Monday, January 20, 2025

Public hearings throughout Wisconsin will gather input regarding fall waterfowl hunting season structure


MADISON - The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has finalized the federal waterfowl structure under which states in the Mississippi Flyway may establish waterfowl hunting seasons, which in Wisconsin are the subject of a series of public hearings this week.

Public hearings regarding Wisconsin's proposed 2015 waterfowl season structure will be held Aug. 3-6. After public comments have been collected, final season structure will be set by the Natural Resources Board at its Aug. 12 meeting in Horicon, Wis.

"With the highest continental waterfowl estimates since USFWS surveys began 60 years ago and favorable conditions in much of the state, fall waterfowl hunting opportunities look very promising," said DNR migratory game bird ecologist Kent Van Horn.

Post-Flyway Council public hearings will be held at the following locations:

  • Monday Aug. 3, 7 p.m., La Crosse, Wis. - State Office Building, Rooms B-19 and B-20, 3550 Mormon Coulee Rd.;
  • Tuesday Aug. 4, 7 p.m., Rice Lake, Wis - AmeriVu Inn, 1710 South Main Street;
  • Wednesday Aug. 5, 7 p.m., Appleton, Wis - Agricultural Services Center, Main conference room, 3369 West Brewster St.; and
  • Thursday Aug. 6, 7 p.m., Pewaukee, Wis - Wildwood Lodge, N14 W24121 Tower Place.

The department will accept public comments on the proposed waterfowl season structure at each public hearing. If you would like to provide input directly or are unable to attend a hearing, comments will be accepted through midnight Thursday, Aug. 6. Written comments can be sent to Taylor Finger, Wisconsin DNR, PO Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707, via email or by calling 608-261-6458.

To view the proposed waterfowl season structure online, visit and search keyword "waterfowl."

Proposed 2015 regular duck season structure and daily bag limits

Opening day shooting hours will begin one-half hour before sunrise for all regular waterfowl hunting seasons.

  • Youth Hunt - Sept. 19-20;
  • North Zone - Sept. 26 to Nov. 24;
  • South Zone - Oct. 3-11 and Oct. 17 to Dec. 6 ( five-day split); and
  • Mississippi Zone - Oct. 3-9 and Oct. 17 to Dec. 8 (seven-day split, closed Oct. 10-16)

The proposed daily bag limit statewide would be six ducks, including no more than:

  • four mallards, of which only one may be a hen;
  • one black duck;
  • two canvasbacks;
  • three wood ducks;
  • two pintails;
  • three scaup; and
  • two redheads.

Five mergansers may be harvested daily, of which no more than two may be hooded; 15 coot may be harvested daily.

Proposed Canada goose regular season structure and daily bag limits

Proposed daily bag limits:

  • Two geese each in the Exterior and Horicon zones.

Exterior Zone (92 days total):

  • North - Sept. 16 to Dec. 16;
  • South - Sept. 16 to Oct. 11 and Oct. 17 to Dec. 21; and
  • Miss. - Oct. 3 to Oct. 9 and Oct. 17 to Jan. 7.

Horicon Zone (two periods, 12 tags per hunter):

  • H1 - Sept. 16 to Nov. 1; and
  • H2 - Nov. 2 to Dec. 16.

Snow/Blue Geese, Ross' Geese, Brant, White-fronted Geese and other geese season structure and daily bag limits

Proposed daily bag limits:

  • 20 white geese (snow/blue geese and ross' geese);
  • one brant; and
  • one Greater White-Fronted Geese.

Exterior Zone (92 days total):

  • North - Sept. 16 to Dec. 16;
  • South - Sept. 16 to Oct. 11 and Oct. 17 to Dec. 21; and
  • Miss. - Oct. 3 to Oct. 9 and Oct. 17 to Jan. 7.

Horicon Zone

  • H1 - Sept. 16 to Nov. 1; and
  • H2 - Nov. 2 to Dec. 16.

Snow/Blue Geese, Ross' Geese, Brant, White-fronted Geese and other geese season structure and daily bag limits

Proposed daily bag limits:

  • 20 white geese (snow/blue geese and ross' geese);
  • one brant; and
  • one Greater White-Fronted Geese.

Exterior Zone (92 days total):

  • North - Sept. 16 to Dec. 16;
  • South - Sept. 16 to Oct. 11 and Oct. 17 to Dec. 21; and
  • Miss. - Oct. 3 to Oct. 9 and Oct. 17 to Jan. 7.

Horicon Zone

  • Sept. 16 to Dec. 16.

Coot, moorhen, rail, and snipe season structure and daily bag limits

Season structure for coot, moorhen, rail, and snipe will be the same as wild ducks in the zone in which you hunt.

Proposed Daily Bag Limits:

  • 15 coot and moorhen;
  • 25 sora and Virginia rail; and
  • eight snipe.

Previously Approved 2015 early hunting seasons:

  • Early Teal Season - Sept. 1 to Sept. 7;
  • Early Goose Season - Sept. 1 to Sept. 15;
  • Mourning Dove Season - Sept. 1 to Nov. 29; and
  • Woodcock Season - Sept. 19 to Nov. 2.


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