*Community Events*
Antigo Area Community Food Pantry August 2nd 11am-1pm (Wednesdays) & August 4th 1pm-3pm (Fridays), 2120 Progress Blvd., Antigo (715) 623-1103.
Elcho Area Community Food Pantry July 31st & August 7th 11am-1pm (Mon.), August 2nd 4-6pm (Wed.) & Every 3rd Sat. 10am-Noon, 11224 Antigo St., Elcho. Call (715) 610-5886 for more information.
Hodag Water Shows Thru August 20th (Sun. & Wed.) 7pm Hodag Park, Boom Lake, 1103 Thayer St., Rhinelander. HWS performs a show that features acts such as ballet, jump, swivel skiing, trick skiing, barefooting, doubles, trios, wakeboarding, and pyramid. Members range in age from 6 to almost 50 and some of the members have been with the team for more than 30 years. Concessions such as hot dogs, walking tacos, nachos, cotton candy, chips, beverages and many other snacks are available at each show. For more information, go to www.hodagwatershows.com.
Pickerel-Pearson Business Association Golf Outing July 31st Quig’s Maplewood Golf Course, N9240 Hwy. 55, Pickerel. Come out to the golf course for a day of fun with the Pickerel-Pearson Business Association members. For more information, go to pickerel-pearson.com.
MegaJenga Tournament July 31st 3-7pm Antigo Public Library, 617 Clermont St., Antigo. It's MEGAJENGA! You've (probably?) never seen Jenga played with blocks this size. Now's your chance to build a truly awesome tower and see some truly awesome wreckage. Kids (12 and under) - tournament starts at 3; Teens (13-18) - tournament starts at 5. The winner of each group will receive a set of Regular-Sized Jenga to take home! For more information, please call 715-623-3724.
Music in the Park July 31st Food & pies starting at 5:30pm; concerts start 6:30pm. City Park West, 700 block of Aurora St., Antigo. Bring your lawn chairs & listen to the Music in the Park! Join us tonight for music by Sliden’ On Ice (Variety). Pie & custard will be available to purchase at 5:30 pm from St. Wencel’s Catholic Church.
Monday Night Women's Road Bike Ride July 31st & August 7th 5:30pm Langlade Hospital, 112 E. 5th Ave., Antigo. The Women’s ride meets every Monday evening at 5:30pm at the Langlade Hospital parking lot off Hwy F. Everyone is welcome. The rides take place through August 28th. For more information, please contact Mary Jo at mjfilbrandt@gmail.com.
Lake Lucerne Water Shows Thru Aug. (Mon. & Wed. in July) 6:30pm Water’s Edge Lodge, 4140 County Rd W, Crandon. Free water show. For more information, please call 715-478-1224.
Snowshoe Baseball Thru August 28th (Every Mon.) 7-10pm Held at Snowshoe Park, Highway 47 & Choate Blvd., Lake Tomahawk. Enjoy baseball played wearing snowshoes. No admission. Concession stand opens at 5:30pm. For more information, please call 715-277-2554 or go to www.laketomahawkwi.org.
Coffee Klatch for Seniors August 1st & August 3rd (Every Tues. & Thur.) 9-11am Langlade County Senior Center, 1225 Langlade Rd., Antigo. Come and enjoy some coffee and conversation with others. For more information, please call 715-627-6632.
Tuesday Morning Road Bike Ride August 1st 9am Antigo Public Library, 617 Clermont Street, Antigo. This bike group meets every Tuesday morning. Meet at Antigo Public Library parking lot. Please call Joe at 715-623-5372 for more information.
Library Gaming Club August 1st 3:30-4pm Antigo Public Library, 617 Clermont St., Antigo. Come and play games! Multiplayer video games and board games both classic and modern. For more information, please call 715-623-3724.
Auditions for Antigo Amateur Talent Night August 1st Registration at 4:30pm, Auditions at 5pm Volm Theater, 1900 10th Ave., Antigo. These auditions are held, first come, first serve. We would like to showcase a wide variety of talents such as juggling, comedy, prose, music (no bands), dance, magic, short skits & ventriloquism. So dust off your tap shoes, tune your guitar or rehearse your lines and show us what you’ve got! Call Moira Scupien at 715-350-1683 or email actantigo@gmail.com for audition guidelines and information.
