Monthly Potato/Buttermilk Pancake breakfasts prepared by Knights of Columbus volunteers raised nearly $1,000 for local DAV needs in November. Active promotions by DAV volunteers helped bring a record crowd to the November breakfast.
The next breakfast scheduled for Sunday, December 11th will raise funds for local Salvation Army emergency needs. The December breakfast will also receive creative help from KC members who are committed to ring the bell for Salvation Army and match kettle donations by donating the profits from December 11th breakfast to be held again at St Mary/Hyacinth hall starting at 8AM.
KC president John Steger received input from members, designating community projects for the 2023 first quarter to include AVAIL, Hope Life and the Senior Center to receive funds from the monthly breakfasts. Steger recognized that when groups receiving funds help promote the breakfasts, more people enjoy the breakfasts and help the community.
Shoppers can look for the red kettle posters where donations will be matched from December 11th KC Potato/Buttermilk Pancake Breakfast at St Mary/Hyacinth Hall. Some of the volunteers are Josh Heuss, Richard Malakuskie Ken Shestak, Jeff Zalewski, Dale Zimmerman and John Steger who will be ringing for Salvation Army December 3rd and 4th at local stores in Antigo. Everyone is invited to the breakfast to support local Salvation Army needs.
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