Monday, January 20, 2025

Letter to the Editor – “The World’s All Time #1 Best Seller” Part I by James Schulz

By James Schulz

As mid-summer has come upon us, the students of our public schools will soon be moving on to the next grade. Those who have graduated are most likely working on preparing for secondary education of some kind. Their high school diploma has documented that they have finished the required course schedule to prepare them for adult responsibility in our society, but are they seriously prepared?

As a former school board member I noticed at certain periods the school would host “Read a Banned Book Month.” There would be a display of so-called “banned” books in the high school library available for students to read. I noticed, however, the absence of one particular “banned” book from the display. That is The World’s All Time #1 Best Seller.

This is somewhat strange as The World’s All Time #1 Best Seller was required reading by all Washington D.C. schools in the early 1800’s by School Superintendant and U.S. President Thomas Jefferson. Equally strange, nearly all the founding fathers of our nation, signers of the Declaration of Independence, framers of our Constitution and writers of the Federalist Papers testified that by far the single greatest resource they had for the principles of government came from The World’s All Time #1 Best Seller.

The United States of America, the one nation in history that secured its citizens the greatest protection for individual rights, freedom and opportunity, now bans the one book that provided the foundation for all our liberties.

Ironically, the First Amendment to our Constitution was specifically, intentionally and particularly written to protect the right of each and every citizen to publish, read and publicly practice the principles and wisdom of The World’s #1 All Time Best Seller. But now it is banned from our public schools?

Is it a coincidence or is it a dark foreboding that The World’s #1 All Time Best Seller is also banned by the world’s most brutal, murderous and oppressive governments. Prison, torture and the death penalty were imposed on anyone caught in possession or distributing copies of The World’s #1 All Time Best Seller in the Soviet Union, Communist China and in most all Islamic nations, with estimates as high as 260 million killed in the 20th Century alone.

Yet The World’s #1 All Time Best Seller strictly forbids and condemns the use of force or violence in spreading its message. Stark contrast to the Quran or Communist Manifesto that encourage and even demand submission and surrender to their message by the sword, gunpoint, torture, death or confiscation of wealth and property.

End of Part I

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