Tae Kwan Do-Traditional Chung Hon Martial Arts August 1st & August 3rd (Every Tues. & Thur.) 6:30-8pm Elks Lodge, 622 Clermont St., Antigo. Held on the third floor of the Elk's Lodge. Open to Anyone 7 years old and up. For more information, please call 715-623-4429.
Redikulus Dae August 2nd 8am-4pm Downtown (Brown St.), Rhinelander. When shopping is a professional sport! Get Redikulus savings, food choices galore, fun and crazy activities, vendors, crafts, and merchants. This one day street sale has been a part of Downtown's tradition for years! For more information, please call 715-362-7374 or go to downtownrhinelander.com.
Tomahawk National Antique & Classic Outboard Motor and Boat Show August 2nd-5th 8am SARA Park, Tomahawk. This event is a show, swap meet & sale. The show runs from 8am to 5pm each day with the arena open until 8pm except Saturday. Scheduled events for each day include: Wednesday - Set up at SARA Park. Registration 8am to 5pm. It is a complete day of activities. Thursday - Registration, 8am to 5pm; Friday - Registration, 8am to 5pm; Saturday: Registration, 8am to noon. For more information, contact Bob Dalle Ave at 715-356-5649.
Blood Pressure Clinic August 2nd 9am-Noon Antigo Fire Department, 700 Edison St., Antigo. For more information, please call Lisa Vollmar at 715-350-7315.
Library Story Time August 2nd 10:30-11:30am Antigo Public Library, 617 Clermont St., Antigo. Stories, crafts, and other fun activities aimed at preschoolers. For more information, please call 715-623-3724.
Insect Diagnostic Lab August 2nd 10:30-11:30am Antigo Public Library, 617 Clermont St., Antigo. Do you like bugs, insects, and other creatures that skitter in the night? PJ Liesch of the University of Madison Insect Diagnostic Lab will be bringing some amazing insects to share. Come face-to-face with one of the biggest and most diverse groups of animals on Earth! For more information, please call 715-623-3724.
St. Wenceslaus Parish Summer Salad Luncheon August 2nd 11am-1pm St. Wencel Parish Hall, N5340 Church Rd., Neva. Serving barbecues, salads, casseroles, desserts, coffee or milk. $6 for adults, $4 for children 4-12, children 3 & under are free. The hall is handicap accessible. An elevator is available on the north side of the church front entrance. Everyone is welcome!
Free Summer Yoga Classes August 2nd Noon-12:45pm Heinzen Peaceful Valley Pavilion, 420 Field Street, Antigo. Beginner/Intermediate Yoga for all levels of experience. Take a break from your busy day to stretch, strengthen and develop focus using yoga postures and breathing techniques. Offered by Carrie Kubacki, 200 Hour Certified Vinyasa Yoga Instructor and 200 Hour Certified Viniyoga Instructor, Yoga Alliance Registered. Please bring: Yoga mat, blocks, blanket, water. Wear comfortable clothing. A limited number of yoga supplies will be available. All participants will need to complete intake and waiver forms at their first class. For more information contact Carrie Kubacki at cckyoga@yahoo.com or (715) 482-8896.
Elcho Music on the Green - "Fran The Piano Man” August 2nd 5pm The Jack Lamar Memorial/Elcho Community Pavilion, N11283 Dorr Street, Elcho. Admission is free. Food will be available starting at 5pm. The music will be starting at 6:30 pm. All Elcho Music on the Green performances will be performed on the grass in front of the pavilion, rain or shine! Sandwiches, pie & ice cream will be available. For more information, please contact Warren Wagner at 715-275-3134 or 715-216-1344.
Wednesday Night Road Bike Ride August 2nd 5:15pm Langlade County Courthouse, 800 Clermont St., Antigo. The road biking group meets every Wednesday evening at 5:15pm at the Langlade County Courthouse. Bike along as often as you like. For more information, please call Brady at 715-623-3036.
