Antigo Police Department – Driver Information
Turning at Intersections
Wisconsin state statute defines how to correctly turn left and right while at an intersection with center line markings, a commonly forgotten skill for most drivers. When making a right turn at an intersection, the turn shall be made as closely as practical to the right hand edge or curb of the roadway. While making a left hand turn, the turn should be made closest to the right of the center line. In other words, while turning right, your vehicle must stay in the outside lane closest to the curb, you cannot simply pull out into the inside lane next to the center line. The same can be said about making left hand turns. You must turn and stay next to the center line in the inside lane. You cannot turn left and travel into the outside lane next to the curb.
As always, when making any type of turn, always use your vehicles turn signals unless there is no other traffic that will be affected by your turn.