Fire Department, 700 Edison St., Antigo. For more information, please call Lisa Vollmar at 715-350-7315.
Preschool Story Time June 12th 10:30-11:30am Antigo Public Library, 617 Clermont St., Antigo. Join us for story time at the Antigo Public Library! This is a great way for kids who haven't started school yet to meet & socialize with peers. Every week we'll read 2 or 3 books together as well as doing some songs & movement. We also do a simple craft or coloring page that helps kids develop creativity & motor skills, & occasionally (attendance permitting) other activities such as parachute play. This event is geared towards preschoolers, but older or younger kids are welcome to attend as well.
Bingo at the Langlade Co. Senior Center June 12th 1-2:30pm Langlade County Senior Center, 1225 Langlade Rd., Antigo.
Car Seat Fitting and Checks June 12th 4-6pm Antigo Fire Department, 700 Edison St., Antigo. Free car seat checks and sitting performed by certified staff. Some car seats available at reduced cost. For more information, please call Linda at 715-623-3633 ext. 140.
Play & Learn June 13th 9:30-11am N4013 Hwy. 45, Antigo. Play & Learn is a weekly play group program for parents, caregivers & children from birth to age 5. Staff will provide a parent lesson, an activity for parents & children to do together. The activity will build skills for school readiness & milestone achievement. Quarterly Ages & Stages questionnaires are made available to parents & caregivers to assist families in helping their children to reach age based development milestones. Join the conversation on Facebook - Northwood’s Family Resource Centers http://www.facebook.com/NorthwoodsFRCN. For more information, please call 715-627-1414.
Cards, Dominoes & Game Playing Program June 13th (Every Thurs.) 1-4pm Langlade County Senior Center, 1225 Langlade Rd., Antigo. Have you been looking for someone to play cards & games with? Here is your chance to meet others and share your love for cards, dominoes & games. For more information, please call 715-627-6632.
Music in the Park – Of Chorus & Fast Times (Variety) June 13th Food & pies starting at 5:30pm; concerts start 6:30pm (6pm in Aug). City Park West, 700 block of Aurora St., Antigo. Bring your lawn chairs & listen to the Music in the Park! Concerts held every Monday & Thursday, June-August. In the event of severe weather, concerts are held at the Heinzen Pavilion in Peaceful Valley. Free admission. Food will be available.
Flag Day Celebration at the Langlade County Senior Center June 14th 1:30-3:30pm Langlade Co. Senior Center, 1225 Langlade Rd., Antigo. There will be a tribute to our flag and an ice cream social with strawberries and ice cream The Stone Soup Brothers will also be playing music for your enjoyment. For more information, please call 715-627-6632.
United Church of Christ Men’s Club Fish Fry June 14th 5-7pm Jack Lamar Elcho Pavilion, N11283 Dorr St., Elcho. “Fish Fry & Shrimp” (fried or broiled), fries, coleslaw, & custard for $10 per plate with other options available at an additional cost. Opens at 4pm. For more information, please call 262-720-4856.
Free Outdoor Movie June 14th 9:15pm Senior League Ball Field, 325 Third Ave., Antigo. Watch some movies under the stars this summer at Senior League Ball Field (215 3rd Ave). This is held in conjunction with the Antigo Dug Out Club ball tournament. Pack a picnic dinner, bring the family and enjoy some films on a 10'x20' outdoor screen. Limited concessions are also available. This is a free event. For more information, please call 715-623-3633, ext. 131.
Forest County Potawatomi Brush Run Races June 15th–16th Crandon International Off-Road Raceway, 10104 US Highway 8 W, Crandon. Traxxas TORC Series brings 11 race classes that fill the weekend with non-stop racing action! Crandon International Raceway celebrates 50 years of short course off-road racing in 2019. Join them at the Big House, the mecca for short course off-road racing. For more information, please call 715-478-2222.
Joe Piskula Hockey Camp - Mini Goalie Camp - 3x3 Tournament June 15th-22nd Langlade County Hockey Arena, 1633 Neva Rd., Antigo. Mini Goalie Camp: June 15th & 16th; Joe Piskula Hockey Camp: June 17th -21st; Summer 3x3 Tournament: June 22nd. Prices are as follows: Goalie Mini Camp, Joe Piskula Camp, & 3x3: $200; Goalie Mini Camp: $70; Mites: $70; Squirt, Pee-Wee, Bantam, HS: $200; Second Family Member: $150; 3X3 Tournament: $30; 3X3 Tournament with Joe Piskula Camp: $15.
Antigo Farmer’s Market June 15th 8am-Noon Heinzen Pavilion, 603 6th Avenue, Antigo. All produce is locally grown by the vendor who sells them. Shopping at the Antigo Farmer’s Market is a great way to get local, in season food, and make connections with the people that grew it.
Gleason Lions Heritage Days/Mud Bog Race June 15th-16th Sat. Race Noon-7pm, Sun 7am Pancake Breakfast, Tractor Pull Noon-6pm. Gleason Lion's Park, N5179 Bradley St., Gleason. Come watch 4x4 trucks compete in a measured and timed race through a 300 foot mud pit. Free admission. Food and beverages are available on the grounds. No carry-ins or glass on grounds. It’s a family fun weekend with events happening all weekend long. For more information, please call 715-873-4515.