Music on the River August 2nd 6-8pm Veterans Memorial Park, Tomahawk. Music on the River presents The Whiskey Belles at Veterans Memorial Park, Tomahawk. This is the 7th concert in the concert series.
World of Outlaws Late Model Special August 2nd 6:30pm Shawano Speedway, 990 E. Green Bay St. Shawano. See the nation’s premier traveling tour for dirt late models. Hot Laps 6:30 pm; Races 7 pm. For more information, please go to www.shawanospeedway.net or call 715-526-7069.
Merrill City Band Concert August 2nd 7-9pm Normal Park, 500 N Center Ave., Merrill. Merrill City Band will be performing at Normal Park. Theme for the concert is "Jolly Rodgers and Hamnmerstein".
121st Annual Oneida County Fair August 3rd-6th Thursday 5-11pm, Friday 10am-11pm, Saturday 10am-11pm, Sunday 10am-6pm. Pioneer Park, Rhinelander. The Oneida County Fair offers fun for the entire family. Free admission! Parking & trolley rides to the park. There will be food, carnival rides & games, 4-H exhibits, animals, beverage garden, music & entertainment. There will be wristbands specials on Thurs. 6-10pm., Sat. 11am-3pm & Sun. Noon-4pm. For more information, go to www.oneidacountyfairwi.com.
Play & Learn – Treasure Hunt August 3rdth 9:30 am Peaceful Valley Park, 420 Field St., Antigo. Follow a pirate map to the treasure. Play & Learn is a weekly play group program for parents, caregivers and children from birth to age 5. Staff will provide a parent lesson, an activity for parents and children to do together. The activity will build skills for school readiness and milestone achievement. Quarterly Ages and Stages questionnaires are made available to parents and caregivers to assist families in helping their children to reach age based development milestones. Join the conversation on Facebook - Northwoods Family Resource Centers http://www.facebook.com/NorthwoodsFRCN. For more information, please call 715-627-1414.
Zion Lutheran Church Rummage/Bake Sale August 3rd-5th Thurs. & Fri. 8am to 4pm, Sat. Rummage Sale 8am to 12pm, Zion Lutheran Church, 1254 S Union St., Shawano. For more information, please call 715-526-2017.
Card Playing Program August 3rd (Every Thurs.) 1-4pm Langlade County Senior Center, 1225 Langlade Rd., Antigo. Have you been looking for someone to play cards with? Here is your chance to meet others and share your love for cards. The games being played are canasta, sheepshead & pinochle. For more information, please call 715-627-6632.
Annual Picnic for AA, AL-ANON & NA August 3rd 5pm Hudson Street Shelter, Antigo. Please bring a dish to pass & lawn chairs. An open meeting will follow the picnic.
Thursday Evening Power Stretch August 3rd 5:15-6:15pm Heinzen Peaceful Valley Pavilion, 420 Field St., Antigo. Intermediate/Advanced Yoga for individuals with at least six months of yoga experience. End your day with a yoga practice to strengthen and stretch the body, release stress and relax into your evening. More challenging postures and flow will be offered. Offered by Carrie Kubacki, 200 Hour Certified Vinyasa Yoga Instructor and 200 Hour Certified Viniyoga Instructor, Yoga Alliance Registered. Please bring: Yoga mat, blocks, blanket, water. Wear comfortable clothing. A limited number of yoga supplies will be available. All participants will need to complete intake and waiver forms at their first class. For more information contact Carrie Kubacki at cckyoga@yahoo.com or (715) 482-8896.
Music in the Park August 3rd Food & pies starting at 5:30pm; concerts start 6:30pm. City Park West, 700 block of Aurora St., Antigo. Bring your lawn chairs & listen to the Music in the Park! Join us tonight for music by Stone Soup (Religious). A hot dog plate, pie & custard will be available to purchase at 5:30 pm.
