Langlade County
January 10th
Boys & Girls Club of the Northwoods TEEN NIGHT
6:30-8pm Boys & Girls Club of the Northwoods, 411 Superior St., Antigo. An evening of TEEN fun with locals. 715-627-1389
January 25th
Community Soup Supper
4:30-6pm Calvary Lutheran Church, 310 South Superior, Antigo. Join the local community for a free dinner at the church. Call 715-623-3102 with questions.
January 28nd
Elcho X-C Club 32ND Annual Ski Junket
11am-2pm Moccasin Ski Trail, N11190 Bear Ln., Elcho. It's Elcho X-C Club Annual Ski Junket at the Moccasin Lake cross country ski trailhead. Try out ski & snowshoe equipment provided by Mel's Sporting Goods of Rhinelander & relax in the warm Michelle's Lodge. Masks will be required during the Junket in the Lodge. Hot chocolate & cookies will be provided outside Michelle’s Lodge. People are not to bring any snacks to pass this year. The public is welcome to join us. For more information, please call 715-275-3068.
February 4th
Deerbrook Bridge Runners Classic Cruise Vintage & Antique Snowmobile Ride
Registration 10am, ride begins 12pm. Quinn's Bar, N5294 County A, Deerbrook. New sleds are welcome too. Fun for the whole family at this annual snowmobile ride. Food, drawings, prizes & karaoke after the ride. Registration fee is $10 & includes a commemorative lapel pin, soup & sandwich supper & a chance to win $100. For more information, please call Pete at 920-257-7636 or visit
February 7th
Boys & Girls Club of the Northwoods TEEN NIGHT
6:30-8pm Boys & Girls Club of the Northwoods, 411 Superior St., Antigo. An evening of TEEN fun with locals. 715-627-1389
February 11th
Tombstone Pickerel Snowmobile Club Chili Ride In
3-6pm TPSC Tractor Barn, located at N9398 Cty Rd. DD, Pickerel. Food, fun & raffles. Come by sled, car or truck. Free chili, hotdogs & desserts. Come out & support your club with raffle baskets & silent auctions!
March 4th
Moonlight Ski Weekend (Elcho X-C Ski Club)
7pm Moccasin Lake Trail, Moccasin Lake Rd., Elcho. Participants will meet in the parking lot at 7pm. There is a full moon on March 18th. For more information, please call Chuck Wetzel at 715-275-3068.
March 11th
Pickerel-Pearson St Patrick's Day Parade
Country Inn, N9195 State Road 55, Pickerel. The 32nd annual amazing holiday parade is full of St. Patrick’s Day floats and will start at noon. Get here early and find a great spot to view all the floats. The parade will run from the Tombstone Pickerel Sno-Club Clubhouse on Country Road DD to Saint Mary’s Church on Highway 55. Outside - parade day food at Country Inn Bar & Grill. Hot dogs, chili dogs, burgers, foot long dogs and more! The Country Inn Restaurant will be open 7am to 2pm for a great breakfast before the parade! Music, face painting & more!! After the parade, stick around for the St. Patrick’s bands & activities at many of the local businesses. For more information, please call 715-484-3121.
Forest County
January 28th
Frosty Bear Bike Race
8am – 60 Mile & 9am – 30 Mile. Jars Bar and Grill Parking Lot. 4863 Elm St, Laona. A winter fat bike adventure ride through the scenic Nicolet National Forest hosted and supported by the Laona Rescue Squad. 30 miles – A challenging route that explores the Rat River trail and Peshtigo River area…not to be taken lightly. 60 miles – A deep dive into the winter wonderland of the Nicolet National Forest that will put your fitness and winter fat biking preparations to the test. 100% of your donation will support Laona Rescue Squad’s mission of providing outstanding emergency medical service to their community. Your donation will help fund ongoing training and the purchase of much needed equipment and supplies. Register at:
January 28th
Snowmobile to Beat Cancer 6th Annual SPANKY Ride
Poker Draw, Fireworks, Raffles, and Live Music. 11am – Pelican Lake.
February 18th
Laona Winter Fun Day
10am Laona Community Building 5233 Beech Street, Laona.
February 25th
Laona Fire Department Fishoree
Silver Lake Beach, Laona.
March 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Laona-Wabeno Rebels Spring Musical
Nancy Volk Auditorium, Wabeno High School 4325 Branch St., Wabeno.
Oconto County
January 14th
Annual Red Arrow Snowmobile ATV Club “Bonfire in the Woods”
11am-3pm Clubhouse, Hummingbird Lane, Townsend. Always a very fun & family friendly event complete with free hot dogs & hot chocolate on the trail. Donations will be accepted to support the trail systems in the Townsend area. Contact Bob Berth at 920-740-5317 for more information.
