WisDOT North Central Region Road Construction Update #16
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) North Central Region provides weekly road construction updates for the following counties in North Central Wisconsin: Adams, Green Lake, Florence, Forest, Iron, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Marquette, Menominee, Oneida, Portage, Price, Shawano, Vilas, Waupaca, Waushara, and Wood counties.
Construction schedules may fluctuate pending favorable weather conditions and crew availability. This update can be found at: https://projects.511wi.gov/weeklyupdates-nc/
Adams County
Highway: WIS 82
Location: WIS 13 to County B
Schedule: April 12, 2021 to October 2021
Project ID: 1430-01-77
Week of August 2: Crews will start paving the eastbound lane.
Week of August 9: Crews will finish paving the eastbound lane and start shoulder work.
Traffic impacts: WIS 82 is closed. Traffic is detoured via WIS 13, WIS 23, and I-39. Access to residents and businesses along the corridor will be maintained throughout the project.
Website: https://projects.511wi.gov/wis82-cth-b-wis13/
Forest County
Highway: WIS 32 (NEW)
Location: Forest Avenue in Wabeno to US 8 in Laona
Schedule: August 9, 2021 for 55 working days
Project ID: 9130-03-73
Length: 8.6 miles
Cost: $5,771,792
Prime Contractor: Northeast Asphalt, Inc.
Description: Crews will pulverize the existing roadway and reuse for aggregate. Crews will then place 5 inches of asphalt and stabilize 400 feet of slope just north of Round Lake Road.
Week of August 2: None until work begins on August 9.
Week of August 9: Crews will work on grading and pavement removal.
Traffic impacts: WIS 32 and all intersecting roads will remain open to traffic. Motorists will encounter single lane closures and flagging operations. Work is restricted during the following occasions:
- Labor Day and Crandon World Championship Off-Road Races, from noon Friday, September 3 to 6 a.m. Tuesday, September 7.
Forest and Florence Counties
Highway: WIS 101
Location: From US 8 in Armstrong Creek to Woods Creek Road in Fern
Schedule: Work is tentatively scheduled to begin August 2, 2021 with completion in October 2021.
Project ID: 9304-11-70/9304-12-70
Project description: The project consists of 16 culvert replacements, curb and gutter replacements, cable guard replacement, milling, shoulder widening, and an asphalt pavement overlay.
Week of August 2: Crews will set up traffic control, cut pavement and remove curb and gutter.
Tentative traffic impacts for week of August 2: Traffic will be reduced to a single lane with flagging for curb removal and saw cutting operations (Thursday and Friday only).
Week of August 9: Culvert pipe and curb and gutter replacement.
Tentative traffic impacts for week of August 9: WIS 101 will be closed starting on August 9 from Frydrych Road to Woods Creek Road for culvert replacements. Local traffic will be allowed as signed. Traffic will be detoured via US 8, WIS 139, and WIS 70.
Forest and Vilas Counties
Highway: WIS 70 (NEW)
Location: From US 45 to Divide Road
Schedule: August 2, 2021 to October 15, 2021
Project ID: 9080-14-75
Length: 12.71 miles
Cost: $2,792,621
Prime Contractor: Pitlik and Wick
Project description: This project consists of removing and replacing the asphalt surface. Several culverts will also be replaced in-kind.
Week of August 2: Traffic control set up and construction staking will begin. Two culverts and various curb and gutter sections will be replaced.
Week of August 9: Pavement removal and replacement begins.
Overall traffic impacts: WIS 70 will remain open to traffic. Motorists can expect to encounter flagging operations and daytime temporary lane shifts will be in use.
Iron County
Highway: US 51/US 2
Location: US 2 from State Line Road in town of Kimball to the Michigan State line and US 51 from the rest stop in Hurley through the intersection with US 2
Schedule: May 3, 2021 to October 28, 2021
Project ID: 1175-21-71
Week of August 2: Crews will remove pavement along southbound US 51, install storm sewer, and continue grading.
Week of August 9: Crews will continue grading, place base course, and finish storm sewer. Crews will install electrical conduit and begin constructing concrete curb and gutter.
