*Community Events*
Antigo Area Community Food Pantry September 23rd 11am-1pm (Wednesdays) & September 25th 1pm-3pm (Fridays), 2120 Progress Blvd., Antigo (715) 623-1103.
Boys & Girls Club Teen Night September 22nd 6-8pm Boys & Girls Club of Langlade Co., 411 Superior St., Antigo. For grades 6-12. Dinner at 5:30pm. Dodgeball, basketball, pool, music, computer time, video games & more. For more information, please call 715-627-1800 or go to www.bgclang.org.
Immunization Clinic September 23rd 9am-4pm Langlade County Health Department, 1225 Langlade Road, Antigo. Immunization clinic is available to provide childhood immunizations & adult vaccinations. The vaccinations are FREE to children 2 months - 18 years of age if you have Medical Assistance or no insurance. Adult vaccinations are available some with a minimal fee or FREE if you have MC or MA. Contact the Health Department at 715-627-6250 for more information or to see if you are in need of any vaccinations.
Dr. Fuhrman Eat for Health Video Lecture Series Sept. 23rd 5-7pm Antigo Public Library, 617 Clermont St., Antigo. Join us for a 6 week video lecture series to learn how you can have renewed, incredible health. Learn what foods provide the highest concentration of nutrients & how we can protect our bodies from disease. This week’s topic is cancer prevention. Free admission. A light lunch & recipes will be provided for all. To register, call Nett Janssen at 715-850-0734.
Big Woods 200 Dual Sport September 26th-27th Firefighter Park/Fairgrounds, 1800 Fairview Ave., Wabeno. The Big Woods 200 is a two-day dual sport motorcycle event based out of Wabeno. The Wisconsin Dual Sport Riders motorcycle club puts together an entertaining & challenging ride using scenic forest roads & two tracks. Many say that the best features of this ride are the many "hero" sections of single track trail on challenging terrain. Enjoy the fall colors as you ride through the forests. Advance registration is required. For more information, please call 920-350-2030.
Antigo Farmers Market September 26th 8am-Noon Antigo Country Store parking lot, 711 Superior Street, Antigo. Every Saturday morning. Get your fresh produce, prepared foods, flowers and many more treasures for you & your family.
Wabeno 2nd Annual Homecomings Harvest Festival September 26th Main St., Wabeno. Come and join the fun. There will be crafts & antiques vendors beginning at 9am, food & refreshments & music by Madpole Cats from 7-11pm.
Saturday Fall Festival & Haunted Slaughter House September 26th Camp 5 Museum, 5068 U.S. Hwy. 8, Laona. Enjoy the colors of Northern Wisconsin from the windows of the Lumberjack Steam Train. Award-winning Green Treasure Forest Tour, pumpkin patch, face painting, marshmallow roast and fresh apple cider. An exciting event for children of all ages! The Fall Festival is a unique opportunity to steam through Wisconsin's wonderful fall colors on the Lumberjack Steam Train. For more information, please call 715-674-3414 or go to camp5museum.org.
Bass Lake Golf Course 4-Person Scramble September 26th W10650 Bass Lake Rd., Deerbrook. (Hwy. 45 to Cty. B to Bass Lake Rd.) Deluxe prime rib dinner following golfing. Make your own team. Handicap play. $80 per person includes 18 holes w/cart, prime rib dinner & hole prizes. Register by calling 715-623-6196.
September Fall ATV Ride September 26th 9am-2pm Little Hummers Hideaway, W6902 Cty. Rd. A, Deerbrook. The ride will be starting at Little Hummers Hideaway. We will be going to Elton through the Augustine Springs Trail System. Projected arrival at Borucki's Store in Elton is 11am and arrival back at Little Hummers Hideaway at 2pm. There will be food, snacks & drinks available to purchase at Little Hummers Hideaway for $5 per person. For more information, please contact Pete Pennington at 715-623-4317.
Hidden Bear Trail Membership Meeting & Cookout September 26th 10am Firelite Lounge, 15329 Hwy. 32, Lakewood. The day will start with a membership meeting, then a Club Ride, returning at 4pm for the cookout to be held at the Lakewood Trail Head across from the Firelite Lounge. The meeting is open to the public. For more information, please contact Jim Wisnewski at 715-276-6612.
9th Annual Toys For Joy Ride September 26th 11am Prospect Lodge, 18207 Co Hwy F, Lakewood. Registration starts at 11am, the ride takes off at NOON. This event benefits area children through the Christmas Heart Tree Program sponsored by the Lakewood SuperValu. Food, raffles & more fun to follow at Prospect Lodge! For more information, please contact Randy or Denise Jackett at 715-276-7222.