January 19th-22nd
Women On Snow
Waubee Lake Lodge, 18398 Waubee Lake Dr., Lakewood. All ladies interested in spending a weekend on snowmobiles are welcome! Registration includes lodging, meals, entertainment & fun Friday to Sunday. For more information, please call 715-276-6091.
January 27th-29th
Father Child Weekend Winter 2023
YMCA Camp U-Nah-Li-Ya, 12101 Y Camp Rd., Suring. Join us for a weekend of laughs, fun & friendship. Activities include winter games, campfires, boot hockey, cross-country skiing, ice skating, sledding & ice fishing. Dads & kids stay in heated & winterized cabins. All meals are provided. This program is designed to create a special bond between father & child with memories you can reflect on for years to come! Prices for the weekend are as follows: $185 Fathers, $160 Ages 13-18, $145 Ages 7-12, $125 Ages 4-6, Free Ages 0-3. For more information, go to
January 28th
Paul Bunyan Snow Fun Day
2-7pm Waubee Lake Lodge, 18396 Waubee Park Lane, Lakewood. Snow Fun Day hosted by Paul Bunyan Riders Snowmobile Club. Snow Fun Day will feature a meat raffle beginning at 2pm, 50-50 raffles throughout the day. Food & beverages will be available. The $100 raffle ticket drawing will be at 7pm. You need not be present to win. For more information, go to
February 4th
15th Annual Farfromsnoozin' Bed Races on the Ice
1pm Wendt’s Sandbar Resort, 16688 Nicolet Rd., Townsend. Bed Races on the Ice - 5-person teams, $25 per team. 100% payout. Registration is at noon, and races start at 1pm. A bed is provided. The most fun you can have in your PJ's!!! For more information, please call Jason at 715-276-6195.
February 10th-12th
Winter Camp for Kids
YMCA Camp U-Nah-Li-Ya, 12101 Y Camp Rd., Suring. Winter Camp for Kids allows families to enjoy a kid free Valentines weekend while campers enjoy a winter adventure with the best summer camp staff around. Sledding, skiing, cookie decorating, snow shoeing, and more! Camp provides transportation, meals, lodging, and equipment. For more information, go to
February 10th-19th
The War of the Worlds - Machickanee Players
Machickanee Players Park Avenue Playhouse, 408 Park Ave., Oconto. On October 30, 1938 The Mercury Theatre on the Air presented an adaptation of H. G. Wells’ novel The War of the Worlds, which was directed and narrated by Orson Welles. It was so well done that many listeners panicked & thought it was an actual news broadcast. Join the Machickanee Players as we re-enact the broadcast! For more information, go to
February 11th-12th
Doty Dog Days of Winter Festival
7am-5pm Doty Community Center, 14899 County Road T, Mountain. A 2 day mushing event. There will also be snowshoe hikes, sled dog rides, door prizes & a photo contest! Bring your snowshoes! A limited amount of 'free to use' snowshoes will be available. Food & beverages are available. Donations are welcome & will go toward next year’s festival events. The snowshoe hike goes through a cedar swamp with a campfire & hot chocolate along the way. A great family adventure!
February 18th
Annual Red Arrow Snowmobile ATV Club Winter Fest
11am Townsend Town Hall, 16564 Elm St., Townsend. The fun starts at 11am with music, food, beverages & raffles. All proceeds from this event support grooming & maintaining both snowmobile & ATV trails in the Townsend area. For more info, call Bob at 920-740-5317.
February 18th
12th Annual Turkey Bowling
11am-4pm Riverview Town Ice Rink & Pavilion, 15471 Hwy 32 (5 miles North of Mountain), Mountain. 4 person teams, any age can bowl! $25 per team. Chili, sandwiches, beverages, raffles & more! Ice grippers are encouraged! For more information, please call Barry at 715-850-0364.
March 3rd-4th
Chute Pond Snowmobile Club Blast from the Past
Skinny Daves, 12848 Hwy. 32/64, Mountain. Chute Pond Snowmobile Club will be hosting. On Friday, 3/3 there will be group vintage & non-vintage rides. Bucket raffles & more. Then on Saturday 3/4, there will be a vintage show & swap meet at Skinny Dave’s. No cost to enter sled(s) or for spectators. Registration 8am, judging done by 12:30pm. Food & beverages available. Meat raffle, bucket raffles, vintage sled raffle drawing. Call Kevin for more details at 920-373-8579.
March 18th
Celebrate Spring Spaghetti Dinner
4-7pm Crooked Lake Community Center, Hwy W, Crooked Lake. Includes all you can eat spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, bread sticks, dessert bar, coffee & milk. Exciting & unique bucket raffles & a separate money tree raffle. Wine and beer will be sold separately. Cost for the dinner is $9, ages 5-12 is $4, age 4 & under is free. For more info, please call Cassie at 715-276-6196.
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