Traffic impacts:
- Bidirectional traffic will be in the westbound US 2 lanes utilizing crossovers east and west of project limits for USH 2 east and west bound traffic
- US 51 traffic will continue to access US 2 on the temporary roadway with a “T” intersection with US 2
- Traffic is reduced to a speed limit of 45 mph along US 2
Website: https://projects.511wi.gov/us251rab/
Highway: US 2
Location: County B to the Michigan state line (adjacent to the roundabout project)
Schedule: This project is complete.
Project ID: 1185-03-71
Website: https://projects.511wi.gov/us2resurface/
Langlade County
Highway: WIS 64/WIS 52
Location: From US 45 in Antigo to Clover Road in Antigo and the bridge over Spring Brook near Hafemeister Lane
Schedule: May 24, 2021 to October 31, 2021
Project ID: 9140-12-70/73
Week of August 2: Crews will place pavement on the eastbound lane, place shoulder gravel, install eastbound beam guard, install temporary pavement marking, install barrier block on eastbound lane and switch traffic to the eastbound lane.
Week of August 9: Crews will remove beam guard, remove the old structure, and excavate on the north side of the structure.
Overall traffic impacts: WIS 64/WIS 52 traffic is restricted to a single lane with temporary signals at Spring Brook bridge. Traffic will utilize the westbound lane through the work zone. WIS 64/WIS 52 traffic will maintain a minimum 10-foot-wide lane during construction.
Highway: WIS 64
Location: County P to the Oconto County line and bridge over Wolf River in Langlade
Schedule: July 28, 2021 to October 10, 2021
Project ID: 9140-12-74/71
Project description: Remove and replace asphalt pavement and culvert replacements. A new concrete surface will be installed on the Wolf River bridge.
Week of August 2 and August 9: Crews will be sawing pavement, culvert installation between County P and WIS 55, and remove and replace the expansion joints on the bridge over the Wolf River.
Overall traffic impacts: Single lane closure with flagging and temporary signals at the bridge in Langlade. WIS 64 will be open to two lanes with no shoulder closures or milled surfaces for the Wolfman Triathlon in September.
Lincoln County
Highway: US 51 northbound and southbound
Location: From the Marathon/Lincoln County line in Pine River to County K (Exit 211) in Merrill
Schedule: July 19, 2021 to November 2022
Project ID: 1176-22-72/73
Week of August 2: Grading crews will be on site completing crossover widening areas. Asphalt paving crews will be on site paving crossover widening areas. Milling crews will be on site milling the existing crossovers in preparation of paving crews paving asphaltic surface the following week. Survey crews will be on site performing topographic survey to complete information gathering for project roadway profile design.
Traffic impacts for week of August 2: Traffic will be reduced to one lane in both directions on US 51 from 6 a.m. Monday to noon on Friday from the Marathon County/Lincoln County line to County K. Southbound US 51 may be reduced to one lane until 5 p.m. Saturday.
Week of August 9: Crews will complete the top layer of asphalt on all the median crossovers, grading crews will follow, placing shoulder gravel on the newly paved crossovers. Landscaping crews will be on site restoring crossover grading areas. Crews will also install beam guard on the north side of the northbound US 51 bridge over WIS 64.
Traffic impacts for week of August 9: Traffic will be reduced to one lane in both directions on US 51 from 6 a.m. Monday to noon on Friday from the Marathon County/Lincoln County line to County K. Southbound US 51 may be reduced to one lane until 5 p.m. Saturday.
Website: https://projects.511wi.gov/us51nbsb/
Highway: US 51/County Q Bridge
Location: Exit 205, Merrill
Schedule: August 9, 2021 to October 13, 2021
Project ID: 1176-22-60
Week of August 9: Anticipated work includes installation of temporary traffic signals, installation of temporary concrete barrier, installation of erosion control, removing guardrail, and replacement of existing expansion joints.
Traffic impacts: County Q will be down to a single lane while the US 51 off ramps and County Q traffic will utilize temporary trailer mounted traffic signals.
Marathon County
Highway: WIS 107
Location: Between WIS 153 and County B
Schedule: August 2, 2021 to September 30, 2021
Project ID: 6360-06-70
Description: Crews will remove and replace the surface layer of asphalt on WIS 107 from WIS 153 to County B. A large culvert pipe running under WIS 107 between Soda Creek Road and Town Road will be replaced. Several other culverts along WIS 107 will have repairs and maintenance done on them. All beam guard on the project will be replaced and updated.
