Last month, 63 people died in traffic crashes on Wisconsin roadways, which was 16 more than September 2014 and seven more than the five-year average for the month of September, according to preliminary statistics from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT).
As of September 30, a total of 424 people have died in Wisconsin traffic crashes this year, including 68 motorcycle operators, two motorcycle passengers, 40 pedestrians and 13 bicyclists. Traffic deaths through September were 60 more than the same period in 2014 and 11 more than the five-year average.
“Traffic fatalities so far this year are up by more than 16 percent over last year. However, last year Wisconsin had the lowest number of traffic fatalities since 1943,” says David Pabst, director of the WisDOT Bureau of Transportation Safety. “This year, we’ve experienced a significant increase in traffic fatalities involving pedestrians and bicyclists. Forty pedestrians have died in crashes this year compared with 29 at the same time last year, and 13 bicyclists have died compared with three in the same period in 2014. To prevent needless deaths, drivers must share the road with pedestrians and bicyclists and watch for them particularly when making turns or lane changes and at intersections. They must yield the right of way to pedestrians in cross walks and at intersections. They also must watch out for bicyclists and leave at least 3 feet of clearance when passing bikes on roadways.”
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