Updates from the Langlade County Senior Center
For the Antigo Times
It is time to start thinking about the holidays – cooking, baking and wrapping presents. When you need a break from all the stress, take a drive and check out the Langlade County Senior Center at 1225 Langlade Road. There is exercise, bingo, cards, handicrafts and music.
Every Monday and Wednesday at 9 AM, there is arthritis exercise, while Tuesday and Thursdays (9 AM) is “Strong Bones.” Come and try these exercises with Kathy and her group.
Coffee and conversation are every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 – 11 AM. Come bring a friend and have coffee while discussing new ideas with friends. A puzzle is always set up to be worked on.
Bingo will be held November 1st and 15th starting at 1 PM. Every Thursday at 1 PM, card playing is held. Stone Soup Bros. Band will play on Friday the 3rd, 10th and 17th of this month. Come visit with Garland, Mel and Ron.
The Center will be closed from November 19th – 27th for all to enjoy Thanksgiving and deer hunting. We at the Center are thankful for a place to hold out events and get to know new friends.
On Wednesday, November 19th, a trip to Marshfield is being planned to see the Festival of Lights. The trip is limited to 20 people. Center members get preference cost of $30. Please call (715) 627-6632 for more information.