Week of August 2: Crews will install message boards to notify the public of the upcoming WIS 107 closure. Crews will install traffic control and erosion control, perform construction staking, and sawing asphalt as needed.
Week of August 9: Crews will close WIS 107 from Soda Creek Road to Town Road for a culvert pipe replacement. Crews will replace curb and gutter at the intersection of County N and WIS 107
Overall traffic impacts:
- WIS 107 will be open to traffic except during a culvert replacement between Soda Creek Road and Town Road, scheduled for the week of August 9. Lane closures will be permitted with the use of flaggers.
- The large culvert replacement between Soda Creek Road and Town Road will require a closure and detour scheduled to begin August 9 and continue to August 20. Motorists will utilize WIS 153, WIS 97, and WIS 29.
- Driveway and side road access will be maintained throughout the project.
Highway: Business 51
Location: (Grand Avenue) WI Central Ltd. Railroad Bridge, Wausau
Schedule: June 7 to September 13, 2021
Project ID: 6999-03-63
Week of August 2: Crews will move barriers, continue work on bridge deck and expansion joint.
Week of August 9: Crews will pour concrete on the bridge deck.
Traffic impacts: A maximum width of 13-feet applies for northbound Grand Avenue. Northbound traffic will be maintained on a single lane (northbound median lane). Both lanes of southbound Grand Avenue are back on the newly constructed southbound pavement.
- Pedestrians: Access will be maintained along the west side of Business 51 / Grand Avenue.
- Bicyclists: Southbound bicyclists will be maintained on Grand Avenue same as existing conditions. Northbound bicyclists will be detoured to Prospect Avenue at County N and back to Grand Avenue at East Thomas Street.
Website: https://projects.511wi.gov/wis52bus51wausau/
Menominee County
Highway: WIS 47
Location: Duquaine Road (BIA 334) to North Junction County VV and the bridge over the Wolf River
Schedule: April 12, 2021 to November 2021
Project ID: 9650-17-61/70
Week of August 2:
- Crews will continue grading between Fairgrounds Road and Rabbit Ridge
- Continue pouring sidewalk on WIS 47 northbound between Dodge Road and Chief Little Wave Road
- Begin light base installation between County VV (south) and WIS 55
- Pave asphalt on WIS 47 between Fairgrounds Road and Rabbit Ridge.
Week of August 9:
- Finish grading on WIS 47 between County VV (south) and Blacksmith Road
- Begin topsoil placement on WIS 47 northbound between Dodge Road and County VV (south)
- Finish pouring sidewalk along WIS 47 northbound between Dodge Road and Chief Little Wave Road
- Begin installation of sidewalk between County VV (South) and WIS 55
Traffic impacts:
- WIS 47 northbound between Duquaine Road and County VV (East) is closed
- Detour is Go Around Road to County VV to WIS 47
- Truck and oversized load detour will utilize WIS 22 in Shawano to WIS 29, US 45, and back to WIS 47
- Drivers can expect flagging operations between Fairgrounds Road and WIS 55
- Blacksmith Road at WIS 47 will be closed Friday, July 30
- South Lyons Road at WIS 47 will be closed Monday, August 2
Website: https://projects.511wi.gov/wis47menominee/
Oneida County
Highway: WIS 70
Location: Morgan Road to US 51, Minocqua
Project ID: 9070-05-73
Schedule: June 16, 2021 to August 2021
Description: The existing pavement will be removed and replaced with new asphalt pavement. Curb ramps will be replaced and upgraded to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. Spot repairs will be made to the existing curb and gutter, traffic signals, and inlets. Signs will be replaced. Thermoplastic will be added at two snowmobile crossings.
Week of August 2: Crews will work on remaining concrete pedestrian ramps, pavement markings, thermoplastic snowmobile crossings, and electrical work.
Week of August 9: Crews will work on punch list items.
Traffic Impacts: Single lane closures in each direction with left turn lanes at intersections open. Turn lanes will be maintained as possible but will need to be shut down to do intersection work.
Website: https://projects.511wi.gov/wis70oneida/
Portage County
Highway: Business 51 (Post Road)
Location: Springville Drive to Tommy’s Turnpike
Schedule: April 2021 through October 2022
Project ID: 6414-00-79
Week of August 2: Crews will continue filling operations and rip rap placement to widen the roadway and dam along the east side of the causeway from Springville Drive to Rainbow Drive.
