A valuable planning tool for summer road trips across Wisconsin is now available in print and online. The latest version of the Official Wisconsin State Highway Map is a collaborative effort between the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) and Wisconsin Department of Tourism.
“The Wisconsin State Highway Map isn’t just a critical resource to help folks get from point A to point B, but to inspire them to explore all the great things Wisconsin has to offer along the way,” Gov. Evers said. “With updated changes to state and local roadways, we encourage everyone to pick up a new map and drive and explore safely.”
“We’re proud to partner with Tourism to produce and deliver the new map ahead of the summer travel season,” WisDOT Secretary Craig Thompson said. “Know before you go with this map and 511wi.gov
Also remember: Buckle Up, Phone Down. The slightest distraction behind the wheel can create a dangerous situation.”
“Each year, the Wisconsin State Highway Map is a valuable resource as travelers hit the road to make memories throughout our state,” Wisconsin Department of Tourism Secretary Anne Sayers said. “Incorporating the Wonders of Wisconsin and our newly refreshed Wisconsin Welcome Centers are both fantastic additions to inspire travelers to discover even more unexpected adventures throughout their journey.”
The 2023 map reflects numerous changes since the map was last printed in 2019. Some of the updates include:
Printed copies of the map can be picked up free of charge at many locations, including Wisconsin rest areas, Welcome Centers and Travel Information Centers. Single copies of the map are available by calling Travel Wisconsin at 1-800-432-8747 or ordering online from TravelWisconsin.com
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