MADISON, Wis. -- The city of Waukesha's Great Lakes diversion application and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' review documents will be forwarded for regional review to the other Great Lakes provinces and states.
The diversion application will be sent to the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Water Resources Regional Body and Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Council. During the regional review process, the Great Lakes provinces and states will provide opportunities for public participation.
The Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River Water Resources Regional Body and Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Council are holding a meeting via webinar today, Jan. 7, 2016. The meeting is open to the public.
At the meeting, which begins at 1 p.m. Central time, the city of Waukesha and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will give a briefing on the diversion application. The agenda, meeting materials and webinar link can be found on the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River Water Resources Regional Body website.
The city of Waukesha has applied to divert up to an annual average of 10.1 million gallons of water per day to serve the water supply service area. The city proposes to obtain Lake Michigan water from the Oak Creek Water Utility and discharge treated wastewater to the Root River.
If the application is approved by the Compact Council following the regional review process, the city of Waukesha would begin the necessary steps to obtain the required state permits for diverting Lake Michigan water.
General information on the city of Waukesha's diversion application, the Wisconsin DNR's technical review and preliminary final environmental impact statement and all documents submitted for regional review can be found at, search "Waukesha diversion application." More information about the Great Lakes Compact is also available.
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