Week of August 9: Crews will continue filling operations and rip rap placement to widen the roadway and dam along the east side of the causeway from Springville Drive to Rainbow Drive. Crews will begin excavation for the infiltration Pond along the north side of Patton Drive for placement as fill along the east side of the causeway.
Traffic impacts:
- A full, 21-day closure of Post Road is tentatively scheduled to begin August 14 to complete the box culvert work that is part of the Springville Pond structure. Post Road will be closed just north of Springville Drive to just south of Rainbow Drive. Traffic will be detoured using County HH, I-39, and County B. Pedestrian access will be closed between Rainbow Drive and Springville Drive for the first 10 days of the closure.
- Business 51 northbound and southbound lanes are reduced to a single lane in each direction from Springville Drive to Rainbow Drive.
- Traffic is currently shifted to the west side of the roadway in the existing southbound lanes from Springville Drive to Rainbow Drive.
- Springville Drive is closed at the east side intersection with Post Road.
- Rainbow Drive is closed at the east side intersection with Post Road.
Pedestrian impacts: A sidewalk closure is scheduled to begin as early as August 18 for 10 days between Rainbow Drive and Springville Drive. The closure is required to install a new culvert. Pedestrian access will not be maintained.
Website: https://projects.511wi.gov/business51/
Highway: WIS 66 (NEW)
Location: I-39 to Stevens Point Municipal Airport
Schedule: Begin August 2, 2021 for 30 working days
Project ID: 6280-02-74
Cost: $826,466
Prime Contractor: S and N Incorporated
Week of August 2: Traffic control/lane closure set up, shoulder widening, grading, temporary asphalt widening, pavement removal, curb and gutter removal, grading work, and construction staking.
Traffic impacts for week of August 2: Outside shoulder closure scheduled for Monday through Wednesday. Inside lane closure scheduled for Thursday through August 20.
Week of August 9: Pavement removal, curb and gutter removal, grading work, and pour concrete curb and gutter.
Traffic impacts for week of August 2: Inside lane closure.
Shawano County
Highway: WIS 29
Location: County U intersection, town of Herman
Schedule: June 28, 2021 to October 14, 2021
Project ID: 1058-02-73
Week of August 2: Temporary asphalt pavement will be placed for the temporary widening of WIS 29 eastbound lane. Crews will place gravel and temporary pavement markings.
Traffic impacts for week of August 2: A speed reduction is in place throughout the project limits. On July 31, a traffic switch will be made. Westbound traffic will utilize the crossovers and bi-directional traffic will be in effect through the construction zone on the WIS 29 eastbound lanes. A width restriction of 11 feet will be in place. The County U south intersection will be opened to traffic, while County U north intersection will be closed to traffic.
Week of August 9: Grading will continue on westbound WIS 29 with the removal of the existing pavement and grading in the median for the new J-turn intersection. Drainage items and electrical items will be installed with temporary erosion control as needed.
Traffic impacts for week of August 9: A speed reduction is in place throughout the project limits. Westbound traffic will utilize the crossovers and bi-directional traffic will be in effect through the construction zone on the WIS 29 eastbound lanes. A width restriction of 11 feet will be in effect. County U north intersection will be closed.
Website: https://projects.511wi.gov/wis29countyu/
Highway: WIS 117 (NEW)
Location: Mutzy Lane to WIS 22
Schedule: August 6, 2021 to October 4, 2021
Project ID: 9220-04-73
Cost: $1.3 Million
Length: 4.2 miles
Prime Contractor: Northeast Asphalt
Description: This is a pavement resurfacing project. Work includes removing the existing asphalt pavement and resurfacing with new hot mix asphalt. Cross culverts and guard rail will be replaced, and new pavement markings installed.
Week of August 2: Crews will install erosion and traffic control.
Traffic impacts for week of August 2: No impacts until Friday, August 6. WIS 117 will be remain open to traffic but will be reduced to one lane in the immediate area of operations with the use of flagging during daylight hours.
Week of August 9: Crews plan on sawing pavement and installing cross culverts. One lane of traffic will be maintained at culvert replacement locations with the use of flagging operations.
Traffic impacts for week of August 9: WIS 117 will be remain open to traffic but will be reduced to one lane in the immediate area of operations with the use of flagging during daylight hours.
