Dear Reader,
Someone recently initiated a conversation on the meaning of life. This question continues to be a reoccurring one since at one time or another, each of us might have wondered what we’re doing here.
G. T. Reker and P.T.P. Wong characterize personal meaning as “coherence and purpose in one’s existence, the pursuit and attainment of worthwhile goals, and an accompanying sense of fulfillment”. Wong proposes a four component answer to the meaning of life as being purpose, understanding, responsibility and enjoyment (PURE).
In other words, one chooses a worthwhile purpose, understands who they are and what they are capable of when moving in that direction, takes responsibility for their chosen path, and then enjoys the sense of satisfaction for doing what was done and accomplished.
Admittedly, individual subjective feelings play heavily into achieving meaning in life. But there are also acceptable norms in hitting goals and targeted accomplishments.
What brings true meaning to life, is one of integrity and respect for others, one of injecting positivity into the lives of others, and one laced with real compassion. Along the way because life is so unpredictable, vibrant adventures and wonderful happenstances sprinkled intermittently over the days will keep one motivated to forage in the new frontiers ahead.
Patrick J. Wood
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