This celebration is a collaboration between members of staff, members of the White Lake Historical Society, and former White Lake Graduate and citizen Amanda Hatch. One of the really unique things about White Lake is the fact that the district truly is a part of the community and the community chooses to keep it alive.
The school district cannot exist without the community coming together and passing an operating referendum every five years. Currently 21% of the total budget comes from operational referendum.
When District Administrator, Dr. Nathan Hanson, Ed.D. speaks with people who have lived in the school district their whole lives, he says they talk about the fact that their parents and even their grandparents used to talk about how the community was worried that they would lose our school district because of how small it is and how many other bigger school districts surround the area. But there is pride in the fact they are still here. The group of people who have come together to have this celebration did this out of pride for what the school district represents and they truly want to celebrate with everyone how much our district has overcome to provide a great place for our students and our community to be.
They will have tours, concessions, displays, yearbooks, and will host a roundtable discussion for people to share their memories of the White Lake School District. There is so much history here and there will be something of interest to just about anyone. After there will be the ceremony for the graduating class of 2023.
During the ceremony, they will have four speakers who are graduates of the White Lake School District who will share their memories and thoughts about White Lake. Following the ceremony, Amanda Hatch has organized a celebration which will be hosted at the White Lake Historical Society property. There will be two live bands, food and beverages, raffles, and there will be t-shirts sold commemorating the event.
This event is open to anyone; it is not specific to graduates or even just former staff members. They really, truly, want this to be a celebration for what the White Lake School District is and has been; and how the school district has impacted the entire area. So all are welcome!
In 1923, this building held its first graduation ceremony. Not too many places can say that!
Please join the community in a Celebration of 100 years
Meet & Greet Social Gathering: 10:30am – 1:00pm
100th Graduation Ceremony: 1:00pm-2:00pm (Big Gym)
All Alumni Class Reunion- 3:00pm – 9:00pm (White Lake Historical Society-Bissell St)
• 6:00pm- The Deadmen featuring hits from the 90’s – Today
• Food Sold by the White Lake Star PTO and White Lake Athletic
• Beverages Sold by: The Wolf River Fire Department
• 50/50 Ticket Raffle by: The White Lake Fire Department
• Lemonade Sold by: The White Lake Little League
• T-Shirts Sales provided by: One Shot Graphix (Alumnus Sam Wickersheim)
For More Information visit our Facebook Page: White Lake High School 100th Graduation/All Class Alumni Reunion Call Amanda at 715-216-0980 or Email:
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