Gazebo Nights August 3rd 6-8pm Normal Park, E. 6th St. & N. Center Ave., Merrill. Bring your chairs, blankets, & refreshments & sit back in enjoy the music. Featuring the music of Red Ben & the Missing Mile. Food vendors on location. In case of inclement weather, concert will be at Les & Jim's Lincoln Lanes, 1208 N. Center Ave. No carry-ins allowed here.
Totally Tomahawk Sidewalk & Craft Sales August 4th-5th 9am West Wisconsin Street & North 4th Street, Tomahawk. For more information please call 715-453-1090.
Bowler Bash August 4th-5th 9am-3pm Bowler. Come and enjoy a car show, craft show, music, food, refreshments, a parade at 1pm on Saturday and other activities. Free admission.
Merrill Firefighters Charity Softball Tournament August 4th-6th Otts Park, 501 N. Foster St., Merrill. Games start on Friday & run through Sunday. Food & drinks available on site. Raffles & so much more! Enjoy the weekend with friends and family. To enter a team, contact the fire department at 715-536-2233.
Stone Soup Playing at the Langlade County Senior Center August 4th 2-4pm Langlade Co. Senior Center, 1225 Langlade Rd., Antigo. They will be playing music for your enjoyment. For more information, please call 715-627-6632.
4th Annual Green Acres Car-Tractor-Motorcycle Show August 4th 3pm-8pm Old Mill Park, Pella. Registration at 3pm, Show 4-8pm. Kid’s Hot Wheels and Matchbox races 6pm, $5 registration fee. Spectator free with non-perishable food item. Bake sale & food served all night. For more information, please call Wanda at 715-853-7587.
All You Can Eat Fish Boil August 4th 4-7pm St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Hwy. M, White Lake. Adults $10, Under 13 $4. Hot dogs also available. Lots of desserts!! Carry outs available. Tickets available at the door. Non-perishable items accepted for the White Lake Area Food Pantry.
Drive Thru Fish & Shrimp Fry August 4th 4-8pm Mountain Ambulance Service, 14336 Hwy. 32, Mountain. Meal includes tilapia fish or shrimp, cole slaw, rye bread, homemade chips w/tartar or shrimp sauce. Food is ready within a minute. For more information, please call 715-850-1433.
Bonduel Lion's Club Corn Roast August 4th 5pm Village Park, 250 E. Park Street, Bonduel. 60th annual event, serving begins at 5 p.m. hamburgers, brats and french fries also available. Live music by the New Generation, $5. Rain or shine. For more information, please call 715-758-2402 or go to www.villageofbonduel.com.
Pig In The Pines: Bacon, BBQ & Bands August 4th-5th 6pm Fri. St. Germain Community Park, Hwys. 70 & 155, St. Germain. We celebrate everything bacon, BBQ and bands with live music all day and night from 11:30am-10pm, including our headline bands: Friday 6-10pm ABBA Salute, Saturday 5-8pm HYDE, Saturday 8:30-10pm Jack Russell's Great White. Feast on everything pig including pulled pork sandwiches, BBQ, succulent ribs, pork kabobs, bacon wrapped appetizers and gourmet ham sandwiches. Enjoy activities for the young and young at heart both days. For more information, please call 715-477-2205.
Shawano Optimist Mountain Bay 5K Run/Walk August 5th 6:30am registration. Kuckuk Park, 700 Oak Dr., Shawano. For more information, please go to www.shawanooptimistclub.org.
Antigo Farmer’s Market August 5th 8am-Noon Heinzen Pavilion, 603 6th Avenue, Antigo. All produce is locally grown by the vendor who sells them. Shopping at the Antigo Farmer’s Market is a great way to get local, in season food, and make connections with the people that grew it.
Normal Park Craft Show August 5th 8am-1pm Normal Park, E. 6th St. & N. Center Ave., Merrill. Stop out at Normal Park to see the arts, crafts and vendor sales along with the farmer's market.
Laona Lion’s Club Soup and Souper Run August 5th 7am Silver Lake Beach, S. Silver Lake Rd., Laona. 5k (3.1 miles) road running, fun runs & relays. Kid’s races begin at 9am. Pre-registration is encouraged. Please email mhess@centurytel.net.