19th Annual All Saints Catholic School Summer Kick-Off Golf Outing & Dinner June 15th 1pm Bass Lake Golf Course, W10650 Bass Lake Road, Deerbrook. Four person scramble format. Shotgun start at 1pm. Cost is $100 per person which includes 18 holes, golf cart, dinner, music & prizes to follow at The Bass Lake Supper Club. Dinner is from 6:30-8pm. There will also be music from 7-9pm. Dinner tickets are $15 each or $20 at the door. Dinner tickets can be purchased in advance at the All Saints office by calling 715-623-4835.
Fireworks Country Fireworks Extravaganza June 15th 1-11:30pm Fireworks Country, W18862 Hwy. 29, Wittenberg. See the largest fireworks show in central Wisconsin. There will also be pedal tractor pulls, mini rod & truck pulls, classic car show, corn hole tournament and live music. For more information, please call 715-881-2111.
Embarrass River Lions Club AYCE Fish Fry June 15th 3-8pm Morris Town Hall, W15320 Berg Rd., Tigerton. This event is a benefit for the Tigerton Ambulance and 1st responders.
Music in the Park – Quarry Road (Variety) June 17th Food & pies starting at 5:30pm; concerts start 6:30pm (6pm in Aug). City Park West, 700 block of Aurora St., Antigo. Bring your lawn chairs & listen to the Music in the Park! Concerts held every Monday & Thursday, June-August. In the event of severe weather, concerts are held at the Heinzen Pavilion in Peaceful Valley. Free admission. Food will be available.
Antigo Rotary Meeting June 10th & June 17th Noon -1pm Swartzendruber's Supper Club, 1315 Forrest Ave., Antigo.
Park, Cemetery & Recreation Commission Meeting June 10th 5:30pm City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo.
Langlade County Senior Citizens Club Meeting June 11th 1:30pm Quest Center, Antigo Community Church, 723 Deleglise St., Antigo.
Antigo Optimist Club Meeting June 12th 12-1pm North Star Lanes, 400 Prosser Place, Antigo.
City Council Meeting June 12th 6pm City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo.
Langlade County Humane Society Monthly Membership Meeting June 13th 6pm County Board Room, Langlade County Safety Building, 840 Clermont St., Antigo.
Antigo Library Finance Meeting June 17th 9am Antigo Public Library, 617 Clermont St., Antigo.
Baby & Me Group June 10th & June 17th 1:00pm-2:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Birthing Center, second floor of the hospital. Facilitator: RN/International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. For more information please call 715-623-9280. No fee.
AA Support Group (Open) June 13th & June 15th 7:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Hospital Conference Room 1022, adjacent to Chapel in the new hospital. Thursdays & Saturdays.
Narcotics Anonymous June 14th 7:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Hospital Conference Room 1022, adjacent to Chapel in the Langlade Hospital.
AL-ANON Meeting June 10th & June 17th 1:30pm. Antigo Community Church - Quest Center - Room 1, 723 Deleglise Street, Antigo. Mondays at 1:30pm.
Overeaters Anonymous June 10th & June 17th 7:00pm. St. Mary & Hyacinth Parish Center, Room 4, 819 3rd Avenue, Antigo. Mondays at 7:00pm.
Weight Watchers Meetings June 11th 6:45am United Methodist Church, 2034 5th Ave., Antigo.
T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Support Group Chapter #950 June 11th 4pm Antigo Community Church/School, 723 Deleglise St., Antigo.
T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Support Group June 13th 5pm Steffen Memorial Home, 503 5th Ave., Antigo.
H2O Cardio Classes June 10th & June 12th 9am Clara R. McKenna Aquatic Center, 111 Western Ave., Antigo. H2O Cardio is a 45 minute high intensity water fitness program which will provide cardio & strength training without the strain & pain to muscles & joints. The water, along with the use of resistance equipment, will challenge all aspects of the body & increase your physical fitness level. For more information, please call 715-627-0497.
NEWCOMERS – Nicolet Welcome Service has a FREE WELCOME PACKET filled with gift certificates and brochures from Antigo/Langlade County businesses. For a warm friendly welcome, call Christine at 715-627-2881 or go to www.nicoletwelcome.com.
Langlade County Community Ceramics, a non-profit painting group that meets every Monday and Friday from 9am-Noon at Sts. Mary & Hyacinth, Classroom 8, 819 3rd Ave., Antigo. Class cost is $3.00, to cover paint and anyone is welcome. We also take art-related field trips four times a year.
Antigo MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers), a chapter of an international group that offers encouragement and support to moms of kids ages 0-5. We have relevant and interesting speakers, fun crafts, yummy food and free childcare while we meet. We meet the first and third Tuesday of the month, September to May, at Antigo Community Church (723 Deleglise St.) from 8:15-10:15 am. For more information please see www.facebook.com/antigomops.
Zumba Gold is for those looking for a modified Zumba class that recreates the original moves at a lower intensity. Perfect for active older adults and first-timers! Classes are taught by ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor Terri Johnson. LOCATIONS: Schroeder’s Fitness Studio, 700 S. Superior St., Antigo, Mon. & Wed., 10am; Sat., 11am. Elcho School, Tue. & Thu., 9a & 5pm; Sat 9am. First class is FREE. Drop-in fee is $6. Follow @upnorthfitness at Facebook or visit terrijohnson.zumba.com for schedule changes.
Compassionate Friends-Antigo Chapter June 11th 7pm Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. This is support group which is open to the public and assists families who have lost a child. Meetings are held monthly at 7:00 p.m. at Langlade Hospital/Conference Room 1021 (behind the chapel). For more information, please call Becki at 715-623-7123.
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