Governor Walker approves improvement project at the Crandon/Steve Conway Municipal Airport
For Antigo Times
Governor Scott Walker has approved a $70,000 project to design a six-bay “t-hangar” building and crack fill airport pavements.
According to Matt Malicki, airport development engineer with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), the t-hangar will allow the airport to rent or lease hangar space to airport tenants and will support based aircraft at the airport. The crack filling is necessary to seal cracks on the airport pavements to prevent deterioration from moisture, extending the useful life of the pavement.
Funding Breakdown
- State = $500
- City of Crandon = $6,500
- Federal Aviation Administration = $63,000
Work began on the design project in January 2016 and should have been completed by March 2016; and the crack fill project is scheduled to begin in June and will take several days to complete. The airport will be shut down during the crack filling work.
Crandon/Steve Conway Municipal Airport is one of 98 facilities included in the Wisconsin State Airport System Plan, which makes it eligible for state and federal funding. Airport improvement projects are administered through WisDOT’s Bureau of Aeronautics.