Meeting: Veterinary Examining Board
Date & Time: Friday, March 1, 2019 12:00 P.M.
Location: DATCP; 2811 Agriculture Drive, Room 411 Madison WI 53718
III. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes of
B. November 14, 2018
B. Resolution 2018-1 – Entering information into the VAULT system or identifying our barriers to entering into the system.
C. Board Basics & Beyond Training – Register by March 5, 2019
D. AAVSB Member Questions (Informational)
2. Vice Chair
3. Secretary
2. Continuing Education
3. Legislative
4. Administrative Rules
5. Monitoring
6. Screening Panel
7. Credentialing Committee
2. Screening Panel
3. Credentialing Committee
4. Document Signatures
5. Monitoring Liaison and Department Monitor
VII. Licensing/Exam Inquiries
B. 18 VET 024 TS
C. 18 TECH 005 ST
D. License requirements for bull semen collection and evaluation
VIII. Legislative/Administrative Rule Matters
B. VE 1 - Relating to the definition of veterinary medical surgery (Informational)
C. VE 11 Update on the request for proposals (RFP)
B. Next Board Meeting – April 24, 2019 (9:00 a.m.)
B. VE 1-10 Timeline for reorganization relating to licensing, practice scope, and standard of practice for veterinarians and veterinary technicians
C. NC Dental – Overview
D. Position Statements
2. Hemp, CBD oil
XII. Deliberation on Licenses and Certificates
XIII. Deliberation on Proposed Stipulations, Final Decisions and Orders
XIV. Review of Veterinary Examining Board Pending Cases Status Report
XVI. Open Session Items Noticed Above not Completed in the Initial Open Session
XVII. Vote on Items Considered or Deliberated Upon in Closed Session, if Voting is Appropriate
XVIII. Ratification of Licenses and Certificates
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