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Langlade County Community Calendar for 2-9-15 to 2-16-15


*Community Events*

Antigo Area Community Food Pantry February 11th 11am-1pm (Wednesdays) & February 13th 1pm-3pm (Fridays), 2120 Progress Blvd., Antigo (715) 623-1103.

Car Seat Fitting Station February 11th 4-6pm Antigo Fire Department, 700 Edison St., Antigo.

Mom’s Night Off February 12th 5-8pm Peace Lutheran Church & School, 300 Lincoln St., Antigo. All single parents (moms or dads) in the Antigo area are invited to this event that provides a free dinner for the whole family and childcare for the evening. Any parents with a spouse away in the military are also invited to attend. Registration begins at 5pm. Dinner will be served at 5:30pm. Childcare will be from 6 to 8pm. Younger children will be in our childcare rooms & older children can play in the gym. Kids may also do crafts. For more information, please call Vicar Dan Bodin at 715-623-2200.

United Church of Christ Fish Fry February 13th 5-7pm Jack Lamar Memorial/Elcho Community Pavilion, N11283 Dorr St., Elcho. “Fish Fry” (fried or broiled), fries, coleslaw, and custard! For more information, please call 715-275-3134 or 715-216-1344.

17th Annual Ice Fishing Jamboree February 21st 6am-5pm PLIA Community Center, Corner of Cty. Rd. K, Elcho. The Ice Fishing Jamboree is held on Upper & Lower Post Lake. Fishing starts at dawn & fishing registration ends at 4pm. Cash prizes will be awarded to adults for the largest fish. Prizes are also awarded to children 12 & under for the largest fish. There will also be raffle tickets & bonus raffles, along with food, beverages & games. For more information, please contact Kathy Katch at 715-275-4610.

41st Annual White Lake Volunteer Fire Department Fishing Derby February 14th 7am-4pm White Lake Pavilion, on White Lake, White Lake. Come out to the heated White Lake Pavilion for this event. There's fun for the whole family with door prizes, food & drinks all day! There will also be a paddle wheel, many raffles, a 50-50 drawing, and a main raffle. Cash prizes will be awarded for the longest game and/or pan fish caught that day in White Lake. Raffle tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5, and you need not be present to win. For more information, please call 715-882-2246 or 715-216-1601.

Pickerel Rescue Squad Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser February 14th 8-11am Pickerel Rescue Building, Station 2, N9062 State Highway 55, Pickerel. For more information, please call Cathy St. John at 715-484-3221.

Pickerel Fun-Day & Schuh's Winter Plunge Jump-in February 14th 8am-5pm Jerry's Sportsmen's Lodge, Pickerel Lake Rd., Pickerel. The Pickerel Fun Day starts at 8am with the Pickerel Rescue Squad Fundraiser Pancake Breakfast at Rescue Squad Building Station 2. For anyone who wants to “bear the unbearable,” meet at Jerry Schuh's Sportsmen’s Lodge, on Pickerel Lake, for their annual Polar Bear Jump-In. If you don’t want to jump, you can watch others jump in the freezing water. Food & refreshments will be available, along with raffles & drawings. The main raffle will be at 3pm. For more information, please call Diane at 715-484-2703.

53rd Annual Trump Lake Fish-O-Ree February 14th 9am-5pm in the heated pavilion on Trump Lake, Wabeno. This is a great family event. There will be food & drinks in the pavilion, plenty of raffles, and prizes for the biggest fish. Sponsored by the Wabeno American Legion Sylvan Post 44 & the Wabeno Lions Club.

Townsend Firefighter's Sweethearts Dance February 14th 1-6pm Townsend Fire Department, Hwy 32, Townsend.

4th Annual Snow Ball February 14th 7pm-Midnight Edison Club, 623 Edison Street, Antigo. Join us for an evening of romance and glamour, music & dancing, featuring the band Hip Pocket. The event also includes a silent auction, a sweet & savory dessert bar and a cash bar featuring signature cocktails. Tickets are $35 in advance and $40 at the door. Tickets are available at the The Blue Awning, Antigo Daily Journal, Neve's Floors To Go & Furniture or at the door. This is a fundraising event to support L.A. Arts. For more information, please call Mary Kamps at 715-623-2666.

*Government Meetings*

Park, Cemetery & Recreation Commission Meeting February 9th 5:30pm City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo

City Council Meeting February 11th 6pm City Hall, 700 Edison St., Antigo

Unified School District of Antigo Community Relations/Communication Committee Meeting February 11th 6:30pm Mattoon Elementary School, 507 Stone Ave., Mattoon. Open to public comment.

Langlade County Humane Society Membership Meeting February 12th 6pm Langlade County Safety Building, 840 Clermont St., Antigo.

Lakewood Area Chamber of Commerce Monthly Meeting February 16th 6pm Firelite Lounge, 15329 St. Hwy. 32, Lakewood. For more information, email - or call Kathy at 715-276-6500.

*Activities, Meetings & Support Groups*

Baby & Me Group February 11th 1:00pm-2:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Birthing Center, second floor of new hospital. Facilitator: RN/International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. For more information please call 715-623-9280. No fee.

Eating Disorders Support Group February 11th 6:00pm-7:00pm. Meets at AVAIL Center in Antigo. Please call 715-623-5177 for more information.

AA Support Group (Open) February 12th & February 14th 7:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Hospital Conference Room 1022, adjacent to Chapel in the new hospital. Thursdays & Saturdays.

Narcotics Anonymous February 13th 7:00pm. Langlade Hospital, 112 East Fifth Avenue, Antigo. Langlade Hospital Conference Room 1022, adjacent to Chapel in new Langlade Hospital.

AL-ANON Meeting February 9th & February 16th 1:30pm. Antigo Community Church - Quest Center - Room 1, 723 Deleglise Street, Antigo. Mondays at 1:30pm

Overeaters Anonymous February 9th & February 16th 7:00pm. St. Mary & Hyacinth Parish Center, Room 4, 819 3rd Avenue, Antigo. Mondays at 7:00pm.


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