Call for White Lake Photos, Memories and Stories
White Lake will celebrate its Centennial Year, 1916-2016, in 2016. As part of this celebration, the White Lake Area Historical Society has begun work and planning for a memory book of community information, events, photos, stories and memories of living and growing up in White Lake. The book will feature the photos and events by decade.
The Historical Society is looking for additional information and photos to include in this book. If you would like to share some of your photos, memories and stories of family and friends, the Society will welcome them. There are three options for sharing these photos, etc. Please send to WLAHS, P.O. Box 92, White Lake, WI 54491. Other options are to scan and send them to [email protected] or drop them off at the White Lake Historical Center on Wednesdays from 10 to 3. Please share by January 31, 2016.
The Society will try to include as many photos, etc. as possible from the families and friends of the White Lake community. Original photos and information will be returned, if you so indicate.