Waupaca County
Highway: WIS 22
Location: From north junction County N in Manawa to US 45 in Bear Creek
Schedule: July 16, 2021 to September 10, 2021
Project ID: 6590-02-76
Cost: $2,760,693
Prime Contractor: American Asphalt
Length: 12.16 miles
Description: The project includes removing two-inches of asphalt pavement and placing two-inches of new asphalt pavement, beam guard reconstruction at Blake Creek and the Little Wolf River, five culvert replacements, and two curb ramp upgrades in Symco. The work will also include replacing two wing-walls at one box culvert.
Week of August 2: Crews will finish pouring concrete curb and gutter and sidewalk in the town of Symco. Crews will complete removal and replacement of two culvert pipes: one between Dump Lane and Hemlock Road and the other between Nicholson Road and County T.
Week of August 9: Crews will complete removal and replacement of one culvert between Pine Grove Road and US 45/WIS 76. Crews will begin paving.
Traffic impacts: Single lane closures with flaggers will occur at various locations of WIS 22 from Fuhs Road to US 45.
No work will be performed during:
- Symco Hotrod and Kustom Weekender, from 6 a.m. Friday, August 13 to 6 a.m. Monday, August 16.
- Labor Day, noon on Friday, September 3 to 6 a.m. Tuesday, September 7.
Waushara County
Highway: WIS 21/WIS 22/WIS 73
Location: Between Plainfield and Wautoma
- WIS 73: 1,450-ft east of 5th Avenue in the town of Plainfield to the intersection of WIS 73/WIS 21/WIS 22 in the city of Wautoma.
- WIS 21/WIS 22: From the intersection of WIS 73/WIS 21/WIS 22 in the city of Wautoma to the intersection of WIS 21/WIS 22 in the city of Wautoma.
Schedule: June 14, 2021 to August 20, 2021
Project ID: 6170-00-61/6310-00-60/6321-00-72
Week of August 2: Crews will continue pavement removal and replacement in Wautoma and Plainfield, install temporary pavement markings, place new gravel on shoulders, install guardrail and culvert liners on WIS 73.
Traffic impacts for week of August 2: Motorists can expect single lane closures with flagging operations during day-time hours. Traffic can also expect single lane closures in Wautoma and Plainfield during milling/paving operations.
Week of August 9: Crews will continue shoulder work and install guardrail. Crews will also install centerline rumble strips.
Traffic impacts for week of August 9: Motorists can expect single lane closures with flagging operations during day-time hours
Highway: WIS 22
Location: Marquette County line/County JJ in the town of Dakota to WIS 21 West/West Division Street in the city of Wautoma
Schedule: This project is complete.
Project ID: 6150-00-72
Website: https://projects.511wi.gov/wis22resurface/
Highway: WIS 73
Location: From 4th Court to 5th Avenue in the town of Plainfield and the WIS 73 ramps to and from I-39
Schedule: April 12, 2021 to August 27, 2021
Project ID: 1160-00-79/6321-00-71
Week of August 2: Complete concrete pavement and install curb and gutter on northbound WIS 73 and I-39 southbound off ramp and northbound on ramps. Pave asphalt shoulders and place gravel on I-39 southbound off and northbound on ramp.
Week of August 9: Crews will shift 5th Avenue traffic to the east half of the intersection, grade the west half of the 5th Avenue intersection, construct concrete pavement on the west half of the 5th Avenue intersection, complete northbound WIS 73 grading, and pave asphalt shoulders on northbound WIS 73.
Traffic impacts: Traffic is shifted onto the southbound lanes and temporary widenings. A 12-foot width restriction remains in place.
- The I-39 southbound off ramp and northbound on ramp at WIS 73 (Exit 136) is closed until Tuesday, August 3.
- Southbound I-39 traffic wanting to access WIS 73 will be detoured via southbound I-39 to County V (Exit 131) to northbound I-39 back to WIS 73.
- WIS 73 traffic wanting to access I-39 northbound will be detoured via southbound I-39 to County V (Exit 131) to northbound I-39.
For more information regarding traffic impacts, transportation news and improvement project updates in Wisconsin’s North Central region:
- Follow us on Twitter: @WisDOTNorthCent
- View traffic cameras, lane closures and more at www.511wi.gov