Annual Wabeno Open Water Swim/Race August 5th 9-11am Trump Lake, Wabeno.
39th Annual Lakes Country Arts and Crafts Show August 5th 9am-3pm Lakewood Town Hall & Activity Center, 17258 N Rd. (1 block east of Hwy. 32), Lakewood. The arts & craft show has 265 booths with 200 vendors offering original work. Free admission & parking. Sponsored by the McCaslin Lions Club. For more information 715-276-3956.
Stovewood Days August 5th 10am-4pm Mecikalski Stovewood Museum, Cty. Rd. B, Jennings. For more information, please call 715-487-5222 or go to pelicanlakewi.org.
Lake Lucerne Family Fun Day & Auction August 5th 10am-5pm Lake Lucerne Clubhouse, 4031 Cty. Rd. W, Crandon. There will be an auction, games & prizes, refreshments, food & paddlewheel. For more information, go to www.lakelucernewi.com.
Bowler Area Historical Society Car Show & Craft Show August 5th 9am-3pm 104 E. Main St., Bowler. Classic cars, trucks, tractors and motorcycles and awards at 2pm. Parade at 1pm. For more information, please call 715-851-5520 or 715-793-4617.
Brigadoon Winery Benefit August 5th 10am-4pm Brigadoon Winery, 2170 Clifford Road, Tripoli. Brigadoon Winery will host a benefit for the Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation. There will be arts and craft booths, music, food, cheese, Italian cake, wine, beer and gourmet ice cream. The whole family is WELCOME!!! Admission for 21 years old and older: $5.00 which incluses a souvenir glass and beverage. For more information, please call 715-564-2280.
3rd Annual Paddleboat Pandemonium August 5th 11am Sammy’s Bar & Grill, N9067 Waterpower Rd., Deerbrook. There will be a decorated boat parade at 1pm with racing heats beginning at 2pm. Now including paddleboards. Trophies for first, second, and third places along with Best Decorated Boat will be giving out. Entry fee is $20 per two-person team. Paddleboats will be available or bring your own. There will also be raffles, food, fun, and music by Bobby Vintage. Proceeds to benefit the Elcho School Scholarship Fund. For more information, please call Lisa Haefs at 715-623-4191.
3rd Annual Wabeno Art & Music Fest (WAM Fest) August 5th 11am-10pm, Bandshell & East Pavilion, Main Street, Highway 32, Wabeno. The Wabeno Art and Music Festival is an outdoor celebration of fine art, great music, and superb food. With local artists showing their work, over twenty musical acts on three stages, and delicious culinary creations for everyone to enjoy, there is something for all ages and every palate. For more details on music line up, featured artists, and more please visit our website wabenoartandmusicfest.org.
S.O.S. K9 9th Anniversary Golf Outing August 5th 11am shotgun start. Shawano Lake Golf Course, W5714 Lake Dr., Shawano. A fundraiser to help the K9s. There will also be specialty holes, raffles, an auction and dinner. For more information, please call 715-853-4101.
Luigi's & Charlie's .1K Rib Run August 5th Noon Luigi's Pizza & Pasta, 607 S Main St., Shawano. Luigi’s & Charlie’s.1K Rib Run brought to you by Summit Brewing Company. Tickets $15 in advance/ $20 at the door. Price includes pint of Summit beer, shirt & ribs. Tickets at Luigi’s, Charlie’s and Maple Hills Golf Course. Must be 21 and limited number of tickets. Check in starts at 12 p.m.
Schoolhouse Bar Annual Corn Roast August 5th Noon Schoolhouse Bar, Hwy. 32/64, Mountain. Come on out for some 'Recess"!! Live music, serving brats, burgers and your favorite cold beverage! Free corn at NOON!
Luau on the Beach August 5th 3-11pm Birch Hills Resort, 16688 Nicolet Road, Townsend. Come join in the fun! Paddle boat races (with a twist!) Registration for races begins at 3pm, races start at 4pm - 2 person teams, $10 per person - 100% payback! Boats are provided. Karaoke on the beach from 6pm to 11pm. Limbo contest at 9pm. Bring your own lawn chair and have a great time! For more information, please call Dawn at 715-276-6195.
