Our Langlade Senior Citizen Club met on Tuesday, October 8th with 13 people attending.
President Rosemary Sarkauskas opened the meeting with one verse of God Bless America and the Pledge of the Allegiance.
No new visitors came to this meeting.
Tessie Nycz read the secretary minutes, which stood approved, no corrections. Next, Trudy Hartman gave us the treasurer’s report.
Our guest speaker was Kathy Schultz from the ADRC Center. She spoke to us on Medicare Part D and reminded us to read our policy for 2020. Watch for changes. If switching coverage or modifying one, it must be done from October to December 7, 2019. Kathy also shared info on her vacation and read us some senior jokes.
Tessie and Trudy both had birthdays. We all sang Happy Birthday to them.
Our next meeting at the library will be November 12th with election talks discussed. The meeting was adjourned. Tessie Nycz moved to close the meeting and it was seconded by Joan Jacobson.
There were 10 door prizes of $1.00 each and we also had a 50/50 split.
Bingo was played and fun was had by all.
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