3rd Annual Family Fun Booyah September 26th 2pm Old Town Hall Sports Bar & Restaurant, 17757 Hwy. 32, Townsend. Food, refreshments, DJ music, Meat Raffles, Door Prizes, Bon Fire, Kids Bounce House, Horseshoes and Volleyball. This event is sponsored by the Red Arrow Snowmobile/ATV Club which will put the proceeds toward the purchase of an ATV/UTV Trail Drag. For more information, please call Joe Kampf at 715-850-0176.
Elcho/Pelican Lake Lioness Club Craft Fair & Pancake Breakfast September 27th 9am-1pm Pancake breakfast & bake sale at Elcho Fire Dept., 10587 County Road K, Elcho. Breakfast includes pancakes, scrambled eggs, applesauce & beverage. Craft sale at Elcho Town Hall, 11234 Dorr St., Elcho.
St. Wenceslaus Parish Fall Festival September 27th 10:30am-4pm, St. Wenceslaus Parish, N5340 Church Rd., Deerbrook. Mass at 10:30am featuring the St. Wencel Singers. Food served at 11am. Serving our famous chicken booyah, barbeque, homemade pies & ice cream. Also featuring bakery, silent auction, patchwork quilt, bucket raffles, homegrown vegetables, children’s games, plus other cash prizes!
Thrivent Action Event September 27th 4-6pm Potawatomi Pow Wow Center, Hwy 32, Carter. Rain or shine!! Native Dance and Drum, Autumn-themed Obstacle Courses for adults and children. Proceeds will be used to purchase materials to build a Camper Cabin for children at Bergstrom Bob's Bible Camp in Ringold, Oklahoma. Pledge sheets are available at Timberline Restaurant in Lakewood, St. John Lutheran Church in Townsend & the Tourist Info Booth in Lakewood. This event is sponsored by Thrivent Insurance, St. John Lutheran Church, Elkhorn Alliance Church & the Forest County Potawatomi. For more information, please call Jill at 715-889-9540.
*Government Meetings*
Monthly Meeting of the Lakewood Area Chamber September 21st 6pm Nicolet Plastics, Inc. 16685 Hwy. 32, Mountain. General membership meeting. Anyone interested in learning more about the Chamber is welcome to attend. For more information, please contact Kathy at 715-276-6500.
Antigo Optimist Club Meeting September 22nd 12-1pm North Star Lanes, 400 Prosser Place, Antigo.
Antigo Kiwanis Club Meeting September 22nd Noon The Refuge Restaurant, 410 Hwy. 64, Antigo. New members are welcome.
Public Works Committee Meeting September 23rd 6pm City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo.
Antigo Area ATV/UTV Club Meeting September 24th 7-8pm, Vickie and the Vets, 1216 Elm Street, Antigo.
Baby & Me Group September 21st & 28th 1:00pm-2:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Birthing Center, second floor of the hospital. Facilitator: RN/International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. For more information please call 715-623-9280. No fee.
Eating Disorders Support Group September 23rd 6:00pm-7:00pm. Meets at AVAIL Center in Antigo. Please call 715-623-5177 for more information.
AA Support Group (Open) September 24th & September 26th 7:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Hospital Conference Room 1022, adjacent to Chapel in the new hospital. Thursdays & Saturdays.
Narcotics Anonymous September 25th 7:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Hospital Conference Room 1022, adjacent to Chapel in the Langlade Hospital.
AL-ANON Meeting September 21st & 28th 1:30pm. Antigo Community Church - Quest Center - Room 1, 723 Deleglise Street, Antigo. Mondays at 1:30pm
Overeaters Anonymous September 21st & 28th 7:00pm. St. Mary & Hyacinth Parish Center, Room 4, 819 3rd Avenue, Antigo. Mondays at 7:00pm.
Weight Watchers Meetings September 22nd 6:45am Langlade County Board Room, Safety Building 840 Clermont St., Antigo & 5:30pm United Methodist Church, 2034 5th Ave., Antigo.
HALOS-Helping Another grieve a Loved One's Suicide September 24th 6:30-9pm NTC Antigo Campus-Wood Technology Center, 312 Forrest Ave., Antigo. We are a new support group for anyone who has felt the devastating effects of a friend's or loved one's suicide. Meetings to be held the fourth Thursday each month in Room WT119 of the Wood Technology Center at NTC Antigo Campus. For more information, contact Tara at 715-219-5959.
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