Dinner/Comedian Show August 5th 4pm Northwoods Inn, Cty. Rd A & Hwy. 55, Pickerel. Join us for national act comedian Mike Marvel & Bob Jay, famous illusionist Gizmo and live music by Jason McNabb & Crossing Croix. There will also be fireworks after the show. An amazing night that you don’t want to miss. Reservations needed. For more information, please call 715-484-3522 or 715-219-0906 or go to northwoodsinnpickerel.com.
Walleyes for Tomorrow Kids Fishing Day August 6th 9am-3pm Bamboo Bar, W5884 Cedar Ct., Shawano. For kids ages 5-15. Kids receive a rod & reel. Sign up on Facebook or at Kuhn’s Bait & Tackle in Shawano.
Bonduel Community Archives Pie & Ice Cream Social August 6th 11am-3pm. 108 S. First St., Bonduel. For more information, please call 715-758-2687.
Divine Savior Lutheran Church Annual Community Corn Roast August 6th 3-6pm Divine Savior Lutheran Church, 102 Northridge Dr., Shawano. There will be free food, children’s games and entertainment. For more information, please call 715-526-6880.
Sunday Night Kickball in Mattoon August 6th 6pm (weather permitting) Mattoon Upper Ball Diamond (next to Mattoon Elementary), Mattoon. All are welcome. Just show up ready to play. For questions, please contact Zak Kickhaver at 715-903-0069 or Quinn Novy at 715-216-2792.
Lego Master Builders Club August 7th 3:15-5pm Antigo Public Library, 617 Clermont St., Antigo. Dig into our huge stockpile of bricks and build anything you can imagine while meeting other LEGO fans! Please call 715-623-3724 for more information.
Music in the Park August 7th Food & pies starting at 5:30pm; concerts start 6:30pm. City Park West, 700 block of Aurora St., Antigo. Bring your lawn chairs & listen to the Music in the Park! Join us tonight for music by Rocker (Classic Rock). A hamburger plate, pie & custard will be available to purchase at 5:30 pm from Langlade Co. Right to Life.
Library Free Movie Night- The Lego Batman Movie August 7th 5:30-7:30pm Antigo Public Library, 617 Clermont St., Antigo. Wear your bat-gear! Bat-food and punch provided. For more information, please call 715-623-3724.
Antigo Kiwanis Club Meeting August 1st Noon The Refuge Restaurant, 410 Hwy. 64, Antigo. New members are welcome.
City Plan Commission Meeting August 1st 6pm City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo.
Antigo Optimist Club Meeting August 2nd 12-1pm North Star Lanes, 400 Prosser Place, Antigo.
Economic Development Committee Meeting August 7th 6pm City Hall, 700 Edison S., Antigo.
Baby & Me Group July 31st & August 7th 1:00pm-2:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Birthing Center, second floor of the hospital. Facilitator: RN/International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. For more information please call 715-623-9280. No fee.
AA Support Group (Open) August 3rd & August 5th 7:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Hospital Conference Room 1022, adjacent to Chapel in the new hospital. Thursdays & Saturdays.
Narcotics Anonymous August 4th 7:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Hospital Conference Room 1022, adjacent to Chapel in the Langlade Hospital.
AL-ANON Meeting July 31st & August 7th 1:30pm. Antigo Community Church - Quest Center - Room 1, 723 Deleglise Street, Antigo. Mondays at 1:30pm
Overeaters Anonymous July 31st & August 7th 7:00pm. St. Mary & Hyacinth Parish Center, Room 4, 819 3rd Avenue, Antigo. Mondays at 7:00pm.
Weight Watchers Meetings August 1st 6:45am Langlade County Board Room, Safety Building 840 Clermont St., Antigo & 5:30pm United Methodist Church, 2034 5th Ave., Antigo.
T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Support Group Chapter #950 August 1st 4pm Antigo Community Church/School, 723 Deleglise St., Antigo.
T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Support Group August 3rd 5pm Steffen Memorial Home, 503 5th Ave., Antigo.
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